bis daily devotions

Join us as we ponder daily Scripture readings and soak up His word. From inspirational quotes to the art of being a woman in today's world, we want to walk with you, sister. We want to travel this side of Heaven together. more at
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Words of Life // Bible Verse Cards
You can hear God's Voice, right here, right now. His Voice speaks life and truth to your heart. Here at Blessed is She, we want to grow in our love of the Word. Whether it be diving in to the daily readings and reflection every single day, or joining a small group to pray together, or reading scripture with your BIS Catholic Journaling Bible, we want to be in relationship with our God through His Holy Word. Our Words of Life: Scripture Cards are to help each of us grow in love and appreciation
Remain Prayer Journal for Kids - Blessed Is She
Need a simple prayer tool for your kiddos? We got you covered. This prayer journal includes: Engaging weekly prayer challenges to keep your kids engaged and learning about the Faith. Thoughtfully designed daily prayer pages featuring dedicated space for personal reflections, intentions, and gratitude. Scripture verses
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What if, instead of making all the plans for tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. . . what if, today, we turned our gaze to Him? What if, today, we lifted our heads to His voice? What if, today, we opened our ears to what He is speaking to us? He has grace for every single season, and I know that in my bones, but He also has grace for today. He also pours Himself out for you and for me on an ordinary Sunday in March.
We are marked with ashes today as an outward sign of our need for ongoing repentance and conversion. Ashes remind us that we fall short of the love God desires for us to give and to receive. Black smudges on our foreheads, though visible to all, hold secrets between our souls and our loving Father, communicating to Him alone the depths of our desire to be free from oft-hidden sins and experience greater intimacy with our Maker.
Find the Best Lent Devotional for Women – Blessed Is She - Blessed Is She
Shop our devotional for women this Lent season. Immerse yourself in spiritual growth and reflection with our inspiring Lent devotional guide for women.
Find the Best Lent Devotional for Women – Blessed Is She - Blessed Is She
Shop our devotional for women this Lent season. Immerse yourself in spiritual growth and reflection with our inspiring Lent devotional guide for women.
A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter,” we read. “[H]e who finds one finds a treasure” (Sirach 6:14). How beautiful it is that an entire passage of Scripture is devoted to finding and cultivating true friendship! These true friends show up for us when life is easy breezy and without care, and all the more so when life is tumultuous and full of sorrow. True friends are Christ-like, pouring themselves out for the good of the other.
Reframing Our Resolutions - Blessed Is She
Reframing our Resolutions || Daily Devotion | Catholic | Christian | Inspiration | For Women | Body Image | Near Year's Resolutions
We live in a time of both knowing the Bridegroom is with us and waiting to be with Him fully in Heaven. There is great joy and grace that comes from seasons of fasting, because we know He has the victory. But we cannot forget why we’re fasting. May our prayer and fasting reveal a sorrow for our sins and an inner hunger for Him. And in the times where we don’t fast, may that, too, be a witness of the presence of God to those around you.
Blessed Is She - Catholic Women Religious Store & Community
Blessed is She is a daily devotional prayer community for women who want to grow their relationship with Jesus Christ by offering resources, products, & more.
Today’s Gospel brings me back to the feelings of that summer. The Apostles had just witnessed Jesus multiply the loaves and fish and heard Peter declare that Jesus was the Christ (see Luke 9:10-17, 20). They must have been on a high seeing the miraculous power of Jesus. Perhaps they imagined the honor they’d receive having been chosen by Him. Then Jesus drops the bomb, explaining that He must suffer, be rejected, and be killed before rising (see Luke 9:22).
When we hold back, we reveal our weakness in trust. It is trust that allows us to give completely, holding nothing back. How much more beautiful it would be to wake each day, not knowing what it will bring, and to surrender it all in blissful ignorance, trusting in the Lord. What a gift it is to love and trust like a child, fully relying on our Father, knowing that our needs will be met.
Sister, your story may include some detours and “scenic routes,” but never doubt God’s ability to re-route you back to Himself. Just answer the question, “Where are you?” with humility and honesty, and ask for help getting home. He’s put the path on your heart, and the Way is waiting to carry you there.
We can dive into this season with renewed purpose. In our prayer we can “give thanks to the LORD” and “sing praise to [His] name, Most High” (Psalm 92:2), forming new habits in our speech. In our fasting we can ask the Lord to help us to “remove the wooden beams from [our] eye first” (Luke 6:42). And as we give alms, we can detach ourselves from worldly things and be “planted in the house of the Lord,” so that we will be the good tree of the Gospel which bears good fruit.
Shop Mystery and Blessed Conversations at Blessed Is She - Blessed Is She
Blessed Is She Mystery and Blessed Conversations reveal the power of faith-based conversations. Shop now and deepen your faith with meaningful connections.