Raised bed gardening

As a backyard gardener, raised beds are a very useful tool. I utilize a wide variety of gardening styles in my yard, but raised bed gardening is one of the most rewarding. Some benefits of raised beds are improved drainage, soil quality control, ease of movement/harvest, and aesthetic. Learn things to consider when building wood raised beds, how to grow veggies in raised beds and containers, and why backyard raised beds are great for starting your own kitchen garden.
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Just because it is fall doesn't mean that gardening is over. Learn which vegetables to plant in October, plus the best varieties, planting tips, and recipes for your harvest. These 14 vegetables will grow and thrive through the fall and winter! These great gardening ideas will help you to live more self-sufficiently. These tips are perfect for all gardeners in zone 9. Pin to save for later and follow Brown Thumb Mama for more!
14 Vegetables to Plant in October (Zone 9)
Just because it is fall doesn't mean that gardening is over. Learn which vegetables to plant in October, plus the best varieties, planting tips, and recipes for your harvest. These 14 vegetables will grow and thrive through the fall and winter! These great gardening ideas will help you to live more self-sufficiently. These tips are perfect for all gardeners in zone 9. Pin to save for later and follow Brown Thumb Mama for more!
Tips & Things to Consider as You Are Creating a Garden Layout for Annual Crops, Veggies, and Flowers
Are you curious how gardeners know where to plant everything? It all starts with a garden plan or layout. These are the steps I go through to plan and create a garden layout for each season. I cover companion planting, how to layer plants based on height, vertical gardening, and a lot of garden planning concepts to keep in mind.
Complete Guide to Starting Plants from Seeds for Beginners!
In this detailed guide, I cover each step of starting a garden from seed. Everything from knowing WHEN to start seeds, what type of soil and supplies to use, and how to feed and care for your plants along the way. Starting a garden from seed is very rewarding and you'll love all the different varieties of crops you can grow.
Growing Raspberries at Home~ Understand the difference between primocanes and floricanes for success
When trying to grow raspberries, understanding their growth cycle will help you grow more fruit. Specifically, identifying primocanes and floricanes can help you prune your raspberry plants for efficiently and increase the fruit production. Learn all about growing raspberries in your backyard, including some favorite varieties!
Mulching a Backyard Garden
Here are my tips for mulching your vegetable garden using organic and almost free materials. Most of the mulch I use around my garden is actually generated by my garden! Mulch can be important for regulating the soil temperatures, especially when your plants are small like these brassica seedlings.
Simple, Fun, and Charming Garden Projects~ Use Branches & Sticks to Support Crops in Your Garden
Many of you know that I am always looking for ways to add a little whimsy to my backyard garden. One way I do this is to create my own garden structures and supports. Luckily, the more fruit trees we add to our space, the more we accumulate pruned branches and sticks for various garden projects. Below are some of the whimsical, budget-friendly, and rustic projects using pruned branches that I’ve created over the years.
Seed, Bare Root, Tuber, and Bulbs Sources for Home Gardeners
Growing a successful garden starts with good seeds and plants. Over the years I've assembled a list of my favorite seed companies that have served me well as a backyard gardener. I also include sources for dahlia tubers, garlic, and bare root plants.
Tips I Followed to Finally Start Growing Amazing Beets in my Garden!
Beets used to be my nemesis crop. Seriously. I had so much trouble growing beets! Thanks to some varied gardening tips and new methods, I now grow beets confidently. Follow me as I share which gardening tips I tried that worked!
How to Amend Soil Between Seasons for Organic Gardening
After a season is over, you might wonder 'what do I do to prepare my raised bed or garden for new plants?' There are 5 things I do to help build healthy soil, and amend my garden beds for a new season.
This may contain: how to start a raised bed strawberry patch
How to Setup a Raised Bed Strawberry Patch. Simple Instructions and Video
Growing strawberries in raised beds offers many benefits. It's easier to protect your berries from pests and critters, it looks nice, and you can control the soil nutrients. This video shows how we setup our new raised bed garden area from start to finish. You'll see step-by-step how we unboxed our beds, mixed soil, filled, and planted strawberries. Check out my other videos for updates and how we planted bare root strawberries!
What is vermiculite? How to use vermiculite in the garden
What is vermiculite? Have you been wondering how to use vermiculite? Using vermiculite is simple. It's a wonderful, lightweight soil amendment. Of all the soil improvements you could make, adding vermiculite to garden soil may be one of the best ones. In this article you'll learn what vermiculite is, how to use vermiculite in gardening and even compare vermiculite vs perlite. Get all the answers to your vermiculite questions here!
How To Attract Ladybugs To Your Yard
Attracting ladybugs to your garden is not only beneficial for the environment but also an effective pest control method. Creating a healthy ecosystem in your yard, particularly one that defends against damaging aphids, can prove to be a rewarding endeavour. Transform your garden into a haven teeming with these delightful polka-dotted helpers and witness the wonders of nature at work. Intrigued? Follow Of Leaves And Grass for more gardening tips and tricks!
5 Smart Rhubarb Fertilization Tips for Organic Gardening
Learn how to fertilize a rhubarb plant and make natural fertilizer. A thin rhubarb stalk indicates that your rhubarb is low in nutrients. Feeding your plants when you plant rhubarb and in the early spring and fall for a healthy crop is vital. #fertilizer #rhubarb #homemade