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Simple & Quick Spinach & Feta Pasta
9K views · 269 reactions | Spinach & Rice | Discover the flavors of Greece with my new Spanakorizo recipe! This delightful dish combines spinach, fresh herbs, and rice for a juicy and vibrant meal.... | By Dimitra's Dishes | Hi, everyone. Yasas si Calo Certa to another episode of Dimitra's Dishes. Today, I'm going to be teaching how to make the classic Spana Corrizo. It's a spinach and rice pilaf that's made with loads of spinach, a little bit of rice and herbs. It's so good and of course, it's slightly lemony and refreshing. It's simple to make and goes good with literally everything. Let's get started. Okay, so we're going to begin with a red onion. I'm not going to use the whole thing because this is pretty big and I'm not making that big of a batch but you can use the whole thing if you want more flavor. You're just going to ahead and finally chop it and add it to the pot with lots of olive oil. You could add a quarter cup of olive oil or as much as your heart desires. Cook the onion over medium low heat until it's nice and soft and translucent. You don't want to get any color on it. In the meantime, we'll cut up the garlic cloves. So, I have six large garlic cloves here. I'll use the back of my knife and some pressure to just smash them up a little bit. That way the skin comes off easily or the peel and I'm just going to slice the garlic up into rounds. I don't grate the for this recipe because when the garlic cooks with the onion and then with the spinach it's going to soften up and mellow up and it's just going to add such good flavor and this brings me back to childhood the garlic pieces in the spanacoruso have always been my favorite I don't know if it's traditional but that's how my mom makes it and I've always made it that way the onion is ready it's already softened up quite a bit I'll add the garlic in right now and technically you could add the garlic at the beginning too because it takes a little while for it to cook probably around the same time that it takes the onion to cook. So, I'm going to let this go for another four, five minutes or until the garlic is nice and soft as well and then, we're going to add the spinach. So, lots of spinach goes in this recipe. There's actually more spinach than rice in Spanacoriza. You can use one and a half to two pounds of baby spinach leaves. I'm using two pounds today. So, we'll add the spinach in a little bit at a time. Seasoning each batch with a pinch of salt and freshly cracked black pepper. I'll increase the heat to medium high so that way the spinach wilts quickly. Once all of the spinach is in and it's nice and wilted. It's time to add the rice. I'm using our boreo rice today. Carolina rice is a rice that's used in grease. Which is very similar to a risotto. So you can use our borerio rice for this or a medium grain rice. Whatever you have on hand. We'll add the rice right now. Some salt and some freshly cracked black pepper. Since I'm adding half a cup of rice. I'll add half a teaspoon of salt to this. And then one cup of water. As soon as the mixture heats up and comes to a boil. I'll reduce the heat to put the lid on and this is going to cook for about 15 minutes until the rice starts to soften and become nice and tender. I'll also finally chop some fresh dill. Dill is almost a must in Spanacorrizo. If you don't like it, you can substitute parsley instead but I love the dill in here. You want a nice, big tablespoon of it once you're done chopping up the dill really finely. The dill is going to go in the spanacorizo with a little bit of lemon juice, fresh lemon juice always and then just to add some depth of I'll add half a teaspoon of dried mint, fresh mint would do too. Just mix it all up and just let this simmer for another four, 5 minutes, and then it's ready to serve. You can also drizzle some more olive oil into the pot or you can serve this drizzle with olive oil onto your plate, some fresh lemon juice, of course some feta cheese, and it is ready to eat. Okay, so just like that, it's ready and as you see, there's more spinach in this than rice and that's how a classic Spanaco Rizzo is. I have shared a recipe with a lighter version that has more rice than spinach. It's more like a pilaf than this. This is made this way to be served more as a main course. It comes from the category in Greek foods known as lavera which are olive oil-based dishes which are usually vegetarian or vegan and they're served as a main course and there's so many veggies in them. That's how this is traditionally made but if you want to learn how to make the other version which has some more rice in it and it's I make it with basmati rice and more of like for a side. You can click down below I'll put the link down there so you can watch that recipe if you haven't already. This smells so good. I have to taste it and I want to make sure I get a garlic because that's the best part. It's creamy and it melts in your mouth and it's just so lemony and good. I like to serve this with some feta cheese and lemon wedges on the side. Lots of toasted hearty bread just to soak up all that olive oil and those juices. It goes good with seafood if you're making shrimp or chicken or if you want to make a bowl out of this, you can fry some kiftades or grill some beef tequila which are basically like meatballs and it just goes really well together. I hope you guys give this recipe a try. The exact measurements are on the website Dimitra's Dishes. com. You can head on over there to print this recipe out. A you'd like to learn the other version of Spanacoriza, you can click right here and I'll see you over there. Yes, us.
11K views · 337 reactions | 🍋 Lemony Beef Stew – A Greek Comfort Classic with a Twist! Warm up your winter nights with this hearty and flavorful Lemony Beef Stew! Tender chunks of... | By Dimitra's Dishes | Hey, everyone. Today, we're going to be making a delicious and comforting Greek lemony beef stew with cabbage and potatoes. It's hearty and it's packed with delicious flavor. We're going to start by cutting up the beef into larger cubes. Season both sides with salt and freshly cracked black pepper and I also like to add a little sprinkling of flour onto it. This is going to brown in a little bit of oil over medium high heat until it's nice and golden all around. Remove it from the pot and then add in finely chopped onion and some carrots. Them until they're nice and soft. Add in some garlic for flavor until it's fragrant. The beef will go back into the pot with broth, salt, pepper, oregano. If you have rosemary, you could put it in and fresh lemon juice. Bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat. Cover the pot and let this simmer until the beef is nice and tender. Then, go in and add the potatoes and shredded cabbage a little bit more salt and pepper and this is going to cook for another 30 minutes until the potatoes and the cabbage are nice and tender and that's how you make a Greek lemony beef stew. It's hearty, comforting, and delicious that'll add a little bit of Greek warmth to your table. If you want to watch the full video and get the printed recipe, it's on the website, Dimitri's Dishes. com, Caliorexi.