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Anonymous asked:

In your recent Battle Fever J post you mentioned that the film Saturday night fever inspired Battle Fever J's secondary theme but you also mentioned in another post that some of the Metal Heroes were inspired by Robocop were there any other toku series that was inspired by a film like those series were?

Oh yes, several!  It’s been happening for a very long time, at least since the 1970s but it didn’t end there.  We’ll get back to the 1970s and one of the most obvious examples later but let’s look at two recent Super Sentai series inspired by the success of Western franchises.

In the early 2000s, no one could dispute there was magic in the air and that magic was making money hand over fist.  Starting with a massively successful book series and an equally huge film adaptation, the adventures of Harry Potter might be the defining pop culture franchise of the decade.


There were a lot of attempts to cash in on the success of the Potter idea and Toei was not one to ignore a trend that might make them some money.  That’s why in 2005, they produced Mahou Sentai Magiranger.


The similarities were pretty obvious given that the heroes could travel around on broomsticks:


There was a moving painting in their secret magical room headquarters:


And those are just two examples. The inspiration was pretty obvious.


Just because it drew a lot of inspiration from another franchise did not mean it was a carbon copy or a bad show.  For a while, Magiranger was one of my favorite series of all time and I still really enjoy it to this day.  I find the borrowed ideas and concepts more fun than frustrating.  It’s always amusing to see how familiar ideas get translated into new media in other countries.

Now, inspiration doesn’t always come from live action franchises, sometimes you can see an animated success inspiring a series.  In the late 1990s and early 2000s the biggest animation studio in America was Pixar.  This was just before Disney outright purchased them and completely abandoned traditional animation in favor of computer animated films so they were the big player on the black where CG animation was concerned. In 2006, Disney released Pixar’s latest animated film and it was a huge success (at least among the target audience) making not just a ton of money in the box office but driving a merchandise machine that continues today as well as leading to two sequels and several spinoffs.  That movie was Cars.


In 2008, Toei found a way to bring some of the Cars aesthetic and concepts to their Super Sentai series with Engine Sentai Go-Onger,


Now, I have no official confirmation that there was any direct influence but it seems pretty obvious upon reflection.  Cars had come out in Japan on July 1, 2006 and became a hit.  The Sentai series are always planned a year before they begin, so 2007 was when the planning for Go-Onger began. The timing is just a bit of a hint.  What else gives away the inspiration is in the show itself.

First of all, the car characters are sentient vehicles from a world without people, just like in the Pixar film.


The main car hero is a red racing car, just like in the Pixar film:


And the cars have big friendly eyes at the front.  Plus, when interacting with their human friends on Earth, most of the time they are animated characters created on screen using cell-shaded CGI.


When you add it all up, the influence and inspiration is pretty obvious.

Now, let’s go back to the 1970s for one that’s pretty infamous for being pretty much a rip-off.  Let’s start with the show itself and we’ll get to what it drew inspiration from at the end. 

In 1978, Toei company produced and released a movie called Message From Space.


It is the tale of the Evil Gavanas Empire who control most of space and just taken over the peaceful planet Jillucia who send a message into space seeking help to defend their world.  Going with the message is their Princess and a powerful warrior.  The films was directed by Kinji Fukusaku (Battle Royale) and was a minor box office success. 

However, it did well enough to inspire a TV spinoff written by Shotaro Ishinomori called Message From Space: Galactic Wars. Now, what this is inspired by/ripped off from can pretty much be explained in this one screenshot from the TV version.


Yep, the entire Message from Space concept was a blatant attempt to cash in on Star Wars. The comparisons are incredibly obvious with an evil Empire, a ragtag band of rebels, epic space battles, planet threatening death machines and lovable robots sidekicks.  Here’s the real kicker though, I have heard that Toei actually got the official release of Star Wars pushed back in Japan so their film would come out first!  Message from Space was released April 29, 1978 to Japanese theaters while Star Wars didn’t arrive officially until June 30th of the same year!

So, there you have it.  Three more times when tokusatsu drew direct inspiration from other media franchises outside of Japan.  I do love seeing these cross pollinations of media and how they change and adapt and are used to create new ideas or how they can be added to an already existing franchise to create a new work.

Askbox Replies Tokusatsu Super Sentai Mahou Sentai Magiranger Engine Sentai Go-Onger Message From Space Harry Potter Cars Star Wars Foreign Inspirations 1970s 2000s

fireminer asked:

For what reason do you think that the Soviet member of Battle Fever is called "Battle Kozak" instead of "Battle Soviet"? Also, you opinion about the series.

