All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Improved licence enrichment for dataset
- #652: missing translation
- RT#235731: failed to submit manuscript via ArXiv.
- Cancelling a file download does not work.
- Website resources: the file to be downloaded is saved repeatedly each time the page is refreshed.
- It is no longer possible to delete files attached to the temporary version.
- Metadata updates will take account of author enrichment, except for arXiv articles.
- It is now possible to select a new version when the article status is: Copy ed.: final version submitted, waiting for validation
- Version panel: temporary versions are now labeled as temporary
- It is now possible to attach a data/software descriptor to a submission if the submission type is Dataset or Software.
- New script to auto-declare conflicts of interest for journals activating the feature with an important backlog of articles
- New button on volume pages to download all the PDF files at once with a single PDF file (at the moment only available after login)
- The response to a modification request via "Contact without sending a new version" did not appear on the article page.
- Wrong links for the Dataverse repository with versioned datasets
- The graphical abstract was no longer displayed
- Volume's metadata was displayed twice
- A script to generate sitemaps for the sites using the new UI/UX
- The graphical abstract is no longer displayed.
- When the "conflict of interest" option is activated reviewers are no longer visible for articles which the absence of conflict has been confirmed.
- The small logo to the left of each article's permanent identifier will only appear if at least one conflict has been confirmed (Nb. If you hover over this logo, you will see the number of conflicts reported for that article)
- Failed to change email address for user profiles without affiliations.
- classifications and project title metadata in the document's JSON export.
- improved scripts for importing and processing classifications
- [RT#229027]: Multiple files attached to the temporary version: only one file is visible on the article page.
- Prevent having empty roles when the last user role is deleted
- In some cases, the translated 'name' and translated 'subject' of the email template may be lost when they are modified
- #625: 'contact tech support' field has been removed (not used).
- Citations are sometimes not retrieved
- Linked Datasets
- fixed display of swhids for snapshots + revisions
- fixed delete button not working with multiple links in same category
- fixed no confirmation message in confirmation modal
- fixed duplicate HTML id elements
- fixed style of forms, use bootstrap
- used vanilla JS and fetch API instead of Jquery and xmlhttprequest to delete links
- added missing translations
- Authors affiliation management: use bootstrap style for select
- Update dependency geoip2/geoip2 to v3: todo: downloading databases:
- #506: Fixed wrong photo displayed when switching profiles.
- Fixed missing volume title when updating metadata from an Episciences journal to HAL.
- #555: improved conflict of interest explanations and translations
- Users who have already validated their profile on one of the journals can connect to another without having to validate their profile on that journal (even if they don't have one) #567: random message recipients.
- #513: Periodic Reminder E-Mails to Editors | editors-in-chief for 'Reviewed' and 'Submitted' articles
- Metadata Export to JSON: include article's citations.
- Created an Opaque UID for users using UUID
- Profile photo is now stored according to the user's UUID.
- Script to generate user's UUID.
- New settings for the journals:
- 'Publisher'
- 'Publisher location'
- The values are exported to OpenAIRE and the DOAJ (not supported by Crossref)
- Button to be redirected to the Episciences bibliographic extraction application to import bibtex
- Using COAR Notify with HAL and Episciences to notify HAL of metadata updates for published articles.
- Added in ZBJATS: export bibliographical references from bibtex import
- Added button to redirect to Episciences citation management software without extracting form PDF
- #418 Enable edition of relationship and type for the linked data
- Public representation of a document in JSON format (@see /json?v=2)
- #475 feature to add biography to profile
- #476 feature to add years in volumes forms
- Functionality for migrating news to the new sql news table
- Tinymce toolbar: make headings available
- New field in volume form (volume number)
- #534 feature graphical abstract
- Automatic discovery of JEL Classification for published articles, with OpenAIREAPI service
- Automatic discovery of MSC2020 Classification for published articles, with zbMATH Open API service
- Automatic discovery of Reviews on published articles, with zbMATH Open API service
- UI/UX: improvements to the editing form and the creation of reminders
- Bump tinymce to latest version (7.2.0)
- Crossref export:
- For conference proceedings the title and original_language_title elements have been removed from proceedings_metadata: they are not authorised here
- ROR added to the schema (did not work on the previous version)
- classification of keywords by language
- #241 show users roles in mailing popup
- #531 enhances volumes form translations
- #607:
- fixed: the two tags '%COMMENT%%' and '%%ANSWER%%' have identical content.
- improvement: the attachment with the original comment is now attached to the reply.
- #564: Fixed and changed French label in journal settings
- #547: Ask for other editors opinion: select | deselect all option.
- COAR notifications from HAL: resubmit the same version as a new version.
- #585: The history of manually sent emails is not visible when the "Conflict of Interest" option is enabled.
- #580 zbMATH Open export: Authors: add affiliations and ORCIDs
- Volume names are not translated in the volume drop-down list on the reviewing grids list page.
- #543: Not translate select options
- #546: Editors with different local default date formats cannot update the revision deadline.
- #571: The number of days before the review deadline was calculated incorrectly (one day difference).
- Ability to block the automatic transfer of a submission from HAL
- #510: Completing label updates, fixed label starting with a character outside the [a-z] range;
- #510: update the label 'Reviewed' to 'Reviewed pending editorial decision';
- 512: is now possible to introduce a revision deadline at a later date if the publisher has not indicated a revision deadline (optional) when sending the request for revision.
