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Getting Started

  1. Clone the repo to your projects directory (mkdir -p ~/projects && git clone If you have a new computer, you may need to set up your keys.
  2. Make sure you're on the gh-pages branch (cd ~/projects/ && git checkout gh-pages).
  3. Install the dependencies (bundle install).
#! /usr/bin/env bash

mkdir -p ~/projects && git clone
cd ~/projects/ && git checkout gh-pages && bundle install

Local Development

  • Use Visual Studio Code
  • You can run the server in the VS Code command palette with (cmd + shift + P on mac; ctrl + shift + P) and type Run Build task. To stop the server, press ctrl-c in the terminal section.
  • Open your browser to http://localhost:3000

Useful Extensions

Every time you save a change, Jekyll will rebuild the website.

Content Edits

Interest Group and Working Group co-chairs as well as Coordinating Committee members are welcome to make content edits to Please create a GitHub account and e-mail to get added to the NDSA GitHub repository.

Content edits can be easily made on the browser-based GitHub editor.

  • Find the relevant page (for example, the page for the Standards and Practices Interest Group is
  • Click the pencil icon or type "e" to edit the file
  • Make the edits, add a short description, and commit the changes to the gh-pages branch

For information on formatting, please review the Markdown Cheatsheet. GitHub keyboard shortcuts can be found here.

Here are a couple of helpful video tutorials for how to add members and how to update the website.

Blog Posts

Blog posts are written and served from WordPress at After saving posts as drafts, authors should contact to coordinate publication as it will also appear on the DLF website.

After the blog post has been published on the DLF website, you must run a rake task in a local development environment to import the post and convert it to the Jekyll format. This will load the full content of the posts from the RSS feed and generate the appropriate files. Any changes (typos, links, etc.) need to be made at

$ rake import:rss

There is also a convenience method that will run this specific task by simply typing rake

After running the rake task locally, the changes will need to be committed to git and pushed to GitHub in order to be deployed to


Membership Data

There are Rake tasks that will retrieve data from the Google Spreadsheet where the application data is saved. By default, you only need to run rake in the project directory.

$ rake

This will generate new files needed by the members-list page.

git commit -am "Added [organization] to the members-list page"

The applicant's active field needs to be set to TRUE (ALL CAPS) or these scripts will skip over the processing.

Validating HTML

This app uses html-proofer to validate HTML (especially links and whatever). All of the dependencies are installed via bundler and executed via rake task:

$ rake test:html


We're using pa11y for accessibility testing.


You will need to make sure you have npm installed. Easiest way on OS X is with brew.

$ brew install npm
$ npm install -g phantomjs pa11y
$ gem install

Generating a Report

There is a Rake task that will generate the appropriate report:

$ rake test:accessibility


There is a script to send out emails for elections (election_mailer.rb). This has all the code needed to send emails to the contacts, based on the the Google Spreadsheet of members.


In the election_mailer.rb file, edit the contents of both the text and HTML markup (text_markup and html_markup methods).


The top of the file has different delivery methods defined. This line points at a local testing mail server to test everything out before this goes out to the community.

Mail Server

Mail.defaults do
  delivery_method :smtp, address: "localhost", port: 1025

This configuration uses mailcatcher to view all the emails to work on any issues that may pop up.

It is really (REALLY) important that the other mail configurations are commented out (the lines should start with # and Mail.defaults do).

In order to run these tests, you will need the mailcatcher mail server running on your machine. In the terminal and type:


You will see some output, but the web interface is at (the web interface is also where you stop the server).

Running the Script for Elections

Swap mail configurations by putting # over every line of Mail.defaults do deliver_method :smpt, address: "localhost", port: 1025 end


Undoing the # in the other mail configurations in

  Mail.defaults do
    delivery_method :smtp,
    address:  "",
    port:      "587",
    authentication: :login,
    user_name: ENV['SMTP_USERNAME'],
    password:  ENV['SMTP_PASSWORD'],
    domain:   '',
    enable_starttls_auto: true

Save the file. Do NOT commit OR push this change.

In the terminal (in the ~/projects/ directory), run ruby election_mailer.rb. Open your browser to and watch the emails come in.

If there are issues, you can address them at this point.

Undo the changes by swapping mail configurations back to original and save.