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The Sisters Club #1

The Sisters Club

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Meet the Sisters Club: twelve-year-old Alex, aspiring actress and born drama queen; eight-year-old Joey, homework lover and pioneer wannabe; and smack in the middle, ten-year-old Stevie, the glue that holds them together — through dinner disasters, disputes over stolen lucky sweaters, and Alex’s going gaga over her leading man. Playfully weaving Stevie’s narration with Alex’s scripts, Joey’s notebook entries, and hilarious elements such as "How to Swear in Shakespeare" and "Dear Sock Monkey" letters, this hugely engaging novel showcases Megan McDonald’s ear for dialogue, comic timing, and insight into the ever-changing dynamics of sisterhood.

206 pages, Hardcover

First published September 1, 2003

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About the author

Megan McDonald

288 books718 followers
"Sometimes I think I am Judy Moody," says Megan McDonald, author of the Judy Moody series, the Stink series, and THE SISTERS CLUB. "I'm certainly moody, like she is. Judy has a strong voice and always speaks up for herself. I like that."

For Megan McDonald, being able to speak up for herself wasn't always easy. She grew up as the youngest of five sisters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her father, an ironworker, was known to his coworkers as "Little Johnny the Storyteller." Every evening at dinner the McDonalds would gather to talk and tell stories, but Megan McDonald was barely able to get a word in edgewise. "I'm told I began to stutter," she says, leading her mother to give her a notebook so she could start "writing things down."

Critically acclaimed, the Judy Moody books have won numerous awards, ranging from a PUBLISHERS WEEKLY Best Book of the Year to an International Reading Association Children's Choice. "Judy has taken on a life of her own," the author notes, with nearly 3 million Judy Moody books in print. Interestingly, the feisty third-grader is highly popular with boys and girls, making for a strong base of fans who are among Megan McDonald's strongest incentives to keep writing, along with "too many ideas and a little chocolate." And now -- by popular demand -- Judy Moody's little brother, Stink, gets his chance to star in his own adventures! Beginning with STINK: THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING KID, three more stories, and his own encyclopedia, STINK-O-PEDIA, Stink's special style comes through loud and strong -- enhanced by a series of comic strips, drawn by Stink himself, which are sprinkled throughout the first book. About the need for a book all about Stink, Megan McDonald says, "Once, while I was visiting a class full of Judy Moody readers, the kids, many with spiked hair à la Judy's little brother, chanted, 'Stink! Stink! Stink! Stink! Stink!' as I entered the room. In that moment, I knew that Stink had to have a book all his own."

More recently, Megan McDonald has recalled some of her own childhood with the warmth, humor -- and squabbles -- of three spunky sisters in THE SISTERS CLUB.

Megan McDonald and her husband live in Sebastopol, California, with two dogs, two adopted horses, and fifteen wild turkeys that like to hang out on their back porch.

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1 review2 followers
January 4, 2013
Book Review
Life is crazy for the girls in the books Sisters Club by Megan McDonald. It is about three sisters named Stevie, Alex and Joey who all love acting. One day all of the sisters decided to make a club called the sisters club where they all have their own meeting about new drama, gossips and new events that are exciting to them. This book takes place in their hectic house with their mom and dad. I think the theme for this book would be to always know that someone is always there for you when ever something has happened because they all love you.

What I liked most about this book was how the author related to the readers, and how she explained how the characters’ life was like with lots of great detail, making you feel like you were in that house with all of those crazy girls. I liked these things because it explained so much of how being a sister was like.

One thing I did not like about this book was how the author did not add a lot of excitement in the book and how she didn’t not add a conflict to the story to make it just a little bit more interesting in the book. I would rate this book a three out of five stars. I think a girl who has a lot of sisters would enjoy this book because it would explain how their life is like completely and it would relate to how she feels.
Profile Image for Cassidy.
5 reviews4 followers
September 18, 2013
The sisters club is about a group of sisters Alex who loves drama, Joey who loves homework and Stevie who is like the mediator of the family. The book talks about the life of a sister and all the ups and downs it comes with. To deal with them they go to the sisters club. Its when they go up to there tree house in there backyard and talk to each other about all their problems. They don't always get along but they are always there for one another.
I loved the book because I thought it was really interesting how he made the sisters very realistic and funny. Megan McDonald made a very good plot which made the book easy to relate to and understand. Anyone who likes realistic and funny characters would love this book because its one of my favorite books of all time. I could never stop reading it and I think you will feel the same way about this book. Any who reads this book will love it so I suggest that you should definitely read this book.
Profile Image for Iris.
53 reviews1 follower
March 31, 2017
Stevie created the sisters club where they tell everything about each other. They tell each other rules and are very different, Alex is the oldest and bossiest, Stevie created the club, Joey thinks she doesn't have enough homework so she creates some herself. Their parents love acting. Alex admits to her sisters that she likes someone in the Beauty and the Beast (the play she is playing in). She invites in for dinner one day to practice and everything goes wrong. What will Alex say?
I love this book because it is very funny and each girl talks and says her opinion. I would recommend this book from ages 8 to 12.
Profile Image for Steven R. McEvoy.
3,540 reviews153 followers
October 26, 2021
Reading this book was like going back to my own childhood. I grew up in a home of three boys, and reading this book about three sisters made me realize that I never knew how much boys and girls were alike. Megan McDonald, who grew up the youngest of 5 sisters, writes about the friendship, love, hate and trials of family life among siblings. Our cast of characters is:
Three Sisters:
Alex Reel (the oldest)
Stevie Reel (middle the glue)
Joey Reel (the youngest)
Mom (Susan Reel Actress)
Dad (Richard Reel famous actor who played King Lear)
Great Great Grandmother, founder of the town Hepzibiah McNutty Reel
Other Cast Members:
Sock Monkey
Scott Howell (the first boy to come over for dinner)
And more.