Ok, it’s time to talk about Battle Fever J once again! Yay!

I have talked about how weird it is that Battle Cossack in called Battle Cossack before but this is an angle I’ve never talked about.


Let’s start with the names of the rest of the team; Battle Japan, Battle France, Battle Kenya and Miss America. All of them are named after countries. Yes, I know that technically it’s the United States of America but everyone knows when a person says they are American, they mean the USA and not the general area taking up space between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.


However, Battle Cossack is not named after a country but an ethnic group.  Why is that?  Well, I think there may be several reasons.  The first is the time in which the show was produced and originally aired. Japan was (and still is) an American ally and the Cold War was very much a thing at the time with countries either align with the US, the Soviets or trying to remain neutral. Japan as also involved in a dispute with the Soviet Union over the ownership of several islands to the North of Hokkaido (it still is today with the modern Russian Federation) called the Kurils.


So, having a hero trained in the Soviet Union was pretty daring but it was one of the two massive world powers at the time so ignoring it would have been strange. That said, Soviet doesn’t really name a country, it’s a form of government. A Soviet is an elected local, district, or national council which is where the country got its name, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Yes, it can also be used to refer to a person from the Soviet Union but it is not a country name in and of itself. It also wouldn’t work for him to be called Battle Soviet Union because it breaks the one word country descriptor the others have.


Also, the Soviet Union wasn’t just one country.  It was a block of countries united under the authority of a central government in Moscow but all with their own cultural, historical and national identities. The USSR was a bit like a much more aggressive and domineering version of the modern European Union with a shared economic system and rules for government and membership. This is one of the reasons it so easily fragmented back into separate countries after the fall of Communism in the late 1980s/early 1990s. 

So why Cossack?

The answer, I believe, has to do with the reason the series was called Battle FEVER. Originally, it was supposed to be a Japanese version of the Avengers, to follow in the success of their version of Spider-Man.


However, as the series was written, it was tied less and less into the Marvel series and became a team of specialists from around the world. The original name of the main character was going to be Captain Japan, an analogue to Captain America but that was changed to Battle and the series was going to be named for him as Battle Japan.  However, something happened as the series was being created that changed the entire direction of the idea, DISCO!


Well, more specifically the amazing international success of the movie Saturday Night Fever.


Yes, this is where the Fever in Battle Fever J comes from. It is also where the secondary theme of the series comes in, dance.  Each of the heroes has a different style of dance with Miss American being Disco in tribute to the movie and the origins of the dance style.  When it came to the Soviet Hero, well, there really is only once choice there, the Cossack dance!


So there you go, a long and probably too detailed explanation of why I think Battle Cossack is named as he is.

As for what I think of the series itself?  Well, I like it!  It’s really goofy and has some of the silliest monsters and villains plots ever but it never loses a sense of fun or takes itself too seriously.  It was also a good bridge between the Sentai series before it and the genre as we know it today that would be completely formed in the 1980s.

Thanks for the question!

Askbox Replies Battle Fever J Super Sentai Battle Cossack 1970s Cold War USSR Japan Disco Saturday Night Fever Marvel Supaidaman
A scan promoting the 1999 V-Cinema release Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive: Sudden Shock! A New Warrior (救急戦隊ゴーゴーファイブ 激突!新たなる超戦士). This is one of my favorite parts of that series because the new hero of the title is Zeek, an intergalactic bounty hunter who...

A scan promoting the 1999 V-Cinema release Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive: Sudden Shock! A New Warrior (救急戦隊ゴーゴーファイブ 激突!新たなる超戦士). This is one of my favorite parts of that series because the new hero of the title is Zeek, an intergalactic bounty hunter who comes to Earth, gets killed and gives his powers to the Tatsumi family’s friend Kyoko (played by Yuko Miyamura) letting her become a powered heroine herself!  

It’s a great little straight to video movie!

Kyuu Kyuu Sentai GoGo-V Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGoFive: Sudden Shock! A New Warrior Super Sentai V-Cinema 1990s Zeek Yuko Miyamura

The 88 Kyuranger Project


“Those who shine with Starlight never stand alone”- Ancient proverb passed throughout the universe

As Jark Matter devastates the universe the 88 constellations shine their light seeking out those worthy to wield their power. Many of them are under Jark Matter rule or in the process of escaping. In the process they join with others, at first out of necessity and survival but then out of a shared mission. This mission is the total destruction of Jark Matter and the liberation of the universe. These teams are like family (in some cases literally)



Note: If a Kyuranger has no designated weapon that means they use any configuration they choose depending on the situation.

