
320 Pins
desenho feminino
Falaaaaa galerinhaa! Desbloqueie seu talento artístico e mergulhe no mundo mágico do desenho de anime. Desenhe com liberdade e aprenda lucrar desenhando para o Youtube, acesse nosso site <3
STRAWS - Jota Han
#art #illustration #artactivism #byebyestraws #stopsucking #refuseplasticstraws #saynotoplasticstraws #savetheocean #skipthestraw #ocean #plasticocean #plasticchange #plasticwaste #cleanseas #refusesingleuse #plasticfreeoceans #seamonster #seaturtle #plasticstraws #motiongraphics #motiondesigner #animation #adobeaftereffects #2danimation #turtle #shark #jaws
‘I may have forgotten to turn off the oven’, Jocelin Carmes
ArtStation - ‘I may have forgotten to turn off the oven’, Jocelin Carmes