- #511 Do not filter out comments with no message when getting the suggestions form the comment manager.
- Do not filter out comments with no message when getting the suggestions form the comment manager.
- #507: Can't change URLs / HTML in email templates
- #511:Do not filter out comments with no message when getting the suggestions form the comment manager.
- #508: Submission notification parameter: Only the selected roles will receive the notification, If no option is checked, the notification is sent to everyone.
- #509: Pixelated photos (Editorial Staff members page)
- Fixed missing spaces with volumes and section on references for arXiv
- Fixed a bug related to temporary versions with Zenodo:
- Unable to enter the identifier when submitting a new version
- submitting a new version results in an error message "the version of the article to be updated must be greater than the previous version".
- #472[Bug Report] English translation missing: Proposer dans le volume #472
- Duplicated submission when automatically transferring a new version from HAL.
- Add the latest publications to any page by inserting '' to the HTML source code of a page (same content as /browse/latest page)
- Reallocation of a previously allocated doi.
- Resetting the position of a paper in a volume will not work if the paper is removed from the volume.
- #469 [Bug Report] Add ORCID for an author with apostrophe in the name is broken into two
- Allow the assignment of a DOI to a temporarily accepted article
- Automatic numbering of bibliographical references, increased padding between references
- Updated application's requirements to PHP 8.1.* . All application dependencies were updated accordingly
- Section's translations are now stored in database instead of server files
- DOI Content Negotiation support for linked data automatically obtained when submitting or updating metadata + code refactoring
- Crossref Export: the unstructured reference is added with the DOI. Previously it was either DOI or the unstructured
- Scholexplorer API usage: The automated script to discover related datasets to published articles now only handle Datasets
- #431: A link from the peer review result page to the article's administration page.
- Using Citation Style Language and APIs we now retrieve and display the text of the references added for datasets, software, HAL Ids, SWHID, arXiv Ids)
- two new statistical indicators ( Submission-acceptance time, Submission-publication time) to the "At a glance" section.
- A new button as a shortcut access the Episciences bibliographic extraction application to import bibtex
- If the metadata of an Episciences publication hosted on HAL is updated, we now send a COAR notification to HAL to trigger an update of the metadata on HAL.
- ZBJATS export: bibliographical references from bibtex import are now also supported and exported
- #457: DOAJ fullText record gives an url that can't be accessed.
- SignPosting headers: fixed missing domain prefix for DOIs
- Taking into account the new value (3) after changing the authorised values in the user CAS table.
- #453: Show a more prominent error when there is a CSRF token error after the editor's comment has been sent.
- When a new version is transferred form HAL, the DOI assigned to the previous version is not restored in the new document.
- #449: related to #169: the author does not see the review (visible to the administrator but not to the author) on a non-editable version.
- #458 [Bug Report] Bibtex export volume name is malformed
- #446 and #448: Paper list drops some spaces in abstracts.
- #450: Fixed a server configuration issue for Theoretics
- #450: Open the target of the journal's logo in the same page/tab
- System has immediately send automatic reminders 'Unanswered reviewer invitation' following the invitation emails to reviewers: Make sure the invitation is sent x days [delay] later.
- Wrong display of titles and abstracts on the latest articles page: these will now be displayed in the main language [if available].
- delete a volume: add assigned papers error's message.
- Sorted paper by volume: include assigned papers to this one as a secondary volume
- #445: do not limit the number of papers per page to 10: the default limit (100) is used + acceptance date descending order.
- Exporting volumes in DOAJ format does not work for Secondary Volumes
- #423: fix typo Technical support Email.
- #443: In the templates (New version - author and co-author copy, New temporary version author and co-author copy) the tag %%PERMANENT_ARTICLE_ID%% is used, but it did not appear in the subject of the message.
- #443: no content for tags %%TAG_AUTHORS_NAMES%% and %%TAG_CONTRIBUTOR_FULL_NAME%%.
- The guest editor could not see the cover letter for version 2 and the reviewers' names (Revues/Reviews section) on the first version.
- Links to documentation : the "About version numbers" link url has changed and has not been updated.
- Browse by year: documents have been indexed by year of submission instead of year of publication
- Added an option to ignore statistics before a given date 434 now, except for users, the total number of submissions is the total number of articles published, indicators only include data after the date configured in the journal's settings. The feature is also handled by the Episciences API
- Submission form validation fails when replacing existing version.
- [Bug Report] Browse by authors or date: wrong links on the titles #435
- System has immediately send automatic reminders 'Unanswered reviewer invitation' following the invitation emails to reviewers.
- Fixed ORCID max length of user profiles
- Invite a new user form: make it possible to choose between two languages, even for uni-lingual sites & label renamed to 'Default Language'.
- [COAR Notify] processing of new versions + enhancements
- Improvements on the indexing process with Apache Solr
- Script ZBJATS : Skip documents which are not articles with a PDF, such as datasets
- Application error: Argument 1 passed to Episciences_Volume::setTitles() must be of the type array or null, string give.
- "false positive" for missing translations in logs.
- [COAR Notify] when processing several submission at the same time, notification of submissions were sent to wrong recipients
- [Acceptance date] During the publication process, if the article is accepted with a temporary version, then its acceptance date is that of the 1st temporary version. The problem did not exist on published articles.
