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Pika is a persistent huge storage service , compatible with the vast majority of redis interfaces (details), including string, hash, list, zset, set and management interfaces. With the huge amount of data stored, redis may suffer for a capacity bottleneck, and pika was born for solving it. Except huge storage capacity, pika also support master-slave mode by slaveof command, including full and partial synchronization. You can also use pika together with twemproxy or codis(pika has supported data migration in codis,thanks left2right and fancy-rabbit) for distributed Redis solution
- huge storage capacity
- compatible with redis interface, you can migrate to pika easily
- support master-slave mode (slaveof)
- various management interfaces
The User can download the binary release from releases or compile the source release.
linux - CentOS
linux - Ubuntu
- gcc g++, C++17 support (version>=7)
- make
- cmake (version>=3.18)
- autoconf
- tar
Upgrade your gcc to version at least 7 to get C++17 support.
- Get the source code
git clone
- Checkout the latest release version
a. exec git tag to get the latest release tag
b. exec git checkout TAG to switch to the latest version
- Compile
Please run the script before you compile this db to check the environment and build this repo. If the gcc version is later than 7, such as CentOS6 or centOS7, you need to upgrade the gcc version first
Do as follows
a. sudo yum -y install centos-release-scl
b. sudo yum -y install devtoolset-7-gcc devtoolset-7-gcc-c++
c. scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
Please run the script before you compile this db to check the environment and build this repo.
The compilation result is in the 'output' directory.
By default the compilation process is in 'release' mode. If you wanna debug this db,you need to compile it in 'debug' mode.
rm -fr output
cmake -B output -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
cd output && make
Extra components like codis
or pika_operator
could also built by using
# build codis, default target build-all
./ codis
# build codis, but only the codis-proxy
./ codis codis-proxy
# build pika_operator
./ operator
./output/pika -c ./conf/pika.conf
If wanna clean up the compilation content, you can choose one of the following two methods as your will.
1. exec `cd output && make clean` clean pika Compile content
2. exec `rm -fr output` rebuild cmake (for complete recompilation)
docker run -d \
--restart=always \
-p 9221:9221 \
-v <log_dir>:/pika/log \
-v <db_dir>:/pika/db \
-v <dump_dir>:/pika/dump \
-v <dbsync_dir>:/pika/dbsync \
redis-cli -p 9221 "info"
Meaning of dirs:
- log_dir: Directory to store log files of Pika.
- db_dir: Directory to store the data of Pika.
- dump_dir: Directory to stored dump files that generated by command "bgsave".
- dbsync_dir: Pika db sync path.
If you want to build the image yourself, we have provided a script
to simplify this process.
The script accepts several optional arguments:
-t tag
: Specify the Docker tag for the image. By default, the tag ispikadb/pika:<git tag>
.-p platform
: Specify the platform for the Docker image. By default is current docker's platform.all
: Use a proxy to download packages to speed up the build process. This is particularly useful if you are in China.--help
: Display help information.
Here is an example usage of the script:
./ -p linux/amd64 -t private_registry/pika:latest
You can use the pika-operator
to easily deploy pika
in a Kubernetes environment.
Please note that this operator is NOT recommended for use in a production environment.
Local Deploy:
- install MiniKube
- deploy pika-operator
cd tools/pika_operator
make minikube-up # run this if you don't have a minikube cluster
make local-deploy
- create pika instance
cd tools/pika_operator
kubectl apply -f examples/pika-sample/
# check pika status
kubectl get pika pika-sample
# get pika instance info
kubectl run pika-sample-test --image redis -it --rm --restart=Never \
-- /usr/local/bin/redis-cli -h pika-sample -p 9221 info
More details on Performance.
- Pika Server Info: system, ip, port, run_id, config file etc.
- Pika Data Info: db size, log size, memory usage etc.
- Pika Client Info: The number of connected clients.
- Pika Stats Info: status information of compact, slot, etc.
- Pika Network Info: Incoming and outgoing traffic and rate of client and master-slave replication.
- Pika CPU Info: cpu usage.
- Pika Replication Info: Status information of master-slave replication, binlog information.
- Pika Keyspace Info: key information of five data types.
- Pika Command Exec Count Info: command execution count.
- Pika Command Execution Time: Time-consuming command execution.
- RocksDB Metrics: RocksDB information of five data types, includes Memtable, Block Cache, Compaction, SST File, Blob File etc.
More details on Metrics.
QQ group: 294254078