
110 Pins
I made this recipe for first time, and my guests couldn't wait to get seconds
I made this recipe for first time, and my guests couldn't wait to get seconds
Quick & Easy Orange Marmalade Chicken | Just 3 Ingredients!
Whip up this quick and easy Orange Marmalade Chicken using only 3 ingredients! The sweet and tangy BBQ glaze makes it a hit with the whole family. Serve it over rice or your favorite veggies for a complete meal in no time.
Baked Orange Chicken Recipe
Baked Orange Chicken Recipe Introduction Looking for a healthier alternative to your favorite takeout dish? Baked Orange Chicken is the perfect solution. This recipe combines tender, juicy chicken with a sweet and tangy orange sauce, all baked to crispy perfection in the oven. It’s lighter than the traditional fried version, but just as delicious, making […]
Bourbon Street Chicken
This Bourbon Street Chicken recipe without alcohol is flavorful, with apple juice, prepared in a slow cooker or quickly on your stovetop and served on rice! The Bourbon Street seasoning is simple and the Bourbon Street chicken sauce is amazing. Most of us are always looking for another chicken recipe and this is one of those Bourbon Street recipes that is definitely worth a try! I especially love the Bourbon Street chicken sauce and Bourbon Street seasoning.
8.2K comments | Come on in and let’s cook Uncle Terry’s Chicken Casserole together. It’s delicious ❤️ Nan | By Farm Cooking with Nan | Hey, everybody. Welcome in this afternoon to Farm Cooking with Nan. Today, we're gonna be doing uncle Terry's chicken casserole. It's a special dish. Um my brother in law, Terry Bradford gave me this recipe uh years and years and years ago and uh and now he's eating the chicken casserole or something uh heavenly in heaven right now and uh but uh we do miss him a awful lot. He's it was a good good brother in law but today, I'm gonna do that recipe. So, I want y'all to get ready and hold on. We're gonna move pretty quick, okay? First of all, I've got to do one. I got to chop one Vidalia onion. One large Vidalia onion. A lot of times I go ahead and have it ready but you know, you just pull this back. I gotta teach these young people. You just, it just peels right off. Cut it down the center and it just peels right off. Look at that. And then I've got my little uh my little trusty chopper here which y'all know about. Love that thing. It's changed my life in the last few months. So, I love it and I've had a lot of people send me messages on Messenger and they're like, man, we can't find it. We've went to all the Walmarts and we can't find it. I don't know what to tell you. I got mine at the Walmart in Irwin and I just don't know what to tell you. Just keep keep searching. I talked to them manager out there and I told him I said I know there's a lot of people that's looking for it right now and he said we keep ordering it we're gonna keep ordering it cuz it's a good a good seller believe me I don't get nothing I don't want nothing but I don't get nothing from this it's just uh you'll find me out whenever I find a good deal I'm one of these people that love to tell others I don't like to hide it under a bushel okay It's been such a pretty day today, youngins but hotter than blue blazes, ain't it? Whoo It's been hot. Okay, I'm gonna clean that up a little bit and I'm going to put my onion in in with my four cups of chicken. II put it on to boil. I waited on it. I drained it and I strained it and I saved the um I saved my chicken stock that came from it. It was up to here and I accidentally turned it over in the sink and I'm having an awful time. This is two recipes in a row that I spilled my chicken stock but uh it's sealed. It's so hot. You can barely even touch the jar right now but it's sealed and I'll just put that refrigerator and when I get ready to cook, that's what I'll use. That is that that good uh chicken stock that just comes out of and I put a little salad. I solid it and seasoned it a little bit so it'll taste good but I did four chicken breast and that came up to four cups of shredded chicken. When I got through boiling it, I took it out, let it cool, then tear it apart. Little shreds. Look, so, we got that ready. I'm gonna put this over here. I'm gonna duck my large Vidalia onion that's been chopped. In there. For today is this bunch that I got has really been uh it's really been pretty strong on your eyes for sure. Okay? The next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take one can of cream of mushroom soup. One can. And then, I'm gonna seal that can. Halfway up with uh milk. I have whole milk but I guess you could