- Citations of published papers: Improvement in obtaining the source journal from openAlex's response
- Typo 423
- Crossref export of bibliographical references: fixed unescaped HTML, added a log for XML errors
- Fix #417 Identifiers other than SWHID for Software solutions: remove domain prefixing SWH for all software, add the right domain for software (other than SWH), add correct domain for software in TEI
- 413: Crossref Export for bibliographical references when the reference has no DOI
- Wrong link to the paper's URL in the email template for paper's managers.
- Unable to submit a new version from Zenodo.
- The version number for articles "formatted by the author, awaiting final version" is no longer available: the feature could prevent the author from answering the request for a final version
- 322 manage closing mail author
- changing right to adding orcid when you're owner of paper (before was only for paper's managers)
- 133 Add default style for the accepted page
- New email template: inbox_paper_submission_author_copy: Your submission made via a preprint server - Author copy.
- #388: new option to require a deadline to be indicated when requesting a revision.
- #420: Add bibliographical references in zbjats export
- 414: volume page does not show volume description anymore
- 409: was automatically added to avery PIDs even if they were not DOIs
- 408"Update metadata" button seems to delete existing metadata
- Fixed Misleading error message about a document not found
- The bibliographic references panel is now hidden when empty
- Removed cache from OpenCitation API calls when the response is empty
- 394: Improvements to facilitate submissions.
New supported servers: Support for any data repositories powered by Dataverse. 2 examples are available: DaRUS (University of Stuttgart) and Recherche Data Gouv
New feature to automatically extract and manage bibliographical references with a new application
Reviewed and accepted bibliographical references will be exported to Crossref
New API available for journals and internal usage
It is possible to link documents with software, datasets and publications: Previously it was only available with documents hosted on HAL, the feature is now available for any repository, by adding the links on the document's page. As recommended, if the software is archived by Software Heritage and a SWHID is provided, a widget from Software Heritage may be displayed on the web page of the document, showing the archived repository
- Fixed #213: Supplementary material DOI cannot be indicated
- Closed #326: Accept SWHID reference on Episciences platform for software artifact
- Closed #327: Accept HAL reference on Episciences platform for software artifact
- Closed #328: Add a reference to the archived software artifact on reviewer's peer-reviewing form
- Closed #329: Add a reference to the archived software artifact on record landing page
- Closed #330: Add a reference to the archived software artifact on exported metadata (OpenAIRE, Crossref, etc.)
It is now possible to add a cover letter after the initial submission
Closed #367 Display revision deadlines and make them editable:
Author affiliations:
- Added the affiliation acronyms in Crossref DOI and TEI export formats
- Adding an affiliation from ROR: possibility to search by acronym
- Closed #374: ORCID and affiliations are retrieved from Zenodo
- Document types are now displayed on the document's page(ie preprint, article, ...)
- icon to make it easier to identify the user in revision requests section.
Statistics, 2 new indicators:
- The number of accepted articles (submitted in the same year) [A]
- Acceptance rate over the whole year [(A\S)x100] : [ A, S : the number of submissions over the whole year]
Internal updates:
- script to import volumes and volume metadata from journals translation files into the database
- .env file
- New version of Crossref Schema 4.3 -> 5.3 used for DOIs
Accept/reject an invitation: This action is now blocked with an alert message "This paper is under revision, it is useless to review it now."
Answer revision request: Closed #313:
- optional file attachment in "Contact without sending a new version" and "answer without any modifications".
UX: icon to make it easier to identify the user in revision requests section
Closed 323 change default label for home and Ethical charter
Switched to OpenAlex to obtain the text of citations
Template for datasets
Internal updates:
- Repositories config. is now stored in Database.
- Titles and descriptions volume's, titles and content metadata volumes are now stored as JSON
- Fixed #353 Adding a DOI to a proceeding volume does not save the DOI status
- Volumes & Sections list:
- display all available rows in the table (pagination disabled).
- using the search filter: in this case, drag & drop repositions all displayed items, making them appear at the top of the list
- bump jqueryui to 1.13.2
- refactoring : 'yarn encore prod' needed
- Display the total number of volumes / sections
- display all available rows in the table (pagination disabled). The pagination feature was conflicting with the drag and drop feature.
- using the search filter: in this case, drag & drop repositions all displayed items, making them appear at the top of the list
- bump jqueryui to 1.13.2
- Fixed #139 Put newly created volumes at the top of the list #139
- #392: Translations updated and fixed
- Fixed a bug updating dates for user profiles (User profile modification date updated automatically /!\
- Fixed a bug with feature "Re-invite this reviewer".
- Fixed a difference between the address displayed in the profile and the one displayed when the address was modified.
- Fixed Zenodo submissions following the major update of Zenodo on 2023-10-13.
- Fixed arXiv bibfeed
- Removed sorting option from volumes & sections tables, the feature was confusing and conflicting with another one: drag n drop to sort the volumes/sections
- The new section/volume is now inserted in the first position instead of the last.
- Sorting volumes and sections: drag and drop doesn't always work.
- The order of the papers was corrupted on the page listing the papers in a volume.
- Fixed a case where the button to send a response to the reviewer seems to be missing (RT#193137)
- News: translations were not updated when editing news
- #360: Improvement of the referees user experience.
- Automatic reminders: fixed incorrect management of dates
- Fixed translations of Volumes for Journals with only one locale defined as French
- Fixed English translation
- Refactoring to prevent error on temporary links
- DOI filter not working properly.
