Our hope is that by providing a generous free tier, you will not only get value from Pipedream, but you will give back to improve the value of the product for the entire community. And there are so many ways you can contribute!
Follow us on Twitter, star our Github repo and subscribe to our YouTube channel.
There’s no better way of supporting Pipedream than recommending us to your friends and colleagues.
Do you have a question about Pipedream or how to solve a problem? Please ask us in our community forum! Chances are that someone else has a similar question, so by helping you, we can help others encountering the same questions and challenges. Or pay it forward and help answer questions from other users.
If you have a workflow that others may find interesting -- whether it’s just a fun demo or solving a real problem -- make it public and share it in our community or on Twitter. We may feature it to help new users get started and give others new ideas to try out.
Write a blog post or create a video about how you use Pipedream. Also send it to us so we can list it on our site to send you some traffic! We also love to join live streams — just contact us!
Found an issue? Report it
Help us build an amazing product! Submit feature requests in our community forum, or browse existing requests on Github and vote for the features want us to add!
Need an app we don’t support? Request it
See a gap or mistake in our docs? Create a PR to submit an update.
Contribute to Pipedream's registry of components by:
- Creating new components (sources and actions)
- Updating existing components (e.g., fixing bugs, enhancing functionality)
- Adding or updating metadata (e.g., descriptions, labels)
Develop components without leaving your browser with the Pipedream Gitpod workspace without installing any dependencies.
- Fork the official Pipedream Github Repository
- Add your PD API key to your Gitpod Variables as
- Open a new Gitpod Workspace with your fork:
- Run
pd init app
to scaffold a new app, or make changes to an exisiting one in thecomponents
This workspace will automatically configure the Pipedream CLI client with your API key. This allows you to interact with the advanced Pipedream CLI tool and develop components on the fly.
When contributing new code to this repo, please do so on a new Git branch, and submit a pull request to merge changes on that branch into master
A member of the Pipedream team will automatically be notified when you open a pull request. You can also reach out to us on our community or Slack.
A spellchecker is automatically run on Markdown files in PRs. If you see this check fail when you open a PR, check the output for misspelled words:
Misspelled words:
<htmlcontent> README.md: html>body>p
!!!Spelling check failed!!!
Files in repository contain spelling errors
Some technical words (like Pipedream or JavaScript) aren't in an English dictionary. If the spellchecker fails on a real word, please add it to the .wordlist.txt
The spellchecker configuration can be found in .spellcheck.yml
. The spellchecking is handled by this GitHub action, which uses PySpelling.