use 2% or or if you didn't have nothing but cream, you guess you could use cream and put that in there Stir it up just a little bit and coat that chicken. Won't be long til school be starting, will it? It's hard to believe the summer's almost over again. Time just passes by fast, youngins. Sure it does. Okay. I'll let you see that. Then, I'm going to put um Imma put some salt. Got three fourths of the of a teaspoon of salt. And a little half a teaspoons of uh pepper and uh I have to read my thing again. You know me, I'm a little slow. So, we got four pieces of chicken cooked and shredded. We got one cup of cream of mushroom soup and a half a can of milk and we've got one large Vidalia onion chopped and we got three fourths of teaspoon of salt, a half a teaspoon of pepper, and it's all, I'm gonna stir that up again to get the salt and pepper all stirred up. This goes in in a couple of layers, you know? So, I've got to it. Make sure it's stirred up real good. Okay, I'm gonna set that aside. Next, let's see. You get me a bowl right here. I'll move this back over. Next, I wanna take out one, one and a half cups of stuffing. I'm gonna take out one and a half cups and uh this is Pepperridge Farm um herb seasoned classic stuffing. It's a good one. I like that stuff. Sometimes I could just sit and munch out of it. Okay, I'm gonna put everything except a cup and I'll put that in a separate thing. I'd say, This just goes on the top when it's that's that's about it might be a little bit more than a cup and a half. I just eyeball it. Okay, I'm gonna set that to the side and I'm gonna put the rest of the stuffing in there and I've got one stick of butter that um is room temperature I'm gonna scrape all that off there. You don't wanna leave none of your butter. Just scrape it off. I'll tell you what, y'all been so good to me lately. I just don't know how to act. Uh Ray takes care of a lot of stuff on the Facebook thing for me and uh I just don't know how to all the doctors I worked for for so many years used to tell me that they'd say, Davis, you just can't take a compliment. I just don't know how and uh I catch myself when I'm reading it with my shoulders going up and going because I think lord, I don't want them to think higher on me than I am but you all are such good encouragers, just such good encouragers and you just never know how that encourages my heart and uh this. I want you to know I love y'all and I want you to know that I pray for you every single day. I pray for anybody that watches this. That god will use it in a mighty way and that god will touch your family. That he will uh that he'll take care of you. You meet your needs. He knows what you need for that day. He knows what you need for that day. And uh I'm the I do. I pray for everyone of the people that view this. Everyone of y'all that followed me and I just want you to know that I love you and uh and that I really appreciate everything that you all that every kind word, everything that you every bit of encouragement that you all give me. Uh Loray tells me all the time, you need to tell em that that like, they can go over and watch it but if they don't like it, it don't show up on your post and I'm like, okay, I I'll tell em and then I always forget to say anything. I'm not one to say anything about that stuff. He usually takes care of it and he repost it over on my regular page and stuff like that. He's good. He takes care of all that for me. Thank god. Thank god. I don't have sense enough. This is being cleaned off and I don't wanna lose any of this. So, I'm gonna get it right off there. My little thing, Imma wash my hands. He takes care of a lot of stuff for me and I thank god for him. Thank god for it. But uh You have to you have to like it. You have to like the page and I hope you do like it. I hope you do like what you see and so many of y'all have been sharing it and II just I question god all the time. I'm like, lord, why in the world do they want to watch me? You know, but but god. That's my thing. I like to say all the time. But god. He's awful good too, Shane's. So, I need to stop this and dry myself up now and get this done. So, I took that butter and I mixed it in. All of that whole package of Peckbridge Farm uh seasoned crumbs and um I mixed it in there and I patted it in the bottom. I saved out about a cup and a half, a little bit more, not much but for the very top at the end and the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put this chicken all over it. I need to be uh preheating that oven is what I need to do and that preheated oven needs to be three fifty. Okay, hang with me just