- #361: upload Temporary version dialog with no content
- [351] (#351): formatted files available on the copy editing section
- Display "revision contact comments" in "Revision requests" section.
- Fixed internal error: Use of undefined constant REVIEW_PATH
- Automated repeated reminders failed
- 133: wrong acceptance date and docUrl for tmp versions.
- 133 Added html classes and ids, removed useless H2 title
- 133: now all accepted items are included
- 133:
- the modification date previously displayed is replaced by the acceptance date
- a link to the article administration page has been added for editorial secretaries
- Fixed: #352 Augmenter la taille du champ adresse Mastodon / Increase the size of the Mastodon address field
- Administrator are now able to change the address of a user account for support.
- Export of metadata: use relative URLs
- API: list of publishing journals, added journal 'Code' in result
- Fixed export URLs
- Updates on label and download button size #342 Feature request: "Consult the article webpage"
- Conflict of interest: prevent sending email in CC in case of Conflict
- Revision requests section: Fixed wrong URL
- Author's suggestions: fixed: the choice of an editor for the article was not rendered
- Merged Share + Metadata export panels to save space
- New WYSIWYG editor version (editing toolbar for text areas) ; bumped from TinyMCE v4 to TinyMCE v6
- 278: In case an article has been refused: new option to allow forward automatically the message sent to the authors explaining the final decision made by the editor in charge.
- Share buttons for published articles now using We no longer rely on an external service for the feature
- Cancel a DOI assignment for the journal. The feature is available only with manual DOI assignment setting and until the DOI has been requested to Crossref.
- The user profile email update form will detect duplicate accounts and allow you to request merging duplicate accounts
- 283: new template pages for journal websites (credits, publishing-policies, ethical-charter)
- Automated Metadata Enrichment: for authors via HAL XML-TEI when using the metadata update button (OpenAire and HAL Metadata will automatically update)
- 95: Twitter and Mastodon support through user profiles. Possibility to share published papers via admin paper page. The feature will automatically mention the @user if they have added their username in their profile
- Journal may use a specific email alias for bounced emails sent by the platform. Using the new email alias requires a request to Episciences support team for setting up the recipients of the alias.
- COAR Inbox notifications: new script to initialize submissions, pending implementation on HAL
- It is now possible to use LemonLDAP::NG authentication. Pending the release of the new CCSD LemonLDAP::NG in production.
- Fixed [RT#186373]: in some situations, an article can be accepted several times. Now, the first date of acceptance will be taken into account.
- COAR Notify: ietf:cite-as as url for DOI
- OpenAIRE OAI metadata: include mandatory resource license
- [RT#184361]: a person with a conflict of interest may determine the identity of the article's reviewers by trial and error
- related to Allow post - accepting article revisions: "Contact without sending a new version" is now disabled when answer final version request
- now the version of the article can be modified only if its status is :
- submitted
- waiting for reviewing
- accepted
- published
- ready to publish
- approved by author - waiting for final publication
- statistics: the lower limit of years is now set at 2013
- Paper password registration failure
- [RT#182289]: reminders are ignored once the document is accepted.
- [RT#182641]: fixed a case where persons who have declared a conflict of interest are copied in the "Completed rating" e-mail sent to the editors of the article.
- Prevent repeated submission of Editor suggestions form : Force post method and add CSRF
- Prevent repeated submission of comment form
- Fix ignored form name parameter in comment form
- UI/UX add icon to make it easier to identify the user adding a comment
- Prevent multiple submissions of the same form
- Prevent injection when refusing a reviewer invitation with comments and in email history
- Support for autoincrement with DOI Patterns
- #325: the system allows accepting an invitation after it has been canceled
- #324: Updates to journal settings translations
- #315: missing translation
- #316: it is no longer necessary to validate / create an account before declining the invitation.
- 'Not enough reviewers - editor copy: editors' reminder: editors received the reminders before the deadline set in the reminder template configuration.
- Fixed errors when creating user accounts
- %%PERMANENT_ARTICLE_ID%% tag not replaced in the mail subject.
- #310: missing translation
- The visibility of the statistics dashboard is now configurable by journal (three possible options):
- Default (hidden)
- Public
- Administrator only
- New display group "Additional settings"
- Editing custom templates: loss of translations (wrong journal's translation path)
- #296: keep only two possible choices:
- Contact without sending a new version
- Upload a new version
- [RT #177185]: Data too long for column 'VALUE' of the 'USER_INVITATION_ANSWER_DETAIL' table. The length for the comments when replying to an invitation has been increased to accept long text comments
- #295: %%PERMANENT_ARTICLE_ID%% tag is now available in all email templates.
- #293: the system has overwritten the invitation date with the date of the latest action
- Fixed footer links to avoid redirects with updated website
- Added three options for sharing the paper password (arXiv):
- No (default): do not share
- Optional: possibility to share
- Required: sharing is required when submitting a new version and responding to a revision request without any changes
- New filter: repositories
- It often happens to change the version number of an article during the publication process of an article, this manipulation, can block the publication process: from now on, by checking the box "ready to publish" at the time of the modification of the version number, the status is updated automatically thus allowing the publication of the aforementioned version.
- Updated volume import script to handle new metadata
- Crossref metadata: added text-mining URL
- the "DOI" filter is now only accessible on the article administration page.
