YouVersion Bible Verse

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James 1:2-3 Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual mat | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Romans 3:23 since all have sinned and continually fall short of the glory of God | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Psalms 47:1 O clap your hands, all you people; Shout to God with the voice of triumph and songs of joy. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Psalms 22:31 They will come and declare His righteousness To a people yet to be born—that He has done it [and that it is finished]. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Luke 22:19 And when He had taken bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Philippians 2:8 After He was found in [terms of His] outward appearance as a man [for a divinely-appointed time], He humbled Himself [still further] by becoming obedient [to the Father] to the point of death, even de | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
John 6:35 Jesus replied to them, “I am the Bread of Life. The one who comes to Me will never be hungry, and the one who believes in Me [as Savior] will never be thirsty [for that one will be sustained spiritual | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Psalms 46:10 “Be still and know (recognize, understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth.” | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Psalms 126:5 They who sow in tears shall reap with joyful singing. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Romans 1:16 I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation [from His wrath and punishment] to everyone who believes [in Christ as Savior], to the Jew first and also to the Greek. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Psalms 51:1-2 Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; According to the greatness of Your compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness and guilt And cleanse me from | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Matthew 18:3-5 and said, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless you repent [that is, change your inner self—your old way of thinking, live changed lives] and become like children [trusting, humble, and f | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD’S, and the fullness of it, The world, and those who dwell in it. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
Proverbs 15:1 A soft and gentle and thoughtful answer turns away wrath, But harsh and painful and careless words stir up anger. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now
1 Thessalonians 5:15 See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek that which is good for one another and for all people. | Amplified Bible (AMP) | Download The Bible App Now