A trio of intergalactic thrill-seekers who find a set of Kyutama and a set of Star Changers. They decide what better challenge is there than fighting against Jark Matter.

The three share a similar set of suits with an armored toga appearance

Hercules- “Power Star! Hercules Bronze”- Terrok- A golem from Gaierra, a world of rock and stone- His suit has large muscles (think Zyuoh Gorrila) and his visor resembles a human figure flexing- Kyu Gauntlet- Hercules Voyager- Large humanoid mecha with powerful arms and legs

- “Soaring Star! Perseus Platinum”- Soran- An air being from Nimbus, a world built in the clouds- His suit has winged sandals and his visor resembles a human figure wielding a shield and sickle- Kyu Shield (can reflect energy attacks)- Perseus Voyager- Smaller humanoid mecha with a force field

- “Ocean Star! Andromeda Crystal”- Umbriel- A siren from Aquis, a world beneath the waves- Her suit has chains wrapped around the arms and legs and her visor resembles a human figure in chains- Kyu Chains (can use as whips)- Andromeda Voyager- Smaller humanoid mecha with chains

Shinwa-Oh (Myth King)- Hercules forms the torso, head, and either both arms or both legs. Perseus and Andromeda form either both arms or both legs. Perseus grants a reflector shield and Andromeda wraps the enemy up in chains.

A flock of Kyurangers who banded together after their leader rescued them all from certain doom at the hands of Jark Matter.

HQ- A satellite called The Nest

Crow-“Future Star! Corvus Onyx!”- Woden- A humanoid bird and a fortune teller. Leader. Used his fortune telling to rescue and recruit the others. Suit has large beak on visor- Kyu Scepter- Corvus Voyager- Large bird mecha 

Dove-“Peace Star! Columba Indigo!”- Maltin- A human alien, diplomat who barely escaped an attempted peace meeting with Jark Matter. Suit has wings under the arms- Kyu Stun gun- Columba Voyager- Smaller bird mecha

Swan-“Melody Star! Cygnus Pearl!”- Odette- A human alien and a singer who had to flee a performance due to a Jark Matter attack. Her suit has wings that fold to resemble ball gown- Kyu Mic- Cygnus Voyager- Smaller bird mecha

Crane-“Combat Star! Grus Amber!”Lujiker- Trained in many types of martial arts. Her species has longer arms and legs than many. Her suit has elbow and knee pads- Kyu Talon (attaches to legs)- Grus Voyager- Smaller bird mecha

Peacock-“Fashion Star! Pavo Mint!”- Cecil-  An android fashion designer, designed the teams uniforms. Suit has peacock feathers on back. He is able to produce silk and string from his body- Kyu Dagger- Pavo Voyager- Smaller bird mecha

Toucan-“Tropic Star! Tucana Celadon!”- Sama- Survivor of a Jark Matter raid on a tropical paradise. Suit has hula style skirt.- Kyu Javelin- Tucana Voyager- Smaller bird mecha 

Bird of Paradise-“Exotic Star! Apus Magenta!”- Sabine- A socialite whose riches are worthless under Jark Matter resulting in her ending up living on the streets. Suit has feathers off the arms and legs- Kyu Boomerang- Apus Voyager- Smaller bird mecha

(Bird Union King)Crow forms main body the rest can form arms or legs

Centuries ago in ancient Greece Jason and the Argonauts cried out to the mighty gods. They had sailed all the oceans and seas of the world and yet they still craved adventure. The gods heard their pleas and deemed their deeds worthy of such a request.

And so Hephaestus used his power to turn the Argo into a craft worthy of the stars. Athena granted the Argonauts the knowledge of how to use the new craft as well as the ability to understand any language they encounter. Hades gave them the ability to remain in their prime without time taking them however they remain mortal to injuries and illness. Finally Zeus took the ship in hand and told the Argonauts “May your deeds inspire legends across the stars” And with that he hurled the ship into space.

Now only a handful of the Argonauts remain, some perished in battle, others found worlds to live the rest of their lives on in peace. But with the rise of Jark Matter the remaining Argonauts find themselves battling their evil as they sail the stars.

In battle the crew use the Kyu Weapon in whatever configuration fits the situation.

