CrossFit workouts

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Here's a great movement to unlock your stiff upper back.⁠
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 • Anytime we do overhead lifts, the shoulders elevate but our upper back (thoracic spine) also extends simultaneously.⁠
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 • This Gobelt Squat & Press is super challenging on your mobility. By keeping the elbows narrow, the shoulder joint will get ties up and you'll feel your upper back have to work like crazy to extend and try and help you get more overhead motion.⁠
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 • This drill is phenomenal after upper back mobility work!
Unlock Your Overhead Mobility
Here's a great movement to unlock your stiff upper back.⁠ • ⁠ • Anytime we do overhead lifts, the shoulders elevate but our upper back (thoracic spine) also extends simultaneously.⁠ • ⁠ • This Gobelt Squat & Press is super challenging on your mobility. By keeping the elbows narrow, the shoulder joint will get ties up and you'll feel your upper back have to work like crazy to extend and try and help you get more overhead motion.⁠ • ⁠ • This drill is phenomenal after upper back mobility work!
10 AMRAP WORKOUTS To Improve Your Endurance Now
A fine collection of 10 AMRAP workouts that vary in difficulty. You can do them either at the gym, at homem alone, or with a partner! Give them a try.
20 Bodyweight Crossfit Workouts You Can Do Anywhere [Full Guide] | Crossfit body weight workout, Cro