Math centers

143 Pins
Butterfly Spring Math Craftivity
Need a fun math-based craft for your bulletin board? We've got you covered with this Butterfly Spring Math Craftivity to go along with the book Ten For Me.
FREE printables 100 Days of School in Kindergarten First Grade and Preschool - Games - Crafts
Your students will have so much fun with these FREEBIES and ideas to celebrate being 100 days smarter at school! Print these notes to send home to families to dress up like we are 100 years old - make necklaces - crowns - writing prompts - math games - bulletin board crafts - independent work packets - trail mix and snacks plus so much more! I share videos and our favorite books to read on this special day too! #kindergarten #firstgrade #100daysofschool
100TH DAY OF SCHOOL CELEBRATION MATERIALS - worksheets - printables - freebies - hat craft - book
100 Days of School Activities - counting to 100 - math activities - math printables - crafts - 100 items - 100 snacks - writing - games - 100 day smarter - worksheets - certificates - kindergarten - first grade - preschool - freebies - if I were 100 years old - dress up - 100th day of school - 100 days in school #100thdayofschool #kindergarten