a second. I don't know if y'all do it or not but um I stick my I stick I stick my bacon pans. I just leave them laying in my oven. That's a good place for them. They're so long but uh I've got it going now. It'll get all warmed up. So, I'm placing this chicken all over it. Boy, it smells good too. This makes enough to feed, feed a lot of people or to have leftovers and have it two nights in a row. We'll get all this done. It's supposed to be 95° today. I'll just tell you Judge yesterday, I thought I was gonna I thought I was gonna burn up. On the inside, the house was cool but if you went out for a minute, it would just about take your breath, wouldn't it? We had to wait to water the garden til the sun went down. We we have spring down there on on the lower part of where our gardens at. We have spring down there on the farm. We live on the farm but we got a spring down there next to the garden. So, we're able to water it. Thank god and a little branch that runs through there that we can get water from. Felt it splattered me right on the face. I'm telling you, my eye, my glasses take the blunt of everything. Oh, lousy mercy. I'm gonna smooth it out a little bit. And then we're gonna pop it in the oven and we're gonna bake 30 minutes until it's nice and bubbly I don't I don't cover mine up. You might but I'll cover mine up cuz II usually do it like this and it works pretty good. Okay, I'm gonna pop it in the oven and about thirty minutes, we'll be back. اوكي Bubbly. But I took out a uh when I make hash brown casserole, I'll take out uh I'll make two and put one in the freezer for later and I've took that out You just sprinkle that. This is that cup and a half that is uh that I saved out. You just put this over top of it. And you pop it back in there. And just let it brown. Each oven is different. Shouldn't take just a few minutes. It'll brown. Maybe 10 minutes at the most. I took a little chopper. I'm telling you, you gotta watch this stuff because it some of it's really big and I don't like big old chunks on mine. I like it to be finer. I'm gonna have to clean the floor when this is over. Okay, I'm gonna pop it back in the oven until it browns, okay? But I popped out a uh a hash brown casserole out of the uh out of the freezer and so we're gonna have hash brown casserole. We're gonna have some fresh green beans and we're gonna have chicken casserole and and uh probably some apple sauce. I like to do apple sauce. Cook some apples. So, we'll be back in a minute. We're back. It stayed in there about ten minutes. That was just enough. I'm gonna show y'all how it browned just a little. Look at that. That's good. It's gonna be good. I'm gonna get a little stir. Let's see. Got a little bowl. This is gonna be mighty hot. To steaming. Grab Got a great flavor. I hope y'all get you some. I'll make some for your family. I'm sorry. It's about to burn my mouth but it's just really good. Hope y'all try it. It's a good one. We'll see y'all next time, okay? I love y'all. And god does too, okay?
Come on in and let’s cook Uncle... - Farm Cooking with Nan
8.2K comments | Come on in and let’s cook Uncle Terry’s Chicken Casserole together. It’s delicious ❤️ Nan | By Farm Cooking with Nan | Hey, everybody. Welcome in this afternoon to Farm Cooking with Nan. Today, we're gonna be doing uncle Terry's chicken casserole. It's a special dish. Um my brother in law, Terry Bradford gave me this recipe uh years and years and years ago and uh and now he's eating the chicken casserole or something uh heavenly in heaven right now and uh but uh we do miss him a awful lot. He's it was a good good brother in law but today, I'm gonna do that recipe. So, I want y'all to get ready and hold on. We're gonna move pretty quick, okay? First of all, I've got to do one. I got to chop one Vidalia onion. One large Vidalia onion. A lot of times I go ahead and have it ready but you know, you just pull this back. I gotta teach these young people. You just, it just peels right off. Cut it down the center and it just peels right off. Look at that. And then I've got my little uh my little trusty chopper here which y'all know about. Love that thing. It's changed my life in the last few months. So, I love it and I've had a lot of people send me messages on Messenger and they're like, man, we can't find it. We've went to all the Walmarts and we can't find it. I don't know what to tell you. I got mine at the Walmart in Irwin and I just don't know what to tell you. Just keep keep searching. I talked to them manager out there and I told him I said I know there's a lot of people that's looking for it right now and he said we