- Dashboard: improved rendering of the "filters" view
- Code refactoring
- From now on, the change of the reviewing deadline is reflected in the article's history [RT#75351].
- Fixed: allow to submit documents from and HAL portals with a TLD different from .FR
- #299 Fixed licences missing character and version
- Add an option to ignore statistics before a given date 434 now, except for users, the total number of submissions is the total number of articles published, indicators only include data after the date configured in the journal's settings.
- Updated volume import script to handle new metadata
- #294: untranslated text
- API to return number of published documents
- JS error: Failed to load plugin url: @see
- Add %%PAPER_REP_URL%% tag to the description of the invitation templates.
- Change password: redirect to authentication if user is not logged in
- The '%%SENDER_SCREEN_NAME%%' tag is always present in the 'paper_paper_editor_refused_monitoring' template
- Html filtering problem that breaks the display in the comments
- #212: There is a difference between the capitalization of the first and last names in the user's profile and the first and last names of the user in the email recipient field [RT#148137]
- Fixed the fact that the Administrator role prevents testing for conflict of interest
- Error: $(...).fileupload is not a function for published articles.
- Conflict management section: set default display lines to 5.
- Mailing > getContacts: add 'Authors' filter.
- resolved #282: C:\fakepath: This is the security implementation of the browser: the browser is protecting you from accessing your disk structure.
- Code review / refactoring
- Added missing translation for conflict of interest
- Footer: replaced TOS with Term Of Use
- New footer link to the Term of use (between the platform and users)
- Fixed ORCID 'X' in DOAJ export format, make it compliant with ORCID specification
- [RT#171463]: the reviews should not be seen by someone with a CoI declaration with the paper: this fix concerns all the paper's details.
- UI/UX: Improved rendering of the "conflict management" section
- [RT#170200]: confirmation of the absence of conflict of interest: it is now possible to cancel this type of response.
- New feature: Open Science Lens feature available as a preview on selected journals
- Improved rendering of volumes
- Improved rendering of the volume page
- authors can now enter their paper password provided by the open archive on the article page.
- alt attribute to volume's image.
- Added an API method to get the number of users accounts
- Optimization: there is no need to check for conflicts at the time of submission
- #280: set spellcheck to false in dynamic datatable search boxes.
- #281: Submit an article > Guidelines section: harmonization of journal/review terms [FR]
- Now, when an article is accepted, all unanswered invitations are deleted. The reviewer is informed of this action.
- Add 'ISSN pending' until the ISSN is actually issued
- Fix incorrect HTML in footer
- Incorrect paper status LMCS #10145 (related to
- Empty %%REQUESTER_EXPRESSION%% tag (related to #187
- Incorrect status jdmdh#10203 (related with git#372)
- Fixed [#RT169943]: the tag %%SENDER_SCREEN_NAME%% (obsolete) that should have contained the editor's screen name has not been replaced: to be replaced in custom templates by %%EDITOR_FULL_NAME%% or %%EDITOR_SCREEN_NAME%% (@see [RT##160301])
- [RT#169107]: Feature - new option: do not allow the selection of an editor-in-chief when the author has the option to propose an editor at the time of submission.
- #255 Display ratings reports on the article page: Label updated
- [RT#169088]: Editors-in-chief and editorial secretaries are no longer notified of new submissions.
- temporary fix: TinyMCE: loss of formatting for successive mailings
- Insert data in 'T_PAPER_DATASETS' table: MySql insert 0 instead of NULL
- #273: if the editor changes the rating due date, then this is not reflected in the message.
- Fixes in exports format related to trailing ',' and language codes
- Fixed bad JS escape of authors in reviewer invitation form
- Fixed Handle URLs links adding
- Fixed display of disabled buttons
- Fixed 'Description of affiliation block'
- The activation of maintenance alerts is now configurable
- Article managers (authors, editors, etc.) may add new optional - but recommended - metadata to the documents
- Automatic enrichment of metadata:
- Licenses: retrieved from Datacite, OpenAIRE Research Graph, HAL
- ORCID: retrieved from OpenAIRE Research Graph
- Linked Datasets: Scholexplorer, HAL: Datasets linked to Episciences publications
- Funding: Research projects from OpenAIRE Research Graph and HAL
- Citations: Citations of published document retrieved with OpenCitations APIs
- Exports formats:
- Browse by volume: new parameter to allow to display empty volumes. Default value is still no (only show volumes with papers published in the volume)
- #186: Editors-in-chief can now report a conflict of interest. (Sign in an admin as another user: the real identity is now saved.)
- Fixed a display bug on the portal in connected mode (used by Episciences staff only)
- Failed to edit another account's profile from the user management page.
- impossibility to validate the profile if the user does not have an account in the application
- new parameter for enabling/disabling submission from the archive to the application and vice versa.
- RT#167820: all occurrences of tags in a template will be replaced by their real values.
- Allow editors to view the list of conflicts on the article management page
- The number of conflicts indicated on the article management page is incorrect if the article has several versions
- New page listing all email templates and available tags for each journal at /administratemail/tagslist (- Mail -> TagList)
- Episciences portal:
- New Feed RSS + Atom : latest published documents, 2 docs per journal
- API to get a list of publishing journals: include accepted repositories.