The three sisters have the Sisters club. They have sleep overs and meetings in Alex's room. They put on plays. This is a well-written book, in a mix of traditional text and what look like journal entries with comments from the other sisters. The illustrations really add to the book. It is a really fun read and another great book for readers of all ages by Megan McDonald.

(I read this years ago with my oldest daughter, and no again with my youngest.)
Profile Image for Amy.
858 reviews95 followers
September 17, 2011
I won't make this a lengthy review, only because this book is near and dear to my heart, as I grew up reading it. I remember reading this all the time, especially when I had nothing else to read. It was my fallback. A Nook book page run by some friends posted it for $1.99 as a Nook book, so I snapped it up. This, in my opinion, is a classic middle grade book that girls will love.

Although it was, and is a childhood favorite of mine, something bothers me now that I've re-read it at 19. Is it me, or do Alex, Stevie, and Joey speak in a manner that does not beget their ages? I mean they're supposed to be 12, 10 and 8, but they don't talk like it. They talk like teenagers. I don't know, but I've never met an 8 year old that talks like Joey. Or a 10 year old that talks like Stevie. Maybe it's because I'm 19 now, but the way they speak just bothers me.

Other that that this story is great. Told through regular 1st person POV, scripts/transcripts, diary entries, etc, it's a fun novel with great and funny characters girls can relate to.
October 30, 2018
Revised Review-Computer was in the shop, this needed some work.

Have never read a Megan McDonald book before. Was quite fun. I hadn't heard of Judy Moody books before either, but it sounds like they are very popular, and that McDonald does a fun job of portraying them. As I try new genre's in my reading, this was one I would try and it was most enjoyable. Will probably try others too.

Sweet read: the sisters club: rule of three by Megan McDonald
Knife, fork, spoon.
Rock, paper, scissors.
Lights, camera, action.
Everywhere you look, things come in threes. It’s the Rule of Three.”
And I love love love the three Reel sisters: Alex (13), Stevie (11), and Joey (9).

♥ Megan McDonald + cupcakes = recipe for perfection. ♥

Jealousy, betrayal, and sibling clashes abound in this tightly written, fast paced, thoroughly satisfying read. To add to the non-stop fun, smart-as-a-whip Joey, with her clever, mischievous machinations, makes sure there is never a dull moment in this roller coaster ride of sisterly tug-of-war.

15 reviews1 follower
March 30, 2013
I really liked The Sisters Club by Meagan McDonald. It is about a girl named Stevie Reel who feels like the glue of the family. Her older sister, Alex, has caught play fever getting ready for her audition for Beauty in Beauty and the Beast. Her little sister, Joey, is constantly working on homework that she makes up for herself. She is fascinated that her Great great grandmother was a pioneer and an actress. It's up to Stevie to save the sister's club (a club that Stevie made up for just the three of them to hang out). I would give this book 5 stars because it seems so realistic and it is something that could actually happen.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,068 reviews78 followers
June 10, 2010
Third, fifth, and seventh grade sisters take turns narrating this book--although middle sister Stevie is the major protagonist--and we end up with a nice appreciation of each. It's not my kind of book and I thought I'd have trouble relating to the girls, but the more I read the more I enjoyed it. Very well done.
7 reviews
July 16, 2009
THis is a really good book i liked it because it was almost like a diary and it kind of reminded me of me and my two sisters
Profile Image for zekiah (yup thats me).
4 reviews8 followers
Currently reading
September 11, 2012
i loved this book it was really funny i think that the sisters are just like my sisters.we fight alot and we make back up ,just ike the girlz in the book
9 reviews4 followers
March 23, 2018
The theme of this book is to appreciate what you have.
Profile Image for Beliz.
25 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2019
Amazing. My favorite book!!!!!!!😍 Recommend to anybody!!!
Profile Image for Amy Ris.
23 reviews
July 8, 2020
Highly recommend for any middle sister, like me!
April 28, 2014
The first sentience of the book attract me to continue reading this book which is "Being in the middle is like being invisible. Especially when you're in the middle sister in a family with three girls". I was exited to read this book, because it tells us a real stories happen between sisters and friends. Before reading this book I thought it is going to talk about friends as a sisters but it was about sisters and their parents. The sisters where Alex, Stevie, and Joey. Sounds of their names look like they are boys but they are not. Their parents always wanted to have boys but they got girls. I liked Stevie's character more than the others, she was responsible more than her oldest sister and she was able to do many things. Moreover I liked Joey's sketches that she have been drawn. The last 100 pages were amazing I finished reading them in less than two days.
5 reviews
March 13, 2018
Love it

