Chrisme Tatouage

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It's the word 'Yahweh' written in the original Hebrew. Yahweh was considered the most sacred name of god in the Old Testament, only the high priests knew how to even pronounce the word. It was so sacred because it's not a word to describe God, it's His actual name. And now the name of my creator is written on His creation, like a signature. I got this done by Jim O'Rourke at Gen X Tattoos in Willoughby, Ohio on May 15, 2013
Chi Rho #9 Embroidery Design
Chi Rho #9 Embroidery Design
Chi-Rho tattoo. It's the symbol or 'monogram' of Christ. As a Christian, I am one with Christ... really cool concept.
Tattoo #1: Chi Rho, the oldest known christogram in existence that begins with Alpha and ends with Omega. Red symbolizing Christ's shed blood and the diamonds stand for the nails used.
Christian History - Trial and Triumpj - Chi Rho sign - Constantine defender of the church