Yep she is the best..Happy Birthday Meryl Streep along with Cyndi Lauper
- Margaret Robison (8 months ago)
Thomas Nestrick
Happy birthday Meryl Streep
- Thomas Nestrick (8 months ago)
Lite 98.5
Happy Birthday Meryl Streep! Meryl was born on June 22, 1949, in New Jersey. She has received over 150 awards, incl
- Lite 98.5 (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Bruce Campbell, Meryl Streep, Graham Greene, Kris Kristofferson, Cyndi Lauper, Lindsay Wagner, an
- Happy Birthday (8 months ago)
Moderna Love Gets Me to the Church on Time
It\'s been weird and gratifying to watch Meryl Streep turn into an institution. Happy birthday.
- Moderna Love Gets Me to the Church on Time (8 months ago)
Curly Cloud
Happy birthday Meryl Streep
(watercolours and pen)
Favourite film that she stars in? Devil Wears Praia
- Curly Cloud (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday MERYL STREEP
- FAMOUS WOMEN (8 months ago)
Hamza Khan
Happy birthday meryl Streep
- Hamza Khan (8 months ago)
Tara Derington
Only legends were born today. Happy birthday to my Leo and Meryl Streep!
- Tara Derington (8 months ago)
John: Retired PFD BC
Happy Birthday Meryl Streep - One of the greatest actors of all time!
- John: Retired PFD BC (8 months ago)
Barbara’s Nostalgia
Happy 74th Birthday to American actress, Meryl Streep!
- Barbara’s Nostalgia (8 months ago)
Jackpot Capital Official
Happy Birthday to Meryl Streep, the queen of Hollywood! Did you know she holds the record for the most Oscar nomi
- Jackpot Capital Official (8 months ago)
The Jeremy Lee Show
Happy birthday to Meryl Streep She turns 74 today Her career is outstanding just like he skills as an actress.
- The Jeremy Lee Show (8 months ago)
Paulina G
Happy birthday to the queen of acting! Meryl Streep is a legend and an inspiration to us all. Here\'s to man
- Paulina G (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to the incomparable Meryl Streep - a true icon who has left an indelible mark on Ho
- ROLANDA.SANDERSON (8 months ago)
The Aquarian
Happy birthday, Missus Meryl Streep
- The Aquarian (8 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Meryl Streep will celebrate her 76 years old birthday in 3 months and 7 days! Send your greetings to her now!