- “Adventure Star! Argo Navis Captain!”- Jason- A great leader, noble and brave.-Suit is gold with black coat- Argo Navis Voyager- Large ship mecha

- “Steering Star! Carina Helmsman!- Ancaeus- A son of Poseidon and gifted helmsman.- Suit is red with black coat-  Carina Voyager- A humanoid mecha

- “Swift Star! Puppis Runner!”-Atalanta- A woman raised by beasts in the wild most of her life, able to outrace any man.- Suit is blue with black coat- Puppis Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Mariner’s Compass
- “Navigation Star! Pyxis Navigator!”-Nauplius - A great navigator able to find his way through any obstacle - Suit is yellow with black coat- Pyxis Voyager- Humanoid mecha

- “Vision Star! Telescopium Lookout!”- Lynceus-  Incredible vision, can even see through objects- Suit is green with black coat- Telescopium Voyager- Humanoid mecha

- “Charting Star! Sextans Cartographer!”-Aethalides-  Has a perfect memory and has memorized a map of the known universe- Suit is orange with black coat- Sextans Voyager- Humanoid mecha

- “Magic Star! Vela Sorceress!”- Medea- A former lover of Jason skilled in the mystic arts. - Suit is white with black coat- Vela Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Argo-Oh (Argo King)
Argo Navis forms the torso and head the others form arms and legs.

A royal family who fights against Jark Matter to protect their subjects.

Cepheus- “King Star! Cepheus Golden Red!”- King Sterling- Noble and kind ruler of his people- Base suit:Red, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Gold- Wields a scepter that can turn into a blade and a blaster- Cepheus Voyager- A large humanoid mecha.

- “Queen Star! Cassiopeia Golden Purple!”- Queen Astra- Caring and just ruler of her people-Base suit:Purple, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Gold- Wields a scepter that can turn into a blade and a blaster- Cassiopeia Voyager- A smaller humanoid mecha.

Bernice’s Hair
- “Princess Star! Coma Berenices Golden Pink!”- Princess Esther- Eldest daughter of the royal family, gentle and graceful- Base suit:Pink, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Gold- Kyu Blaster- Coma Bernenices Voyager- A smaller humanoid mecha

- “Royal Star! Virgo Golden Blue!”- Princess Estelle- Youngest daughter of the royal family, free spirited and adventurous- Base suit:Blue, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Gold- Kyu Blaster- Virgo Voyager- A smaller humanoid mecha

- “Crown Star!Corona Australis/Borealis Golden Black”-B:01T2 (Bolts) - Robotic servant of the royal family, at first was just a servant but is now treated as one of the family. Swaps modes between default and battle- Base suit:Black, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Gold- Kyu Blasters (dual wields)- Corona Voyager- A smaller humanoid mecha with two modes.

Oritshi-Kunshu- Royal warrior Monarch
Cepheus Voyager forms the torso and head while the others form arms and legs.

The Neptiden system is home to worlds where life never left the seas. Home to Ichtyo Sapiens and humanoid sea creatures.

Then Jark Matter came and polluted the oceans leading a group to rise up. Calling themselves The Pod they fight against Jark Matter and seek to make their oceans clean again.

All the suits have coral like patterns on them as well as gills

Water Bearer-“Aqua Star! Aquarius Teal!”- Hatouoh- An Icthtyo-Sapien (Fish person) and leader of the team. Has limited control over water and can survive outside the water the longest of the team without special equipment or tools.- Kyu Triton- Aquarius Voyager- A large humanoid mecha.

Crab-“Claw Star! Cancer Cerulean!”- Karka- Serious and irritable to his foes but kind and caring to his friends- Kyu Pincers- Cancer Voyager- A crab mecha.

Whale-“Wave Star! Cetus Turquoise!”- Mobee- A gentle giant spurred to action his outrage over Jark Matter’s actions.- Kyu Harpoon- Cetus Voyager- A whale mecha

Dolphin-“Tide Star! Delphinus Viridian!”- Delfina- Easygoing and carefree she seems careless but is a capable fighter- Kyu Hook- Delphinus Voyager- A dolphin Mecha

Fish-“Ocean Star! Pisces Verdigris!”- Vivian- Mother of Noah, she joined to defend her home and family.- Kyu Hydro Pistol- Pisces Voyager- A fish mecha

Southern Fish-“Depth Star! Pisces Austrinus Aquamarine!”- Noah- Son of Vivian, joined to fight alongside his mom and defend his home- Kyu Bubble Blaster- Pisces Austrinus Voyager- Smaller fish mecha that fits inside the back of the Pisces Voyager

Flying Fish-“Surf Star! Volans Celeste!”-  Dylan- Calm and relaxed even in the midst of battle. Enjoys surfing on the surface of the seas- Kyu Rod- Volans Voyager- A flying fish mecha

Mizusei-Oh (Water Life King)
Aquarius forms the torso and head and four of the others form arms and legs

Traveling through the stars there is a fleet of ships, the lead ship is called The Chariot. The mission of this fleet is to transport supplies and people to and from planets under siege by Jark Matter. They transport supplies to worlds in need and evacuate people from worlds about to be destroyed. One way or another all of these beings ended up on board The Chariot and now work together to defend it and the fleet from Jark Matter.

