Eliquid Recipes

#vape #eliquid #ejuice
28 Pins
Lemon meringue pie - the best yet
The best lemon meringue pie to date, sharp, zesty, zingy, buttery, sweet... fairly simple recipe, added FA cookie to help the crust out in the VTA lemon meringue tart because it’s barely there, added FA Sicily to give another dimension to that lemon, the pudding base adds a thicker butteryness to that lemon curd and also helps the base out with that crumble mouthfeel... and last but not least, that flapper pie, wow. It’s all that’s been missing from LMT/LMP profiles... it brings that marshmallow
Raspberry Chunk
So my love affair with MF Raspberry Wild continues. Feel free to swap it out with your favorite raspberry just know it won't be the same. I also don't expect any one to go out and order MF Raspberry Wild since it's so fucking expensive. Originally I was going for a raspberry shake with chunks of chocolate, but it ended up leaning more towards an actual ice cream. The first few days its vanilla ice cream with chunks of raspberry flavored dark chocolate, around a week it becomes ice cream with rip
Fresh Pudding
Fresh Pudding recipe | All The Flavors
**Profile** - Creamy Pistachio Ice Cream with Chunks of Pistachio.Pistachio was the FOTW, Odie gave me the idea of taking the FOTWs and throwing them into The Ice Cream Trinity to see what happens. I didn’t have any Pistachio flavors on me at the time, so I jumped on BCF and ordered TFA Pistachio and WF Pistachio Cream. At the same time that I had whipped up a V1, @ID10-T messaged me asking how I felt about making a Pistachio Ice Cream. Apparently along with being a flavor Guru he’s a mind r
Cuprian: Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (REVISED)
MIX AT 60VG // 40PGSTEEP: Shake and Vape 2.0% [FW] CrÈme De Menthe 0.5% [TPA] Meringue 2.0% [CAP] Marshmallow 3.0% [TPA] Vanilla Bean Ice Cream 2.0% [JF] Milk Chocolate 1.5% [TPA] Sweetener
Marina Classics Kronut: Cloning with the Crew
Marina Classics Kronut: Cloning with the Crew recipe | All The Flavors
The Vanilla Unicorn
The Vanilla Unicorn recipe | All The Flavors
Caramel Banana Cream Pie | DEVELOPED
This is a collaborative creation by DEVELOPED: NaChef, Max Savage, Graham, and Folkart. This is our version of a Caramel Banana Cream Pie. If you want a bit more bakery note, you can increase the INW Biscuit to 0.75%. Full Development Notes at https://youtu.be/myTPFJdWxAE .Our weekly episodes are released at 6:00pm EST every Tuesday, and catch our live shows every Thursday at 6pm EST https://www.youtube.com/c/DevelopedDIYFollow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developeddiy/Check ou