- Episciences journals
- Added 'journals news' RSS feed for each journal
- New journal settings parameter: Allow post-acceptance revisions of articles
- 9 article statuses, available for journals allowing 'post-acceptance revisions of articles':
- Accepted temporary version, waiting for author's final version: now, temporary versions that are accepted have this new status instead of "pending minor revision" (git #372)
- Accepted - waiting for author's final version
- Accepted, waiting for major revision
- Accepted article - final version submitted, waiting for formatting by copy editors
- Accepted temporary version after author's modifications
- Accepted temporary version, waiting for minor revision
- Accepted temporary version, waiting for major revision
- Accepted - waiting validation by the author
- Approved by author, waiting for final publication
- User profiles:
- Adding ORCID and affiliation to your profile is now possible + this information is diplayed on the "editorial staff member" (gitlab #410) & dashboard pages.
- Social Medias & Websites profile informations.
- New 'Author' role automatically added to users that have submitted a document
- Paper list: temporary versions now have a specific label
- Dashboard: Alert for administrators on the existence of papers without assigned editors
- Display the origin of a linked data when papers are linked to a dataset
- Administration page of a paper: new shortcut for administrators :
- to allow to sign in as a copy-editor
- to allow to sign in as an editor
- 227:
- The revision deadline is now displayed below the article's status.
- A pictogram is added to indicate the date of the revision deadline in the article management table.
- #237 Editor comments div is now bigger
- Upgraded publication RSS Feeds with DOIs
- #142: allow that administrators answer revision and copy editing requests
- It is now possible to update the metadata on the document's page
- Request a new version of an article that has already been accepted
- #166: hide "guest" role and doi-settings action
- The "paper status" filter is now dynamically created.
- Prevent "Add sources files" and "Add the formatted version" buttons JS reactivation
- Moved "copy editing" section to a more usable place on the same page
- Dashboard improvements: ability to reach an article from sections: my submissions and assigned articles
- #187: change the default templates: 'new version submitted' and 'tmp version submitted'
- #188: force notifications
- It is now possible to update the document version in Episciences to the most recent version in the open archive.
- #164: harmonization of roles/privileges.
- CWI open repository has been temporarily removed until we adapt to their new OAI server
- #212: capitalization of names
- #207: editing the translation of Chief Editors
- #169: reports become visible on the article web page:
- according to the parameters of the journal for published articles
- for the owner, only if the paper is refused, waiting for revision, already accepted or published
- Another status (Revision request answer: without any modifications) is used when responding to a revision request: without any modifications.
- Revision requests: now we have an immediate visual feedback when changing the deadline.
- If the journal allows revision of articles after acceptance, the response to a request for a final version (without any changes) is similar to the proposal of a new version.
- Code Refactoring fixing of warning
- Update Episciences_User::getScreenName()
- Multiple roles: ignore the "member" role when merging two accounts.
- Email Templates updates
- Script to clean the "USER_ROLES" table
- Parameter to detect automatic emails
- 196: Creation of an account following an invitation with a temporary account: from now on, the Last Name, First Name and Screen Name fields will be left empty (for the reviewer to fill in)
- [RT#164153]: refactoring: now obsolete template "paper_new_version_reviewer_reassign" (Reviewer assignment to a new version of an article) is removed.
- account merging incomplete due to sql error when updating 'paper_conflicts' table.
- Fixed bug introduced with [196] "Name" => "Last Name" when creating a new reviewer
- Fixed release notes links to issues
- 201: depending on journal settings, editor can accept, ask revision, reject and publish papers in every round.
- 238: harmonization of terms 'sections/rubriques'.
- 196 now,
- Only one 'name' field is available when creating a new reviewer
- Reviewers are sorted by lastname by default
- Empty TAG %%RECIPIENT_SCREEN_NAME%% for users who do not have a local account in "Unanswered reviewer invitation (reviewer copy)" reminder.
- (Internal/refactoring) transition to PHP 8: refactoring: "MaxMind GeoIP2 PHP API" is now used instead of PHP module.
- [RT#163166]: Problem sending mail from staff page.
- Fixed #165: Line breaks in paper titles in API
- Fixed #251: conform to ISO 3297 for displaying ISSNs
- Episciences portal: New Feed RSS + Atom : latest published documents, 2 docs per journal
- Added 'journals news' RSS feed
- User accounts merging procedure: take into account the Conflict Of Interests
- A pictogram is added to indicate papers with conflicts in the article management table.
- 192: allow editors to "Ask for other editors opinion".
- Only confirmed conflicts will be displayed in the conflict management section
- Ask revision: possibility to backdate the deadline.
- Fixed: RT #160301: the tags [%%SENDER_FULL_NAME%%, %%SENDER_SCREEN_NAME%%, %%SENDER_EMAIL%%, %%SENDER_FIRST_NAME%%', %%SENDER_LAST_NAME%% ] concerning the user of the action are filled with the data of the user connected at the time of the action. Making these variables available in the automatic mails poses a real problem: they are filled with the data of the mail recipient. So, from now on, the tags mentioned above will no longer be available in the automatic mail templates.
- Shifted display because of the error message (CSRF token)
- Titles do not appear in the correct language when more than one language has been entered (e.g. SLOVO )
- It is now possible to manage conflicts on the article page: display & delete them
- Revision requests: now we have an immediate visual feedback when changing the deadline
- #247: HTML links in outgoing emails are made relative [#247]: TinyMCE configuration: convert all relative URLs to absolute URLs.
- Edition of a volume: The title of article might not be retrieved if the language was not managed by the platform.