Charioteer- “Travel Star! Auriga Brown!”- Farold- Runs intergalactic transport, now smuggles people out of Jark Matter sectors to safety. When he and a ship full of refugees was caught in a Jark Matter ambush he cried out “Oh Stars! I care not what happens to me but please may those under my protection survive this day!” Impressed by his devotion to those he protects a Kyutama appeared to him. With it he got all the refugees to safety.- Auriga Voyager- Humanoid mecha driving a large chariot lead by a giant Kyutama.

Herdsman- “Shepherd Star! Bootes Tan!”- Sergeo- The second in command, he is Farold’s partner in all meanings- Kyu Staff- Bootes Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Furnace- “Smith star! Fornax Ruby!”- Vulcana- forced to build weapons for Jark Matter, She escapes and fights back- Suit has welding visor and apron. Base suit:Red, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Black- Kyu Mallet- Fornax Voyager- Humanoid mecha, when used as an arm forms a hammer weapon

River-“River Star! Eriadanus Sapphire!”- Rhea- Water Elemental- Mermaid, Jark Matter blocked her river with a dam- Base suit:Blue visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Light Blue- Kyu Water Whip- Eriadanus Voyager- Mermaid mecha

Air Pump-“Wind Star! Antila Ivory!”- Ahio- Member of a race who traveled on the winds until Jark Matter clogged the air with choking smog.- Base suit:White, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Gray- Kyu Fan- Antila Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Mountain-“Mountain Star! Mensa Emerald!”- Valborg- Dwarf whose people lived under a great mountain for generations until Jark Matter carved out the mountain to gain precious metals - Base suit:Green, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Light Green- Kyu Pickax- Mensa Voyager- Smaller humanoid mecha

Pendulum Clock-“Time Star! Horogium Copper!”- Cogsworth- Steampunk Android, Uptight and proper. Always keeps his promises and is able to freeze time for one minute.- Suit has a waistcoat- Kyu Halberd- Horogium Voyager- Humanoid mecha

These two are from rival religious sects however their adventures in escaping and fighting against Jark Matter helped them move beyond that to become allies. They spend most of their time having friendly debates about interpretations of scripture or offering spiritual comfort to those fleeing Jark Matter.

Altar-“Spirit Star! Ara White-Gold!”Hugh-Monk who turns his spiritual power inwards and can heal wounds- Suit is white with gold highlights- Ara Voyager- Humanoid mecha, when used as an arm can heal damage to the entire mecha.

Southern Cross-“Soul Star! Crux Golden-White!”- Soul Star- Chetan - Monk who turns his spiritual power outwards and can drive away evil- Suit is gold with white highlights- Crux Voyager- Humanoid mecha.

Shield-“Protection Star! Scutum Chrome!”-Giles - A robotic knight who defends the defenseless- Kyu Discus projects a barrier around himself and others near him.- Scutum Voyager- Knight styled mecha, when used as an arm forms a force field around the entire mecha.

Twins-“Yin Star Yang Star! Gemini Grey!”- Darcy/Lucas - Twins who can control shadow and light respectively. Suits are white with black orb and black with white orb- Kyu Spears- Gemini Voyager (can only be called by both at once)- Humanoid mecha

Archer-“Archer Star! Sagittarius Green-Brown!”- Bowen- A skilled marksman and hunter- Base suit:Green, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Brown- Kyu Bow- Sagittarius Voyager- Humanoid mecha.

Arrow-“Arrow Star! Sagitta Brown-Green!”-Quiver- Robot helper armed with arrow head darts- Base suit:Brown, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Green- Kyu Arrowheads- Sagitta Voyager- Smaller humanoid mecha.

Azenoko Oh
- Safe Travel King (Auriga forms torso and head)

Azenabi Oh
- Safe Journey King (Bootes forms torso and head)

A team of bounty hunters, more often than not will forgo a reward if the cause is just. With the rule of Jark Matter many of their targets are those who betrayed their people to Jark Matter for glory.

