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usage: getscu [options] -c <aet>@<host>:<port> [dcmfile_in...]

The getscu application implements a Service Class User (SCU) for the
Query/Retrieve, the Composite Instance Root Retrieve, the Hanging Protocol
Query/Retrieve and the Color Palette Query/Retrieve Service Class. getscu
only supports retrieve functionality using the C-GET message. It sends
matching keys to an Service Class Provider (SCP) and waits for responses.
Matching keys can be specified in DICOM file(s) dcmfile_in or by options
    --accept-timeout <ms>                 timeout in ms for receiving
                                          A-ASSOCIATE-AC, no timeout by
 -b,--bind <aet[@ip]>                     specify AE Title, local address
                                          of the Application Entity
                                          provided by this application;
                                          use GETSCU and pick up any valid
                                          local address to bind the socket
                                          by default.
    --big-endian                          propose all uncompressed TS,
                                          explicit VR big endian first
                                          (default: implicit VR little
                                          endian first)
 -c,--connect <aet@host:port>             specify AE Title, remote address
                                          and port of the remote
                                          Application Entity.
    --cancel-after <ms>                   cancel retrieve after specified
                                          time in ms.
    --connect-timeout <ms>                timeout in ms for TCP connect,
                                          no timeout by default
    --directory <path>                    directory to which retrieved
                                          DICOM Composite Objects are
                                          stored, '.' by default
    --explicit-vr                         propose all uncompressed TS,
                                          explicit VR little endian first
                                          (default: implicit VR little
                                          endian first)
 -h,--help                                display this help and exit
 -i <attr>                                specifies which attribute(s) of
                                          given DICOM file(s) dcmfile_in
                                          will be included in the C-GET
                                          RQ. attr can be specified by its
                                          keyword or tag value (in hex),
                                          e.g.: StudyInstanceUID or
                                          00100020. By default, Study
                                          Instance UID, Series Instance
                                          UID and SOP Instance UID from
                                          the file(s) will be included.
    --idle-timeout <ms>                   timeout in ms for aborting idle
                                          Associations, no timeout by
    --ignore                              do not store retrieved objects
                                          in files
    --implicit-vr                         propose only implicit VR little
                                          endian (default: all
                                          uncompressed TS)
    --key-pass <password>                 password for accessing the key
                                          in the key store, key store
                                          password by default
    --key-store <file|url>                file path or URL of key store
                                          containing the private key,
                                          resource:key.p12 by default
    --key-store-pass <password>           password for key store
                                          containing the private key,
                                          'secret' by default
    --key-store-type <storetype>          type of key store containing the
                                          private key, PKCS12 by default
 -L <PATIENT|STUDY|SERIES|IMAGE|FRAME>    specifies retrieve level. Use
                                          STUDY for PatientRoot,
                                          StudyRoot, PatientStudyOnly, and
                                          IMAGE for CompositeInstanceRoot
                                          by default.
 -M <name>                                specifies Information Model.
                                          Supported names: PatientRoot,
                                          StudyRoot, PatientStudyOnly,
                                          WithoutBulkData, HangingProtocol
                                          or ColorPalette. If no
                                          Information Model is specified,
                                          StudyRoot will be used.
 -m <[seq.]attr=value>                    specify matching key. attr can
                                          be specified by keyword or tag
                                          value in hex), e.g.
                                          StudyInstanceUID or 00200000D.
                                          Overrides matching keys
                                          specified in DICOM file(s).
    --max-ops-invoked <no>                maximum number of operations
                                          this AE may invoke
                                          asynchronously, unlimited by
    --max-ops-performed <no>              maximum number of operations
                                          this AE may perform
                                          asynchronously, unlimited by
    --max-pdulen-rcv <length>             specifies maximal length of
                                          received P-DATA TF PDUs
                                          communicated during association
                                          establishment. 0 indicates that
                                          no maximum length is specified.