- Profile editing form does not display correctly when changing language.
- Failed 'Not enough reviewers - editor copy' reminders.
- But leading to load journal translations from '/'.
- PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant RVID - assumed 'RVID' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP)
- Not enough review reminders: articles without invitations escape reminders because the function that retrieves invitations is not used properly.
- User list: make it easier to locate accounts that have not been activated.
- Addes Roadmap link + User survey/feedback on portal
- Make EU grants and OpenAIRE support more visible at the bottom of the page
- [RT#158293]: article status is not correctly updated
- File not found for Temporary Versions without attached files + refactoring.
- Updated error message when using a HAL identifier without any file.
- #142
- Empty records from HAL repository: error message improved.
- Improvements and fixes on Datacite and Crossref XML exports
- fix issue in crossref xml format with related_item
- Bump crossref schema to ver 4.8.1
- arXiv URLs now links to https version instead of http
- Crossref metadata export format for DOI:
- add previous version URLs, link with relationship 'hasPreprint' to link preprints versions with the published version
- add arXiv DOIs, link to journal's published DOI with 'isSameAs' relationship
- add full text PDF URLs for Crossref 'Similarity Check' service
- Fixes and enhancements for zbMATH Open format
- Adding Polyfill PHP 8.0
- Fixes and enhancements for zbMATH Open format
- Ratings submitted late after the start of the layout process caused the status of the article to be updated (rolled back).
- There is no need to review an article while it is being formatted by the author.
- "Copy editor" role not authorized accessing to the public page of the paper and report a conflict of interest, if the option has been activated by the journal
- Exclude the "paper-status" directory from the journal's resources.
- Content that is copied and pasted when reviewing an article may lose end of line.
- The linked data to an article is not deleted when the author deletes his own article
- Reviewer invitation: Users are now sorted by Name, First Name instead of First Name
- Dashboard: the number of papers assigned to the copy editor includes obsolete papers
- Issue reported to support RT #148133 (fixed before this release):
- Some editors could see the reviewers names if they were also authors of the article
- Issue reported to support RT #148133:
- Incorrect "Reminder Delay: The "Reminder Delay" should correspond, in number of days, to the difference between the date the reminder was sent and the date the invitation was sent.
- Issue reported to support RT #148466:
- Sorting by date in the Dashboard is wrong: Enabling the conflict of interest (COI) option distorts the pagination
#152: page footer modifications.
- All submissions are accessible to "guest editor" roles.
- Language bar missing when editing a mail template, including reminders.
- [RT#146987] "search" button no longer works
- application error: syntax error or access violation if CAS user not found
- A bug in the reminders code triggered emails with unusable HTTP links
- Inability to delete a volume (RT#145178): reset the volume of the previous version when submitting a new version.
- #117 Improvements in emailing
- Undetected inactive accounts: Invite a reviewer > new reviewer > Invite a new user.
- Not allowing the author to be invited: Invite a reviewer > new reviewer > Invite a new user.
- The attachments to the rating report are not available [RT#145473]
- Answer revision request: in some situations, the "Submit" button remains inactive.
- #116 Release version is displayed on the interface (dashboard and page footer)
- Editors' choice at time of submission: informative text added. (gitlab #369)
- #143 New DOI setting: Allow switching off manual or automatic DOI assignation (disabled mode)
- #37
- Browse by Volume or Sections : Handle new content type 'application/json' to return json instead of html
- On URLs like /volume/view/id/314159 and /section/view/id/314159 Handle new content type 'application/json' to return json instead of html (only published content)
- On URLs like /volume/edit?id=314159 Handle new content type 'application/json' to return json instead of html but including all statuses of articles ; an authenticated and allowed user is required
- JSON added to the list of public export formats
- Enhanced information message for statistics
- UI/UX: Make the version number more explicit when proposing a new version
- Code Refactoring fixing of warning
- Dumping default data for table
- #126 Clicking outside the window to compose an email closes the window with no confirmation #126
- #117 Mailing bug: loss of the mail when you forget to put a recipient (gitlab #343)
- #149 Emails and default language selection: language of the sender and the recipient could be a problem if the language of the sender is different from the language of the recipient (gitlab #402)
- Inconsistent REMINDER_DELAY: the displayed value is the "delay" parameter of the reminder instead of the calculated value (interval in number of days between the time the reminder was sent and the deadline).
- New submission: if the "submission date" metadata is empty: do not display it anymore.
- #124: refining automatic notifications when abandoning submission
- RT#144252: better cleaning of attached file names
- RT#144246: an inactive account could still be visible on the Editorial Staff members page.
- #117: An empty e-mail is not sent or received
- #129: when you do a search from the mail history page nothing happens.
- #141: visibility of pages menu is wrong inside menu editing.
- #126: prevent modal closure: disabling the click outside the modal area and by pressing Esc
- Enabling the "COI" option overrides the "Encapsulate editors" option
- New SVG logo + PNG fallback
- Renamed logo file to prevent browser cache ; cleaned commented HTML Code
- New logos and favicons
- Reviewers invitations: identify the account with which the user has been invited.
- #115 Set CAS UI language according to journal's language
- #110 Add missing translations
- Fixed: "Cancel" and "Submit" buttons when selecting the details of an item in an article's history: 106: replaced by a single "Close" button
- Fixed: non-localized text when setting a reviewing deadline which is too large: 112
- Reviewers invitations: identify the account with which the user has been invited.