Ship- “Something Spacey” (during an argument on what to name the ship one of them screamed “just name it something spacey” and the others did as a joke)

Hunter*- “Hunter Star! Indus Jade!”- Chaze- Bounty Hunter skilled at tracking known to follow targets across entire star systems- Kyu Shotgun- Indus Voyager- Large humanoid mecha

Hunting Dog- “Hound Star! Canes Venatici Saffron” - Dywlo- Alien tracker able to follow a trail across space- Canes Venatici Voyager- Dog mecha

Greater/Lesser Dog- “Pack Star! Canis Major Sienna!” - Kaynine- Robotic hound who can launch smaller unit. Secondary unit is Canis Minor and is called Rover. Both units have a bipedal mode and a quadrupedal mode for quick travel- Canis Voyager- Dog mecha (both units share a Voyager)

Kariudo-Oh (huntsman king)
Indus forms torso and head Canes and Canis forms arms and legs

*actual constellation is “Indian” so yeah…

A group of survivors who each barely escaped Jark Matter attacks with their lives and joined together to prevent future tragedies.

Hydra-“Revival Star! Hydra Blood Red!”- Rene- A man who survived Jark Matter attack and vowed revenge. He replaced many of his injured limbs with robotics becoming a cyborg- Base suit:Orange, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Red- Kyu Cat-O-Nine Tails- Hydra Voyager- Hydra mecha

Unicorn-“Storm Star! Monoceros Rain Blue!”-  Aridni- The lone survivor of a Jark Matter attack on a group of weather mages, she can control the weather in the local area- Base suit:Purple, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Blue- Kyu Lance- Monoceros Voyager- Unicorn mecha

Pegasus-“Galloping Star! Pegasus Soaring White!”- Hermia- A messenger who tragically failed to reach a planet to warn of a Jark Matter attack. She hopes to save other worlds from the same fate- Base suit:Silver, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:White- Kyu Bo- Pegasus Voyager- Pegasus mecha

Centaur-“Mentor Star! Centaurus Wisdom Yellow!”- Regab- Teacher who barely survived buying his students time to flee a Jark matter attack- Base suit:Green, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Yellow- Kyu Crossbow- Centaurus Voyager- Centaur mecha

Cerberus-“Guard Star! Cerberus Justice Gray!”- Lamont- A former guard of a maximum security space jail, during a Jark Matter attack many of the prisoners escaped, now he hunts them down to put back behind bars.- Base suit:Black, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Gray- Kyu Tri Sword- Cerberus Voyager- Cerberus mecha

Taerai-Oh (Survivor Revenge King)
Hydra forms torso and head, other forms arms and legs.

Group of organic and robotic animals who escape Jark Matter. Jark Matter was trying to turn them into weapons. After they escape they turn on Jark Matter and call themselves The Menagerie

Ram- “Charging Star! Aries Charcoal!”-  Mesha- Leader of the team, the first to escape his cell and set the others free. He leads the team in their mission to fight Jark Matter- Biological- Kyu Battering Ram- Aries Voyager- Large Ram mecha.

Lynx- “Feline Star! Lynx Snow-White!”- K8Y (pronounced Katie)- A robotic lynx, she’s second in command, escaped with Mesha and set the others free. - Kyu Claws- Lynx Voyager- Lynx mecha

Giraffe- “Tall Star! Camelopardalis Tawny!”- Geff- A robotic giraffe, he can extend his neck to get a better vantage point in battle- Camelopardalis Voyager- Giraffe mecha

Sea Goat- “Horn Star! Capricornus Sepia!” - Aquot- Robot can operate on land and under water - Base suit:Sepia, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Blue- Capricornus Voyager- Goat mecha

Horse- “Stallion Star! Equuleus Lavender!”- Clyde- Robotic horse-man build for speed and racing. He uses his speed in battle- Equuleus Voyager- Horse mecha

Water Snake- “Slither Star! Hydrus Malachite!”- Lynda -Robotic Snake-woman build for infiltration and recon.- Kyu Fang- Two arm blades- Hydrus Voyager- Snake mecha

Lizard- “Reptile Star! Lacerta Burgundy!”- Elize - Organic Lizard-Woman, can climb up walls- Kyu Whip- Lacerta Voyager- Lizard mecha

Lesser Lion- “Roaring Star! Leo Minor Crimson!”- Lenny -Young lion-man, abducted from his pride to be raised as a weapon before the escape- Kyu Knife- Leo Minor Voyager- Smaller lion mecha

Rabbit- “Hopping Star! Lepus Beige!”- Usagi- Rabbit-Woman, able to leap incredibly high, powerful kicks- Lepus Voyager- Rabbit mecha

