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Horn Entrepreneurship

3 Reasons Pitch Parties are Out of This World

pitchblog1The upcoming Horn Entrepreneurship Out of This World Pitch Party will be held at 132 E. Delaware Ave. from 3:30 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, March 21. Any undergraduate student is allowed to pitch and any student, faculty or staff may attend. The event is free, although registration is required to pitch or attend. Spots are limited to pitch and spectate, and are filled on a first come, first served basis.

Gear up for a pitch and get out there this semester to dial in on these three awesome benefits while enjoying a great evening with friends and the Horn Entrepreneurship community.

Get on-the-spot feedback

Horn Entrepreneurship’s pitch parties bring in seasoned and accomplished judges to hear each pitch and then provide participants with actionable feedback. Everyone can grow their idea and even use the judges as contacts in their new, developing network.

M&B Booking, a startup music-booking agency co-founded by Ben Rossman and Matthew Hubner, placed first in Horn’s Entrepreneurship’s fall 2017 pitch competition, Phantom Pitch Party. “Pitch parties are a great way to receive essential, constructive feedback about your idea while giving you the opportunity to expand your network,” said Ben. “With the earnings from Horn’s pitch party, M&B Booking was able to offer more equipment to assist in our artists' live shows and expand our social media reach through promotional marketing.”

Practice makes perfect 

Pitch parties are supportive, fun atmospheres and are the perfect time to practice and refine your pitch! So have fun pitching in front of your friends and other like-minded, motivated students knowing that at the end of it all, there was tremendous value in practicing your pitch in front of a room full of supportive people.

Isabella Rimton, a finalist in the Under the Sea Pitch Party, said “There is always more to learn in being an effective communicator on stage. Competing in the pitch competition was an amazing opportunity to practice preparing a pitch, delivering a powerful message in only 90 seconds and being able to improvise answers to questions on the spot.”

Learn more about yourself

Pursuing an entrepreneurial idea in a college environment allows you to gain new experiences and try new things that will help you to learn more about yourself and what you might be interested in later in your career.

Vince DiFelice, Manager, Venture Support, at Horn Entrepreneurship, said “What I’ve learned in my time as an entrepreneur is that you aren’t born with an interest, or a passion or a purpose. You’re born an empty vessel and through life experiences, you generate and develop interests, so it’s all about getting those life experiences. Entrepreneurship is simply a way to chase those life experiences and Horn offers several different ways to do that, like the low-stakes pitch party.”

Any undergraduate student may pitch but any UD student, faculty or staff, may watch. The event is free but to pitch or attend you must register.

About Horn Entrepreneurship

Horn Entrepreneurship serves as the University of Delaware’s creative engine for entrepreneurship education and advancement. Built and actively supported by successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders, Horn Entrepreneurship empowers aspiring innovators and entrepreneurs as they pursue new ideas for a better world.

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