This web application is a CRUD developed from Loiane Angular + Spring online course. It allows users to record courses, delete them, update course details, and retrieve a comprehensive list of all courses.
This project was developed using:
Clone this repository to your local machine and access the cloned directory:
git clone
cd crud-angular-spring
[WORK IN PROGRESS] Run this command to create all the project's Docker containers and install the dependencies:
docker compose up -d
[WORK IN PROGRESS] If you need to stop and remove the project's Docker containers, you can use the following command:
docker compose down
Check the front-end docker logs using the command docker logs -f app_frontend
which address is running the application and open your browser and access the application through the address below to view the interface locally, for example:
This project adopts Gitmoji and the commit convention known as Conventional Commits. This means that we follow a standardized format for our commit messages, making it easier to generate changelogs and adopt semantic versioning.
Example commit messages format:
feat: add login functionality
fix: resolve issue with user registration
wip: connecting back-end to front-end
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.