Fly- “Sanitation Star! Musca Gunmetal!”- Buzzter- Robotic Fly janitor stolen by Jark Matter to be re-purposed as a weapon- Kyu vacuum- absorbs debris and shoots as energy- Musca Voyager- Fly mecha

Snake- “Venom Star! Serpens Apricot!”-  Kaza - A male Cobra Naga, able to poison foes with many kinds of venom- Kyu Fangs- Arm blades- Serpens Voyager- Snake mecha

Fox- “Cunning Star! Vulpecula Vermillion!”- Vix -Fox woman skilled at sabotage and misdirection. Enjoys messing with people.- Vulpecula Voyager- Fox mecha

Yaju-Oh (wild beast king)
Aries forms the torso and four others form arms and legs

Yaseitsu-Oh (wild animal king)
Lynx forms the torso and four others form arms and legs

A group of scientists and artisans who flee Jark Matter trying to stay alive. They call themselves The Guild.

Their base is a space station called “The Muse”

Team Motto- “Behold our Ma-STAR-piece”

Easel- Pictor (easel)- “Paint Star! Pictor Rainbow!” - Palo- Painter who can temporarily bring his paintings to life- Leader- Base suit:White, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Rainbow- Kyu Brush- Pictor Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Sculptor- “Statue Star! Sculptor Marble!” - Teo- Living statue. Sculpted by a lonely man who wanted a friend, he wished on a star to bring his creation to life and it worked- Sculptor Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Microscope“Micro Star! Microscopium Jet Black!”  -Rahnk- Atomic scientist, he can shrink to microscopic size- Microscopium Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Chisel- “Metal Star! Caelum Sand!” -Alloya - A metal worker, she has the ability to control and shape metal- Caelum Voyager- Humanoid mecha
Level- “Wood Star! Norma Redwood!” - Zayer- Carpenter and wood carver, he was once a warrior until growing to regret the carnage he spread. As a result he now uses his skill and strength to make lives better-  Kyu Hatchet- Norma Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Octant- “Math Star! Octans Fuchsia!”- Mathilda -Mathematician who found a formula for optimizing energy usage. As a result she is chased by Jark Matter so they can use it to increase their power- Octans Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Harp- “Song Star! Lyra Maroon!” - Bayrd- Second in command, can create solid sound from his harp. Can also use music to heal people- Lyra Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Eyepiece- “Lens Star! Reticulum Mahogany!” - Radid- Scientist with enhanced eyes, can spot objects far away and he increase the accuracy of others- Reticulum Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Cup- “Absorption Star! Crater Neon Green!” - Eureka- Robot designed to absorb samples for research. She can absorb and redirect energy attacks.- Crater Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Triangle/Southern Triangle-  “Angle Star! Triangulum/Australe Red-Blue Blue-Red!”- “Viviandre (Vivian and Andre) - Two scientists sharing a body due to a teleportation experiment gone awry, They swap every six hours (the swap can be forced via Kyutama if needed)- Base suit:Red/Blue, visor/armbands/leg bands/chest orb:Blue/Red- Triangulum/Australe Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Compasses- “Cardinal Star! Circinus Periwinkle!”-Viga- The navigator for “The Muse“ Can bend her attacks to attack from any direction- Circinus Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Zunonjin-Oh  (Brain Patron King)
Pictor forms the torso and four others form the arms and legs

Takunin-Oh (Artisan King)
Lyra forms the torso and four others form the arms and legs

When Jark Matter grows too strong for even the 88 Kyurangers the universe cries once more, their cries are answered by nine spheres in the skies, the nine worlds of the Sol System! On each world an armored warrior rises from the core forming bodies out of the planet surrounding them!

These elite warriors have more armor than the usual Kyuranger. Instead of summoning their Voyagers they become their Voyagers which are able to become not only arms or legs, but each one can become the head.

The team have no physical weapons instead using energy weapons and blasts.

Their visors have the planetary symbols on them

Mercury- Racing Planet! Mercury Warrior!- Super speed to the point of teleportation, always in a rush he tends to get over his head trying to prove himself- Mercury Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Venus- Acid Planet! Venus Warrior!- She is able to turn herself into a cloud of acid or increase the temperature of her body- Venus Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Earth- Living Planet! Earth Warrior!- She draws power from living beings around her and is able to communicate and command biological life (sentient life is harder to command)- Earth Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Mars- War Planet! Mars Warrior!- During battle he enters a berserker rage increasing his power- Mars Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Jupiter- Gravity Planet! Jupiter Warrior!- He controls gravity and can increase or decrease it within the area around him- Jupiter Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Saturn- Ringed Planet! Saturn Warrior!- He can create and throw rings of energy at enemies either binding them or slicing them- Saturn Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Uranus- Vertigo Planet! Uranus Warrior!- He is able to induce vertigo and dizziness in those around him. And yes he has heard the jokes, he is not amused- Uranus Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Neptune- Hydro Planet! Neptune Warrior!- The waves and tides follow his command and in battle he sends floods against his enemies- Neptune Voyager- Humanoid mecha


