Love Challenge

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Water Filtration Experiment for Kids
This fun science experiment is appropriate for kids age 5 and up. This experiment also gave us a chance to talk about water pollution and diseases caused by drinking dirty water. Kids are unaware of how much water is contaminated before reaching our taps. We discussed we are lucky to have reliable access to clean water. #waterfilter #waterfiltrationexperiment #waterfiltrationexperimentforkids
benefits of walking 30-mins a day
Walking is part of our daily life. We walk to get things we need, and to go to places that we want to be. But aside from these, walking is a great way to improve our health. Walking everyday for 10-30 mins. is recommended as physical activity as can help in different aspects of our health. It can help us maintain our weight, reduce stress. and give us a moment of peace, strengthen bones, and even reduces risk of heart diseases.
3-day & 7-day Detox Diet Plan For Weight Loss That Really Work
Some diet plans comprise of months of starvation while others need to be followed for a week or so. The 7 day juice diet detox plan is a quick fix to a healthy body.
Council Post: Great Customer Experience Starts With Employee Experience
In order to have loyal customers, you need employees who are valued and feel valuable.
🏆 Daily Challenge- Minor Changes = Major Shifts! 🏆
👊 You have ultimate power and control over how your life plays out\n🙂 Small daily habits effect all areas of your life\n🤔 Your daily practices determine the life that you lead\n🏆 Even the smallest of positive changes can lead to great things\n💁‍♀️ It’s easier to change your habits than you think\n\n🚀✨ Whether it’s tweaking your morning routine, making a healthier food choice, or taking a few minutes to meditate, these minor changes can create a significant impact. Remember, big transformations often start with small steps. \n\n#MinorChangesMajorShifts #DailyChallenge #SmallStepsBigImpact #TransformYourLife #TinyTweaksBigResults #LittleChangesBigDifference #PositiveChanges #DailyImprovements #SmallHabits #LifeTransformation #stepbystep #PersonalGrowth\n#ProgressOverPerfection #Power
This Is What You Need To Know About Sugar — Isabelle McKenzie
I've gathered some compelling and disturbing evidence on just how harmful #sugar can actually be. So, here are 12 eye opening #facts everyone should know about sugar and its detrimental side-effects. #sugarfree #lowsugar #healthylivingtips #sugarbalance #tips #sugarfreerecipes #healthyliving
How Yoga Before Bedtime Changed My Life
Do you have a bedtime yoga routine? In this post, I share how yoga before bedtime changed my life and my bedtime routine for the better. #yogabeforebedtime #bedtimeyogaroutine #yogabeforebed #bedtimeyogaposes
Untitled — This Is The Murderer Of Obesity Wi
Here are some tips for using ACV to help lose belly fat🍎弄擄 1️⃣ Start by incorporating apple cider vinegar into your daily routine. You can mix one to two tablespoons of ACV with a glass of water and drink it before meals. 2️⃣ Consistency is key when using ACV for weight loss. Make it a habit to drink ACV daily before meals to maximize its potential benefits. Remember that results may take time, so be patient and stick with it. 3️⃣ While ACV may help with weight loss, it’s essential to follo...
mindful eating IS NOT a weight loss tool.
In this blog, I share why mindful eating IS NOT a weight loss tool. I believe we need to completely ditch the desire for weight loss to form an intuitive and joyful relationship with food.
40 Best Clean Eating Casserole Recipes
40 Clean Eating Casserole Recipes That'll Help You Put A Healthy Dinner On The Table All Month. Ingredient Swaps That Make Any