ScienceHuman History
Neanderthals Took Good Care of Their Teeth, Unlike Some of Us
Some 46,000 years ago in what is now the Polish highlands, a Neanderthal man got some food stuck between his teeth. So he did what any self-respecting hominin would do—he reached for a toothpick, according to new research. The new paper, published in the Journal of Human Evolution, describes two teeth found in Stajnia Cave, … Continued
Tech News
Ancient Tooth Plaque Divulges Neanderthal’s Surprisingly Diverse Diets
It’s a good thing Neanderthals didn’t brush their teeth, otherwise we humans might not have been able to find out what they ate. An international team of scientists analyzed the DNA found in the tooth tartar of five preserved Neanderthal specimens, revealing a snapshot of the kinds of food included in the cavemen’s diets. Some … Continued
Tech NewsSploid
This T-Rex fossil is the first dinosaur ever to fly to space*
Lockheed Martin has published a surprising listof all the stuff that flew to space in the first Orion test. You are looking at one of the items: A Tyrannosaurus Rex’s tooth fossil sent by the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Here’s another one: A Cookie Monster’s cookie and Ernie’s original rubber duckie. More items: … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech NewsSploid
Watch a tooth get burned to crispy bits
Seeing things that shouldn’t be burned get melted down to nothing by fire is weirdly titillating. You don’t even have to be a pyromaniac to enjoy the perversion of the flames. Just look at how this tooth slowly disappears! It’s gross and weirdly wonderful in all the right ways. So bless the master torch wielders … Continued
By Casey Chan -
Tech News
Teeth Grown from Gum Cells May Make Dentures Obsolete
A team of British researchers have successfully grown a tooth from human gum tissue—which might make false teeth a thing of the past. The scientists, from King’s College London, took human epithelial cells from the gums of volunteers, cultured them in the lab to grow a larger sample, then mixed them with mesenchyme cells from … Continued
Tech News
This Is the Best Tooth Extraction Method I Can Possibly Imagine
Some kids wait until a tooth falls down on its own and then wait to collect whatever the tooth fairy brings. Not this one. She’s just too badass and decides to take matters into her own hands. And her bow. If I ever have a kid, I want her to be just like this. And … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Newly discovered mega-tooth could belong to one of the biggest dinosaurs ever
A tooth recently discovered in Argentina is an incredible 75 millimeters, or nearly 3 inches long. What’s more, the tooth belonged to a member of the titanosaurs, a group of gigantic sauropods similar to brachiosaurus and apatosaurus. And it might just be the biggest of the bunch. The tooth was discovered by Rodolfo García and … Continued
Tech News
Scientists Create Molecule to Make Teeth Cavityproof
Scientists have discovered a new molecule that will make your teeth cavityproof and may change dental care forever. They have appropriately named it Keep 32—for your 32 teeth—and it can kill the bacteria that produces cavities in 60 seconds flat. José Córdoba—a researcher at Yale University—and Erich Astudillo—from the Universidad de Santiago, Chile—claim that this … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Dentist Removes All of Her Ex-Boyfriend’s Teeth in His Sleep (Updated)
I had an emergency tooth extraction last Friday. One of my molars cracked and got infected. Fortunately, my dentist isn’t an ex-girlfriend. Otherwise I may have ended like Marek Olszewski, who went to his girlfriend’s practice with a toothache and left without his teeth. All for revenge! Marek had left 34-year-old girlfriend Anna Mackowiak for … Continued
By Jesus Diaz -
Tech News
Tooth Tattoo Diagnoses Illness and Alerts Doctors
Scientists at Princeton University have developed a sensor that could be tattooed onto your tooth, diagnose an infection, and transmit that information to medical professionals. It could come in handy for military personnel in the field to determine whether a wound has become infected, or in hospitals where patients with weakened immune systems are extra … Continued
The last European great ape lived 7 million years ago
Millions of years ago, Europe was a vast savanna full of giraffes, elephants, and rhinos. There was also at least one hominid ape, according to a fossilized tooth recently discovered in Bulgaria. Meet the latest complication in our evolutionary story. The tooth was unearthed by a team of Bulgarian, French, and German paleontologists, including geologist … Continued
Tech News
Nerf Guns Provide the Cutest Way to Pull Your Tooth
Videos of semi-terrified kids having their teeth yanked by others in crazy ways are a dime a dozen. That’s why we love this fearless and adorable kid who yanks his own tooth with a Nerf bow. Nice technique, baller kid! [via Wimp] https://gizmodo.com/best-worst-older-sister-extracts-brothers-tooth-with-a-5822432
By Brent Rose