coral artificial

8 Pins
MARS, A LEGO-Inspired Interlocking Modular System for Building Artificial Reefs
In an effort to help address the decline of coral reefs around the world, Australian designer Alex Goad of Reef Design Lab has created MARS (Modular Artificial Reef Structure), a modular system for...
Lego-inspired modular structures could restore coral reefs
MARS Modular Artificial Reef Structure by Alex Goad
The Pros and Cons of Artificial Reefs | Extreme Sports X | Bookyourdive
The Pros and Cons of Artificial Reefs | Extreme Sports X
Green Burial Trend Could Also Restore Ocean Ecosystems
Reef Ball Green Burial System Could Help Restore Damaged Ecosystems. Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Life. ♥
World's first 3D printed artificial reef
Artificial, 3d printed reef inspired by nature. By architect James Gardiner and produced with Enrico Dini's D-Shape technology. Printed sample.
Lego-inspired modular structures could restore coral reefs
MARS Modular Artificial Reef Structure by Alex Goad