bible study

Bible studies, printables, downloads, guides, and more to help you dig more deeply into the Word of God
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How to Wait Well and Live with Integrity [James Study Week 11, James 5:7-12] — Sarah J. Hauser
How to Wait Well and Live with Integrity [James Study, James 5:7-12] Learn what it looks like to suffer with patience and live with integrity. Read more at | Sarah J. Hauser #biblestudy #james #suffering
How to Live Out Our Faith Through Prayer and Community
Living Out Our Faith through Prayer and in Community [James Study Week 12, James 5:13-20] Does prayer really work? How can we encourage each other in our faith? Learn more in this study of James at | Sarah J. Hauser #james #biblestudy #prayer #community #accountability #healing
Learning to be brave when motherhood feels scary... | motherhood
My daughter has shown me what bravery looks like. She’s shown me resilience. She’s shown me how to take the pain that’s handed to you and keep going, even when you’re scared. Read more from Sarah J. Hauser.
What causes quarrels and fights?
How can we cultivate Christian community? How can we avoid quarrels and fights? Learn more in this study of James 4. [James Study Week 9, James 4:1-12] Read more of this bible study on James at | Sarah J. Hauser #biblestudy #james
Plans, Possessions, and the Kingdom of God [James Study Week 10, James 4:13-5:6] — Sarah J. Hauser |
We can easily get bitter when plans don't go our way. But what does God call us to do? How do we handle it when life doesn't go our way? Read more in this post on the book of James at! | Sarah J. Hauser #james #biblestudy #faith #scripture
Finding Healing in the Wounds of Christ
So many of us are hurting. We’re feeling wounded and broken in a thousand ways. But God does something about our wounds—and he does it through the wounds of Christ. Dig deeper into Isaiah 53 this season to see how the wounds of Christ heal our own. It’s a free study you won’t want to miss. Learn more at | Sarah J. Hauser #biblestudy #isaiah53 #grief #suffering #encouragement
Sing the Wounds
How can we sing in the midst of suffering? It seems impossible at times, but we have a God who does the impossible. Sign up for this free study of Isaiah 53 to see how we can sing of the wounds of Christ–and even our own wounds. Learn more at | Sarah J. Hauser #biblestudy #isaiah53 #grief #suffering #encouragement
Sing the Wounds
Join me for a five-week study of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 called “Sing the Wounds." The study will run from March 7-April 4, and in this text, we’ll see that the wounds of Christ are wounds that heal our own–and so we can rejoice. We can sing. We can find hope in our suffering.
Finding Healing in the Wounds of Christ
So many of us are hurting. We’re feeling wounded and broken in a thousand ways. But God does something about our wounds—and he does it through the wounds of Christ. Dig deeper into Isaiah 53 this season to see how the wounds of Christ heal our own. It’s a free study you won’t want to miss. Learn more at | Sarah J. Hauser #biblestudy #isaiah53 #grief #suffering #encouragement
Sing the Wounds
How can we sing in the midst of suffering? It seems impossible at times, but we have a God who does the impossible. Sign up for this free study of Isaiah 53 to see how we can sing of the wounds of Christ–and even our own wounds. Learn more at | Sarah J. Hauser #biblestudy #isaiah53 #grief #suffering #encouragement
Plans, Possessions, and the Kingdom of God [James Study Week 10, James 4:13-5:6] — Sarah J. Hauser |
We can easily get bitter when plans don't go our way. We can also be selfish with our possessions. But what does God call us to do? Read more in this post on the book of James at! | Sarah J. Hauser #james #biblestudy #faith #scripture
How to Celebrate the Last Supper as a Family
Have you ever celebrated the last supper as a family? We can use this as a time to teach our kids the truth of Jesus' death and resurrection. Learn more and get a guide for how to do it at! | Sarah J. Hauser #holyweek #easter #teachingkids #bibleteaching
The Goodness of God When the Holidays Hurt — Sarah J. Hauser | nourish your soul
The Goodness of God When the Holidays Hurt - A message of hope and encouragement this advent season at | Sarah J. Hauser #grief #loss #advent #holidays #lament #scripture
The Power of Prayer | James 5
All of our prayers come under the sovereign will of God. But do we actually believe prayer is powerful? Do we actually believe we serve the same God as Elijah—and that we have access through prayer to our God? Learn more about the power of prayer at | Sarah J. Hauser #prayer #scripture #james #biblestudy
Finding Healing in the Wounds of Christ
So many of us are hurting. We’re feeling wounded and broken in a thousand ways. But God does something about our wounds—and he does it through the wounds of Christ. Dig deeper into Isaiah 53 this season to see how the wounds of Christ heal our own. It’s a free study you won’t want to miss. Learn more at | Sarah J. Hauser #biblestudy #isaiah53 #grief #suffering #encouragement