
83 Pins
Common Core Rubrics and Checklists for Teachers and Students
Common Core Star Rubircs and Checklists for grade one. Each ELA CCSS is broken down into five points of achievement. Color version for whole class and black and white version for individuals. Includes a checklist too.$
How To Read With Your Child
For parents: Seven Things You Should Be Doing as You’re Reading to Your Child
Retelling of book, Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming and Printable "Time to Sleep" Reader's Theater. Retelling of book, Time to Sleep by Denise Fleming and Printable "Time to Sleep" Reader's Theater. So cute!
Non-Fiction Know-It-Alls
This nonfiction response is great for students to begin to recognize the features of nonfiction pieces of writing. They can see what nonfiction writing has in common and pick out the main idea and supporting evidence. This worksheet would also be good for students to summarize and use again to reference the piece of work they read.