
56 Pins
House and photography studio by Olson Kundig with pivoting steel doors
Pivoting steel doors lead into Studio Sitges, a house and photography studio in Spain by Olson Kundig
Binocle - Mdc gallery lombardia
MDC GALLERY LOMBARDIA - Casa Corbellini-Wassermann, a 1930s Piero Portaluppi apartment building with opulent marble interiors, has been renovated by Studio Binocle with consultancy by Antonio Citterio, into an art gallery and HQ for Massimo De Carlo.
A Peek Inside Some of Milan’s Most Stunning Buildings (Published 2017)
A Peek Inside Some of Milan's Most Stunning Buildings viale Vittorio Veneto 20 Architect: Achille Luigi Ferraresi, 1952-57 Step: Verde Alpi ophicalcite.
The Lord Of Traver Checklists: German Hotels In Time F/ IMM 2019 | Unique Blog
Everyone needs to go out and enjoy a good restaurant or hotel. Luxurious spaces to relax this 2019 new yea! See more clicking on the image. #newyear #restaurantinteriordesign #designhotels #hotelinteriordesign #hotel #restaurants #luxuryhoteldesign #luxuryrestaurantdesign #lobbydesign #hotellightingideas #hoteldecor
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「スキップフロアのあるブラックボックスハウス」 ゼストの写真集 倉敷市 注文住宅 工務店
田園風景にたたずむBLACK BOX