I chose that rating because it deserves five out of five plus i just loved the characters in it and most of all i liked Megan but I like Rachel Renee Russell better(way better)😍😜
1 review
July 11, 2017
What is it about I don't know we will find out when we we read it I see from the cover its about sisters that's fun we will find out let's go!!!
8 reviews
July 22, 2017
I thought this book was great! 😊 My favorite part was when Stevie went up on stage for her sister to play the part of Belle in Beauty & The Beast. Overall this book deserves 5 stars!
Profile Image for Valerie McEnroe.
1,704 reviews59 followers
September 21, 2019
Such a cute series for young middle grade girls. There's humor, sister bonding, sister drama, bad cooking, Beauty and the Beast, sock monkeys, jello obsession, sweater stealing, fondue, family dinners. In other words, this short book is jam-packed with great family fun.

Alex is the oldest. She loves acting and has auditioned for the lead in Beauty and the Beast. She has a crush on the boy who is auditioning to be the Beast. She talks to herself via her sock monkey. Sister Club meetings are held in her room. Her narration is written as a screenplay.

Stevie is the middle sister. Since her mother is a terrible cook, Stevie takes over. Ironically, her mother is the lead actress on a cooking show. Stevie's first attempt at cooking is a disaster, but by the end she's making fondue like a pro. Her narration is written in standard narrative format.

Joey is the youngest, but has no problem giving it right back to her sisters. She loves Laura Ingalls Wilder books and lime jello. Her narration is told as a series of drawings and lists.

This series is a must for 4th grade girls who are transitioning out of K-3 series, but aren't quite ready for the hefty writing of middle grade novels. These sisters are totally adorable in a funny kind of way. They irritate and embarrass each other as sisters do, but always end up forgiving. Can't recommend enough.
Profile Image for Megan.
747 reviews7 followers
October 3, 2024
L picked this as our most recent bedtime read - she wanted something easy and quick as the book we read all summer was a bit heavy. It was a cute story of three sisters and the typical balance of bickering and affection that comes with siblings. It's written through a variety of modes - typical prose narration, graphics (doodles, drawings, and lists), and play format - which made it an even faster read, but somewhat tricky to read aloud. I would have liked the story to have been a little more substantial, but L really enjoyed it, which was the point.
Profile Image for max theodore.
598 reviews191 followers
April 22, 2020
things i first learned about, as a young'un, from this book
- putting marshmallows between your toes to paint your toenails
- Neapolitan ice cream
- midlife crises
- sock monkeys
- fondue
- Benedict Arnold
- "This is Just to Say" by William Carlos Williams
- King Lear
so maybe baby max was a weenie but this was also an eye-opening experience for him. also just a really really well-executed children's book sdfhdsfbwefw
24 reviews
October 23, 2017
It was such a good book! I love the characters and how you see the different points of view. And I love this book because in each point of view they show a different page set up, because the characters are different ages. I would recommend this book to people who want the book that you red in a few days, because it is so good.
Profile Image for Kelly.
459 reviews4 followers
August 19, 2020
This started off very lost and random, kinda difficult to read because you couldn't see where the story was going. It got better and I appreciated it for being extremely realistic and having a sweet ending. The sisters are good characters and I like their dynamics of interacting. I think there are more in the series, but they weren't AG releases.
Profile Image for Anna.
4 reviews
May 18, 2022
This book is very good. i finshed it yesterday. It's about three sisters and there club. Alex, joey and Stevy, made the club. it's not that long. it says 2022 march 18, because i didn't start reading it untell 5 days ago. i got it at a little free libory. But anyway, great book. Girls READ THIS!!! it so good.
Profile Image for Mina.
85 reviews
January 14, 2023
I love the laughs, the love, the excitement in these books. Stevie's parts are written in "normal" book form. Alex's is in script form, and Joey's is in her journal. For some reason, whenever I think of Alex, I think of the song Royals by Lorde. The song just sounds like her. But anyway, I love this book, and there's more in the series!
Profile Image for Rut.
103 reviews2 followers
January 10, 2021
Got this warm feeling after reading this. It was like a call from childhood. The echoes of my sisters' voices and mine joined together, once upon a time...I want to read the next to book in the series. Certainly doing that soon.
P.S. Love the last chapter
9 reviews1 follower
November 3, 2022
Stevie is the middle sister in a family of five: Alex, Joey, Mom, Dad, and her. The group is very theatrical, but Stevie complains she never got the gene. Follow the crew as they jump into many disasters including Macaroni Disaster, Suds-o-Rama, and The Power of the Sweater!
Profile Image for Paulina Aksamit.
43 reviews
April 17, 2023
I read it in elementry school and I love it. It's really quick to read, I like how every chapter was made to be different depending on which sister wrote it and I still remember the foundue recipe. Must be one of my childhood favorites❤️💖💗
Displaying 1 - 30 of 190 reviews

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