Aldi meal plan

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Came across this idea as I was looking for a place to freeze the balls without getting crushed. Eggs carton is easy to measure how much meat you have also.
cheap meals for family
a delicious and cheap dish for a large family by @kennedychugg a on Tik Tok #cheapmeals #food #cooking #cookingonabudget #tasty #cheaprecipes #joshuaweissman #satbawlpro #budgetmeals #frugal #cheapmealideas #budget #kwoowk #healthymeals #recipes
Grocery Haul and Meal Plan - Week 7 - Organizational Toast
Wow! I only spent $57 on our meal plan for the week at ALDI! Chcek out my grocery list and meal plan to see exactly what I bought to stay under budget and how I shopped my pantry and used leftovers to make this happen!