🐤Rubber Duck Theme Baby Shower

This board contains pins of ideas I liked for throwing a friend's rubber duck themed baby shower, along with pins of things that I ended up doing at her shower=)!
40 Pins
Gift Table - We had a row of stuffed animal ducks for a cute display and for the kiddos to play with:).
Duck Shower - Games...we played "duck toss" with a stuffed duck to the "chicken dance" & when music stopped, person with duck was out. We also played "The Passing Game" where we came up with questions related to family/pregnancy such as person in the room with the most siblings/person in room who has had most kids/etc., and first person to fit question gets the prize for that round, last question/prize was for the newest mom in the room:).
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Diaper cake. Stuffed duck can be found at Wal-Mart.
Rubber Ducky, You’re the One
Bath Time Bucket - a fun and different baby shower or new baby gift.
Party Theme Search | Kara's Party Ideas
ducks/straws in drinks, how cute are these?!
Rubber Duckie Baby Shower
duck shower theme...such cute cupcakes/cupcake liners!
Duck Feed - duck theme baby shower party favor...goldfish crackers in a baggie (added blue wave paper behind the goldfish to look like water...folded paper label over top & tape or staple it)
Waddle It Be...Boy or Girl?! Each guest took a duck of what they thought it would be & held it up in our group picture.
Baby Shower Game - played like a "Toss-Up Puzzle" on Wheel-of-Fortune...reveal one letter at a time until someone guesses the phrase. I LOVE this simple/fast game. This phrase said "Girl or Boy, You'll Bring Much Joy!" as she didn't know what she was having. The letters are under the duck's wings on this. I made it using pictures of a duck I found online & cut-out/scrapbook paper/lots of tape. This game could easily be used at a bridal shower or birthday party & can be made to match ANY theme!