# Secure Code Game 📣 **SEASON 2 JUST DROPPED! READY TO PLAY?** 📣 _A GitHub Security Lab initiative, providing an in-repo learning experience, where learners secure intentionally vulnerable code. At the same time, this is an open source project that welcomes your [contributions](https://github.com/skills/secure-code-game/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) as a way to give back to the community._
## Welcome - **Who is this for**: Developers, students. - **What you'll learn**: How to spot and fix vulnerable patterns in real-world code, build security into your workflows, and understand security alerts generated against your code. - **What you'll build**: You will develop fixes on functional but vulnerable code. - **Prerequisites**: For the first season, you will need some knowledge of `python3` for most levels and `C` for Level 2. For the second season, you will need some knowledge of `GitHub Actions` for level 1, `go` for level 2, `python3` for level 3, and `javascript` for levels 4 and 5. - **How long**: Each season is five levels long and takes 2-9 hours to complete. The complete course has 2 seasons. ### How to start this course [![start-course](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1221423/235727646-4a590299-ffe5-480d-8cd5-8194ea184546.svg)](https://github.com/new?template_owner=skills&template_name=secure-code-game&owner=%40me&name=skills-secure-code-game&description=My+clone+repository&visibility=public) 1. Right-click **Start course** and open the link in a new tab. 1. In the new tab, most of the prompts will automatically fill in for you. - For owner, choose your personal account or an organization to host the repository. - We recommend creating a public repository, as private repositories will [use Actions minutes](https://docs.github.com/en/billing/managing-billing-for-github-actions/about-billing-for-github-actions). - Scroll down and click the **Create repository** button at the bottom of the form. 1. You can now proceed to the 🛠️ set up section. ## 🛠️ The set up #### 🖥️ Using codespaces All levels are configured to run instantly with GitHub Codespaces. If you chose to use codespaces, be aware that this course **will count towards your 60 hours of monthly free allowance**. For more information about GitHub Codespaces, see the "[GitHub Codespaces overview](https://docs.github.com/en/codespaces/overview)." If you prefer to work locally, please follow the local installation guide in the next section. 1. To create a codespace, click the **Code** drop down button in the upper-right of your repository navigation bar. 1. Click **Create codespace on main**. 1. After creating a codespace, relax and wait for VS Code extensions and background installations to complete. This should take less than three minutes. 1. At this point, you can get started with Season-1 or Season-2 by navigating on the respective folders and reading the `README.md` file. 1. Once you click on individual levels, a banner might appear on the bottom right asking you if you want to create a virtual environment. Dismiss this notification as you _don't_ need to create a virtual environment. Optional: We recommend these free-of-charge additional extensions, but we haven't pre-installed them for you: 1. `GitHub.copilot-chat` to receive AI-generated code explanations. 1. `alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite` to visualize the SQL database created in Season-1/Level-4 and the effects of our exploits on its content. If you need assistance, don't hesitate to ask for help in our [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/skills/secure-code-game/discussions) or on our [Slack](https://gh.io/securitylabslack), at the [#secure-code-game](https://ghsecuritylab.slack.com/archives/C05DH0PSBEZ) channel. #### 💻 Local installation Please note: You don't need a local installation if you are using GitHub Codespaces. The following local installation guide is adapted to Debian/Ubuntu and CentOS/RHEL. 1. Open your terminal. 1. Install OpenLDAP headers needed to compile `python-ldap`, depending on your Linux distribution. Check by running: ```bash uname -a ``` - For Debian/Ubuntu, run: ```bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libldap2-dev libsasl2-dev ``` - For CentOS/RHEL, run: ```bash sudo yum install python-devel openldap-devel ``` - For Archlinux, run: ```bash sudo pacman -Sy libldap libsasl ``` - Then, for all of the above Linux distributions install `pyOpenSSL` by running: ```bash pip3 install pyOpenSSL ``` Once installation has completed, clone your repository to your local machine and install required dependencies. 1. From your repository, click the **Code** drop down button in the upper-right of your repository navigation bar. 1. Select the `Local` tab from the menu. 1. Copy your preferred URL. 1. In your terminal, change the working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory. 1. Type `git clone` and paste the copied URL. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/YOUR-REPOSITORY ``` 6. Press **Enter** to create your local clone. 7. Change the working directory to the cloned directory. 8. Install dependencies by running: ```bash pip3 install -r requirements.txt ``` - Programming Languages 1. To play Season 1, you will need to have `python3` and `c` installed. 1. To play Season 2, you will need to have `yaml`, `go`, `python3` and `node` installed. If you are using VS Code locally, you can install the above programming languages through the editor extensions with these identifiers: 1. `ms-python.python` 1. `ms-python.vscode-pylance` 1. `ms-vscode.cpptools-extension-pack` 1. `redhat.vscode-yaml` 1. `golang.go` Please note that for the `go` programming language, you need to perform an extra step, which is to visit the [official website](https://go.dev/dl/) and download the driver corresponding to your operating system. Now, it's necessary to install `node` to get the `npm` packages we have provided. To do so: 1. Start by installing a package manager like `homebrew` by running: ```bash /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" ``` 2. Install `node`: ```bash brew install node ``` Adapt the command to the package manager you have chosen if it's not homebrew. 3. The `npm` packages needed are specified in `package.json` and `package-lock.json`. Navigate to the `secure-code-game` repository and install them by running: ```bash npm install --prefix Season-2/Level-4/ Season-2/Level-4/ && npm install --global mocha ``` 4. At this point, you can get started with Season-1 or Season-2 by navigating on the respective folders and reading the `README.md` file. We recommend these free-of-charge additional extensions: 1. `GitHub.copilot-chat` to receive AI-generated code explanations. 1. `alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite` to visualize the SQL database created and the effects of our exploits on its content. For more information about cloning repositories, see "[Cloning a repository](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/cloning-a-repository)."