The Vault: Diet Potion
I glared at the potion of healing in me hand. It was one o’ them diet types, the kind me so-called “mates” been shovin’ at me since we left town
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Nemacoils
Nemacoils form from the disembodied tentacles and tendrils of aberrations, turning into horrifying creatures in their own right. Watch out for that log or stick!
The Vault: Bamboots
Me? I’m just a goblin with a knack for second-story work, and these bamboots be the ticket to the high life. Literally.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Warblebutter
Likely named by a halfling under its effect, warblebutters are fey insects that can disperse hallucinogenic dust from their wings and wield the very power of chaos.
The Vault: Maniacles
I smiled wide, me teeth more yellow than the sun, and pulled the maniacles from me bag. They wriggled in me hands, eager. “Go get ‘im, boys,” I muttered, and off they went, clinking and clattering
The Vault: Fire Arms
“Fire arms,” he said, puffin’ out his chest. “Nabbed ‘em from a wizard’s tower. Don’t ask how. Just try ‘em on.”
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Animated Armor
When the sorcerer’s apprentice animates a chain shirt or half plate armor, the result is quite different than normal animated armor (plate armor).
The Vault: Powdered Armor
“This ain’t armor,” I growled. “This is what pixies leave behind after a night of dancin’!”
The Vault: Guardian Gnome
I’d heard the stories. Built by gnome wizards to scare off kobolds.
Monster I’d Like to Fight: Woodpecker Phoenixes
The loud smashing of wood echoing through the forest could be woodpecker phoenixes, a fiery and never-ending wood destroying elemental.