keep ordering it we're gonna keep ordering it cuz it's a good a good seller believe me I don't get nothing I don't want nothing but I don't get nothing from this it's just uh you'll find me out whenever I find a good deal I'm one of these people that love to tell others I don't like to hide it under a bushel okay It's been such a pretty day today, youngins but hotter than blue blazes, ain't it? Whoo It's been hot. Okay, I'm gonna clean that up a little bit and I'm going to put my onion in in with my four cups of chicken. II put it on to boil. I waited on it. I drained it and I strained it and I saved the um I saved my chicken stock that came from it. It was up to here and I accidentally turned it over in the sink and I'm having an awful time. This is two recipes in a row that I spilled my chicken stock but uh it's sealed. It's so hot. You can barely even touch the jar right now but it's sealed and I'll just put that refrigerator and when I get ready to cook, that's what I'll use. That is that that good uh chicken stock that just comes out of and I put a little salad. I solid it and seasoned it a little bit so it'll taste good but I did four chicken breast and that came up to four cups of shredded chicken. When I got through boiling it, I took it out, let it cool, then tear it apart. Little shreds. Look, so, we got that ready. I'm gonna put this over here. I'm gonna duck my large Vidalia onion that's been chopped. In there. For today is this bunch that I got has really been uh it's really been pretty strong on your eyes for sure. Okay? The next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take one can of cream of mushroom soup. One can. And then, I'm gonna seal that can. Halfway up with uh milk. I have whole milk but I guess you could use 2% or or if you didn't have nothing but cream, you guess you could use cream and put that in there Stir it up just a little bit and coat that chicken. Won't be long til school be starting, will it? It's hard to believe the summer's almost over again. Time just passes by fast, youngins. Sure it does. Okay. I'll let you see that. Then, I'm going to put um Imma put some salt. Got three fourths of the of a teaspoon of salt. And a little half a teaspoons of uh pepper and uh I have to read my thing again. You know me, I'm a little slow. So, we got four pieces of chicken cooked and shredded. We got one cup of cream of mushroom soup and a half a can of milk and we've got one large Vidalia onion chopped and we got three fourths of teaspoon of salt, a half a teaspoon of pepper, and it's all, I'm gonna stir that up again to get the salt and pepper all stirred up. This goes in in a couple of layers, you know? So, I've got to it. Make sure it's stirred up real good. Okay, I'm gonna set that aside. Next, let's see. You get me a bowl right here. I'll move this back over. Next, I wanna take out one, one and a half cups of stuffing. I'm gonna take out one and a half cups and uh this is Pepperridge Farm um herb seasoned classic stuffing. It's a good one. I like that stuff. Sometimes I could just sit and munch out of it. Okay, I'm gonna put everything except a cup and I'll put that in a separate thing. I'd say, This just goes on the top when it's that's that's about it might be a little bit more than a cup and a half. I just eyeball it. Okay, I'm gonna set that to the side and I'm gonna put the rest of the stuffing in there and I've got one stick of butter that um is room temperature I'm gonna scrape all that off there. You don't wanna leave none of your butter. Just scrape it off. I'll tell you what, y'all been so good to me lately. I just don't know how to act. Uh Ray takes care of a lot of stuff on the Facebook thing for me and uh I just don't know how to all the doctors I worked for for so many years used to tell me that they'd say, Davis, you just can't take a compliment. I just don't know how and uh I catch myself when I'm reading it with my shoulders going up and going because I think lord, I don't want them to think higher on me than I am but you all are such good encouragers, just such good encouragers and you just never know how that encourages my heart and uh this. I want you to know I love y'all and I want you to know that I pray for you every single day. I pray for anybody that watches this. That god will use it in a mighty way and that god will touch your family. That he will uh that he'll take care of you. You meet your needs. He knows what you need for that day. He knows what you need for that day. And uh I'm the I do. I pray for everyone of the people that view this. Everyone of y'all that followed me and I just want you to