Feels like Nyx went to the American corporate school of bureaucracy. Got a long-term employee who is working too hard? outshining other employees? Working unpaid overtime in the hope they might impress you? FIRE THEM and replace them with an unskilled moron because it keeps the system happy
Zagreus: Has a disagreement with his parents/parental figure.
Kratos: "You know the rules and so do I"
Wait, so dusa never comes back?
Achilles: Nyc cut her off.
Me: Is that why she's severed? Oh! You mean about her job. Right right. Of course.
Is this the bad ending?
so no head?
I know nothing about Hades, but Dusa has now been added to the list of characters I would die for
Yo bro, my girl Dusa is the best character, if she's gone, this game is gone from my desktop
tf is this weaboo shit
dusa is my favorite
God i just spoiled myself Persephone coming back down. Im sad now.
most insufferable uwu character
So did you get Dusa back? If so, which video?
W-Wait thats it?
Dusa is technically rly beautiful considering the myths
Feels like Nyx went to the American corporate school of bureaucracy. Got a long-term employee who is working too hard? outshining other employees? Working unpaid overtime in the hope they might impress you? FIRE THEM and replace them with an unskilled moron because it keeps the system happy
Nyx is dumb
Dusa best Waifu!
Fight me.
How does this happen, Does dusa just randomly get fired when you respawn or do you need to do something to trigger this?
Alright! Time to release your inner K R A T O S
I've only met her for 50 seconds and now I want to play the game to find out how to kill Nyx
O I was going to get this game for Medusa.
Youtube saved me some heartache.
Poor head snek too pure for the underworld
I lost most of my respect for nyx after that. We love Dusa
All my homies HATE Hyx
I don't even know Dusa and I will kill REPEATEDLY for her, and now im even more Depressed that she's gone
She cured my depression, and as quickly as she left is as quick as my depression returned
What a dumb bitch, never giving her a nectar again
And that's how Kratos was born.
bro i just spoiled myself and now i'm sad
Welp. Not buying this game now she's gone.