- Fixed: pending invitations are not displayed in the user's dashboard if they are not already a reviewer.
- Fixed: #107 Small grammar problem
- Support new file extensions and mimetypes: RAR (with additional mimetype), GZ, DVI, EPS, PS
- Fixed: incorrect Grammar: 107
- Fixed: "support mail alias" more visible on the portal (gitlab #404) + making it configurable.
- Fixed bug: linked Data: conflict between DOI and SWHID: 97
- Fixed bug: automatic designations of editors who answer "no" to the presence of a conflict of interest (gitlab #406)
- fixed bug: inability to continue reviewing (RT#138067)
- fixed typo ; add missing translation
- Fixed bug: possibility to assign the article to the author himself
- [COI]: fixed bug: author's does not have full access to his/her own submission
- [COI] #83: label "Enable/Disable COI" changed to "Enable declaring COI".
- Develop an option to handle conflict of interest (COI) 81:
- Journal settings: new setting to Enable/disable COI for journal managers: 83
- DB table and manager for CRUD of COI Information: 84
- For editors : Filtering 'Emails' in email history: 85
- For editors : Filtering 'paper status' information on dashboard: 86
- For editors: Filtering 'Reviewer information' on dashboard: 87
- When assigning an editor/Copy editor ; do not propose editors/Copy editor that have reported a COI in the user list: 89
- Design a Form to request user consent about access to private submission information: 88
- Notify editors-in-chief/secretaries when an editor assigned to a paper declares a conflict with this paper: 90
- Fixed bug: redirection problem with an editor's own submission: 92
- Other improvements
- Choose one and only one editor parameter: the editors field is not pre-completed when this choice is imposed by the journal (git #392)
- Editing site headers: fixed bug: drag and drop does not work.
- Add 'FLAG' attribute to Episciences::Paper class
- Alter table PAPERS: add new field to identify imported articles, to ignore them from journal statistics and report them as 'imported' and not submitted
- New script to update papers table to report imported article
- Linked data: links to related resources are extracted from the open archives and displayed on the article's page
- Version block: indicate the date of submission/import of the different versions of the document
- Addition of the "acceptance rate" indicator [(A/S)x100 with A a number of accepted articles and S a number of submissions] on the statistics page
- Changing the publication date of a paper already published: 50
- Add new document metadata: "Accepted" date
- Fixed issue: 77: It is not possible for the reviewer to intervene when the document is in the copy editing process if this one has already been started
- Fixed bug: "obsolete invitations" on the paper management page are not labeled (when a paper is obsolete, reviewers are disabled)
- Update paper stats only if paper is published and user is not the contributor
- Do not display the document meta. 'keywords' if its value is empty
- Report score rounding (RT#135523): propagate the fix (git#389)
- Edit a template via a get request: fix Application error : SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number
- OAI-PMH: fix badResumptionToken value for error message
- Fixed bug in account merge module
- Fixed issue: 64: Layout of mails with reviewers' comments
- Improvement of the process of accounts merging
- Improvements for displaying when a document has been imported. E.g. for journals coming to the platform with previous content
- Switch to paperIds as Episciences public PIDs for export formats and OAI-PMH. The switch from the docIds to paperIds was incomplete. One unique paperId is assigned to each version of a document. Each version of a document has a different unique docid.
- Fixed issue: 62: String not localized
- New API: JSON Feed of published articles hosted by HAL and their metadata (Call /hal/bibfeed on portal hostname)
- Published documents metadata : Submission Date: Add a different label for imported documents because for these documents submission date may be >= publication date. It only happens with imported documents previously published on another platform.
- New script to import volumes with a CSV file
- OAI-PMH: Adding Datacite metadata format to OAI-PMH repository with metadataPrefix oai_openaire
- Fixed bug: 56: when entering a comment and saving it, the text also remains in the comment box leaving the impression that the comment did not go through.
- Fixed bug: 48: moving the article to other volumes, creates an entry in the 'History' + improvements.
- Fixed bug: 'script' tag in TinyMCE is removed
- Fixed bug: script in charge of updating the consultation statistics was broken
- OAI-PMH: Return a real earliestDatestamp with Identify response
- Export formats: use Variables instead of Constants for journal URLs
- Do not display the search bar on the portal (no content available for search)
- Remove the possibility to create an account on the portal (RT #133571) (no features available for users)
- Expire metadata of published articles after 1 month (previously 1 week)
- Reviewer report: if the article is under review, access to its already completed report is broken
- 48: Assigned secondary volume is lost on article update
- 46: Paper order within a volume is broken
New field in solr schema: paperid
- OAI-PMH endpoint: cache metadata to improve response time
- new translations + fixed typo
- New "obsolete rating" status for reviews no longer needed. The reviewing on an obsolete version is no longer possible (when a new version has been requested).
- It's not possible to invite reviewers on an obsolete version
- New flash message when a user tries to review an article under revision (a new version has been requested to the authors)
- Users list: invalid accounts are no longer listed
- 38: article versions may be listed in wrong order for some articles
- Reviewer report: if the article is under review, access to its already completed report is broken
- Reviewing grids rating status were sometimes not mentioned in the grid list on article's management page
- Reviewing grids editing: fixed incorrect display of criteria in multilingual reviewing grids
- Fixed an empty tag
in "updated rating deadline" template.