Google Engineering Level: L6+
Ranking #Dev: Global TOP 300 (Certificate)
Languages: Swift, Shell, Database (T-SQL, PL/SQL, MySQL), Concurrency (Python3).
Algorithms: linked lists, binary search, hash table, queue/stack, dfs/bfs, sort, heap/hash, two pointers, sliding window, tree, greedy problems etc.
The monostate pattern is another way to achieve singularity. It works through a completely different mechanism, it enforces the behavior of singularity without imposing structural constraints. So in that case, monostate saves the state as static instead of the entire instance as a singleton. SINGLETON and MONOSTATE - Robert C. Martin
class Settings {
enum Theme {
case `default`
case old
case new
private static var theme: Theme?
var currentTheme: Theme {
get { Settings.theme ?? .default }
set(newTheme) { Settings.theme = newTheme }
import SwiftUI
// When change the theme
let settings = Settings() // Starts using theme .old
settings.currentTheme = .new // Change theme to .new
// On screen 1
let screenColor: Color = Settings().currentTheme == .old ? .gray : .white
// On screen 2
let screenTitle: String = Settings().currentTheme == .old ? "Itunes Connect" : "App Store Connect"
I have a clear focus on time-to-market and don't prioritize technical debt.
🛩️ #startups #management #cto #swift #typescript #database
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