                                          16378 by default
    --max-pdulen-snd <length>             specifies maximal length of sent
                                          P-DATA-TF PDUs by this AE. The
                                          actual maximum length of sent
                                          P-DATA-TF PDUs is also limited
                                          by the maximal length of
                                          received P-DATA-TF PDUs of the
                                          peer AE communicated during
                                          association establishment. 16378
                                          by default
    --not-async                           do not use asynchronous mode;
                                          equivalent to
                                          --max-ops-invoked=1 and
    --not-pack-pdv                        send only one PDV in one
                                          P-Data-TF PDU; pack command and
                                          data PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by
    --prior-high                          set HIGH priority in invoked
                                          DIMSE-C operation, MEDIUM by
    --prior-low                           set LOW priority in invoked
                                          DIMSE-C operation, MEDIUM by
    --proxy <[user:password@]host:port>   specify host and port of the
                                          HTTP Proxy to tunnel the DICOM
    --relational                          negotiate relational-retrieve
    --release-timeout <ms>                timeout in ms for receiving
                                          A-RELEASE-RP, no timeout by
    --retrieve-timeout <ms>               timeout in ms for receiving
                                          outstanding C-GET or C-MOVE
                                          RSPs, no timeout by default
    --retrieve-timeout-total <ms>         same as --retrieve-timeout but
                                          without restarting the timer on
                                          receive of pending C-GET-RSP or
                                          C-MOVE-RSP, no timeout by
    --send-timeout <ms>                   timeout in ms for sending other
                                          DIMSE RQs than C-STORE RQs, no
                                          timeout by default
    --soclose-delay <ms>                  delay in ms after sending
                                          A-ASSOCATE-RJ, A-RELEASE-RQ or
                                          A-ABORT before the socket is
                                          closed; 50ms by default
    --sorcv-buffer <length>               set SO_RCVBUF socket option to
                                          specified value
    --sosnd-buffer <length>               set SO_SNDBUF socket option to
                                          specified value
    --ssl2Hello                           send/accept SSLv3/TLS
                                          ClientHellos encapsulated in a
                                          SSLv2 ClientHello packet;
                                          equivalent to --tls-protocol
                                          SSLv2Hello --tls-protocol SSLv3
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.1
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.2
    --ssl3                                enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          SSLv3; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol SSLv3
    --store-tc <cuid:tsuid[(,|;)...]>     specifies negotiated Storage
                                          Transfer Capability. SOP Class
                                          and Transfer Syntaxes can be
                                          specified by its UID or its name
                                          in camel-Case (e.g.
                                          1.2.840.10008. or
                                          CTImageStorage). Semicolon
                                          separated Transfer Syntaxes will
                                          be offered in separate
                                          Presentation Contexts, where
                                          comma separated Transfer
                                          Syntaxes will be offered in one
                                          Presentation Context.
    --store-tcs <file|url>                specifies file which defines
                                          negotiated Storage Transfer
                                          Capabilities. If no Storage
                                          Transfer Capabilities are
                                          specified by options --store-tc
                                          or --store-tcs, Storage Transfer
                                          Capabilities defined in
                                          will be negotiated.
    --tcp-delay                           set TCP_NODELAY socket option to
                                          false, true by default
    --tls                                 enable TLS connection without
                                          encryption or with AES or 3DES
                                          encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-3des                            enable TLS connection with 3DES
                                          encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-aes                             enable TLS connection with AES
                                          or 3DES encryption; equivalent
                                          to --tls-cipher
    --tls-cipher <cipher>                 enable TLS connection with
                                          specified Cipher Suite. Multiple
                                          Cipher Suites may be enabled by
                                          multiple --tls-cipher options
    --tls-eia-https                       enable server endpoint
                                          identification according RFC
                                          2818: HTTP Over TLS
    --tls-eia-ldaps                       enable server endpoint
                                          identification according RFC
                                          2830: LDAP Extension for TLS
    --tls-noauth                          disable client authentification
                                          for TLS
    --tls-null                            enable TLS connection without
                                          encryption; equivalent to
    --tls-protocol <protocol>             TLS/SSL protocol to use.
                                          Multiple TLS/SSL protocols may
                                          be enabled by multiple
                                          --tls-protocol options.
                                          Supported values by Java 11:
                                          TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2,
                                          TLSv1.3, SSLv3, SSLv2Hello. By
                                          default, only TLSv1.2 is
    --tls1                                enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1
    --tls11                               enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1.1; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.1
    --tls12                               enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1.2; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.2
    --tls13                               enable only TLS/SSL protocol
                                          TLSv1.3; equivalent to
                                          --tls-protocol TLSv1.3
    --trust-store <file|url>              file path of key store
                                          containing trusted certificates,
                                          resource:cacerts.p12 by default
    --trust-store-pass <password>         password for key store with
                                          trusted certificates, 'secret'
                                          by default
    --trust-store-type <storetype>        type of key store with trusted
                                          certificates, PKCS12 by default
    --user <name>                         negotiate user identity with
                                          specified user name
    --user-jwt <token>                    negotiate user identity with
                                          specified JSON Web Token
    --user-pass <password>                negotiate user identity with
                                          specified password
    --user-rsp                            negotiate user identity with
                                          positive response requested
    --user-saml <assertion>               negotiate user identity with
                                          specified SAML Assertion
 -V,--version                             output version information and
$ getscu -c DCMQRSCP@localhost:11112 -m StudyInstanceUID=
Retrieve from Query/Retrieve Service Class Provider DCMQRSCP listening on
local port 11112 the Study with Study Instance UID =, negotiating
Storage Transfer Capabilities defined by etc/getscu/
Retrieved objects are stored to the working directory.