Next-generation computer music language.
make music with code. connect different nodes like a synth, sequencer or sampler.
~gate: speed 2.0
>> seq 60 _60 _~a 48;
~a: choose 48 48 48 72 0 0 0
~amp: ~gate >> envperc 0.001 0.1;
~pit: ~gate
>> mul ##Math.pow(2, (60-69)/12) * 440#
// mix js to get 261.63
~lead: saw ~pit >> mul ~amp >> lpf ~mod 5.0
>> meta `
output =|x|x*0.1);
` // rhai script, same as "mul 0.1"
~mod: sin 0.2 >> mul 1300 >> add 1500;
out: ~lead >> add ~drum >> plate 0.1 // optional semicolon
~drum: speed 4.0 >> seq 60 >> sp \808bd;
// live drag and drop your sample ^^^
~gate: speed 2.0
intuitive experience
what you see is what you get. modify the code and update the music on the fly.
all in the browser
open browser console for quick reference and info. drag and drop samples on the editor.
decentralised collaboration
collaborate with your friends from any place like google doc, and it is decentralised.
powerful audio engine
glicol has a its own audio engine written in rust, which is fast and reliable.
low entry fee and high ceilings
balance basic sequencing for beginners with advanced sample-level meta node customisation.
free and open-source
you can find out more technical details with the github link on the top right corner.