- Frost Planet! Pluto Warrior!- Slightly insecure due to the status of her world Pluto controls ice and frost in battle- Pluto Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Wakuseijin (Planet God)

A large orb representing the sun appears and forms the torso while five of the Warrior Voyagers form the head, arms, and legs. Depending on whoever forms the head they have different attributes and abilities.

Angered by multiple losses against the 88 Kyuranger Don Armage ordered his scientist to create nine Dark Kyutama to create a team to fight on their side. These Dark Kyutama draw their power from forgotten constellations.
 A team was assembled of willing and unwilling warriors to fight for Jark Matter.

The orb on their suits has the Jark Matter insignia within it.

Crossed Swords- “Sword Star! Gladii Electorales Saxonici Dark Red!”- Bladegon- Monster Swordsman has a collection of swords from his fallen foes, due to a defeat in battle swore loyalty to Jark Matter. Can this once proud warrior find his honor again?- Gladii Voyager- Humanoid mecha armed with swords.

- “Web Star! Aranea Dark Orange!”- Webster- Secretly gentle and caring. Jark Matter threatened him in order to get him to join them. Can this gentle soul find the courage to resist?- Aranea Voyager- Spider mecha

“Disa-Star! Felis Dark Blue!”- Desmona- Spreads misfortune and misery wherever she goes, however she cannot turn this ability off leading to her being outcast until Jark Matter found her. Will her luck ever change?- Felis Voyager- Cat mecha

Electric Generator- “Machine Star! Machina Electrica Dark Gold!” - Raidron- Robot monster- Despises biological life with a passion due to mistreatment in the past. Can this robotic warrior grow past his hatred?- Machina Electrica Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Armor Star! Manis Dark Black!”- Armold- A member of the same wrestling federation as Champ, Jark Matter got him addicted to a strength boosting drug in order to get him to join their team. Can the heel find his strength once more?- Manis Voyager- Pangolin mecha

Keeper of Harvests- “Harvest Star! Custos Messium Dark Silver!”- Dimitri - A scientist who was attempting to find a way to increase the output of crops accidentally gave themselves a touch that causes decay. With nowhere else to turn to they joined Jark Matter. Can this grim reaper find a way to create life once more?- Custos Messium Voyager- Humanoid mecha

Toad- “Shadow Star”! Bufo Dark Green!”- Kerage- When he tried to join a ninja school he was laughed out due to his weight, however Jark Matter gave him a chance to become powerful. Will this ninja realize the price he paid for his power?- Bufo Voyager- Toad mecha

“Knowledge Star! Noctua Dark Pink!”- Atherva- A librarian who is always seeking out new information, the temptation of the possibilities of the Dark Kyutama were too great. Will she be able to use what she has learned to escape Jark Matter?- Noctua Voyager- Owl mecha

- “Marine Star! Anguilla Dark Yellow!”-  Cambus- An underwater explorer who foolishly accepted a grant from Jark Matter for an expedition, now he is forced to join the team to repay his debt. Can this explorer find his way to freedom?- Anguilla Voyager- Eel mecha

Yamishi-Genshu (Darkness Star Emperor)
Gladii Voyager forms the torso and head, four others form arms and legs


I really like this idea!  We know now that there aren’t just 9 Kyurangers so having all of the 88 Constellations have a hero makes some sense!  

Good work!!!  I love this kind of fan idea that has so much thought and work put into it!


This entire idea is much more than just Okyu!

Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Fan Idea Super Sentai 88 Constellations maswartz

The heroes of 1999′s KyuuKyuu Sentai GoGo-V!

All of these heroes are siblings, the Tatsumi family and work day jobs as emergency services workers.

Go Red is Matoi Tatsumi a member of the Fire Department’s Rescue Squad

Go Green is Shou Tatsumi and works as a helicopter pilot for the Fire Department

Go Blue is Nagare Tatsumi who is a Chemist for the Fire Deparment

Go Pink is Matsuri Tatsumi and the only daughter of the family as well as paramedic.

Go Yellow is Daimon Tatsumi, a Police Sergeant

KyuuKyuu Sentai GoGo-V Super Sentai Heroes Tatsumi Family 1990s