know that I love you and uh and that I really appreciate everything that you all that every kind word, everything that you every bit of encouragement that you all give me. Uh Loray tells me all the time, you need to tell em that that like, they can go over and watch it but if they don't like it, it don't show up on your post and I'm like, okay, I I'll tell em and then I always forget to say anything. I'm not one to say anything about that stuff. He usually takes care of it and he repost it over on my regular page and stuff like that. He's good. He takes care of all that for me. Thank god. Thank god. I don't have sense enough. This is being cleaned off and I don't wanna lose any of this. So, I'm gonna get it right off there. My little thing, Imma wash my hands. He takes care of a lot of stuff for me and I thank god for him. Thank god for it. But uh You have to you have to like it. You have to like the page and I hope you do like it. I hope you do like what you see and so many of y'all have been sharing it and II just I question god all the time. I'm like, lord, why in the world do they want to watch me? You know, but but god. That's my thing. I like to say all the time. But god. He's awful good too, Shane's. So, I need to stop this and dry myself up now and get this done. So, I took that butter and I mixed it in. All of that whole package of Peckbridge Farm uh seasoned crumbs and um I mixed it in there and I patted it in the bottom. I saved out about a cup and a half, a little bit more, not much but for the very top at the end and the next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put this chicken all over it. I need to be uh preheating that oven is what I need to do and that preheated oven needs to be three fifty. Okay, hang with me just a second. I don't know if y'all do it or not but um I stick my I stick I stick my bacon pans. I just leave them laying in my oven. That's a good place for them. They're so long but uh I've got it going now. It'll get all warmed up. So, I'm placing this chicken all over it. Boy, it smells good too. This makes enough to feed, feed a lot of people or to have leftovers and have it two nights in a row. We'll get all this done. It's supposed to be 95° today. I'll just tell you Judge yesterday, I thought I was gonna I thought I was gonna burn up. On the inside, the house was cool but if you went out for a minute, it would just about take your breath, wouldn't it? We had to wait to water the garden til the sun went down. We we have spring down there on on the lower part of where our gardens at. We have spring down there on the farm. We live on the farm but we got a spring down there next to the garden. So, we're able to water it. Thank god and a little branch that runs through there that we can get water from. Felt it splattered me right on the face. I'm telling you, my eye, my glasses take the blunt of everything. Oh, lousy mercy. I'm gonna smooth it out a little bit. And then we're gonna pop it in the oven and we're gonna bake 30 minutes until it's nice and bubbly I don't I don't cover mine up. You might but I'll cover mine up cuz II usually do it like this and it works pretty good. Okay, I'm gonna pop it in the oven and about thirty minutes, we'll be back. اوكي Bubbly. But I took out a uh when I make hash brown casserole, I'll take out uh I'll make two and put one in the freezer for later and I've took that out You just sprinkle that. This is that cup and a half that is uh that I saved out. You just put this over top of it. And you pop it back in there. And just let it brown. Each oven is different. Shouldn't take just a few minutes. It'll brown. Maybe 10 minutes at the most. I took a little chopper. I'm telling you, you gotta watch this stuff because it some of it's really big and I don't like big old chunks on mine. I like it to be finer. I'm gonna have to clean the floor when this is over. Okay, I'm gonna pop it back in the oven until it browns, okay? But I popped out a uh a hash brown casserole out of the uh out of the freezer and so we're gonna have hash brown casserole. We're gonna have some fresh green beans and we're gonna have chicken casserole and and uh probably some apple sauce. I like to do apple sauce. Cook some apples. So, we'll be back in a minute. We're back. It stayed in there about ten minutes. That was just enough. I'm gonna show y'all how it browned just a little. Look at that. That's good. It's gonna be good. I'm gonna get a little stir. Let's see. Got a little bowl. This is gonna be mighty hot. To steaming. Grab Got a great flavor. I hope y'all get you some. I'll make some for your family. I'm sorry. It's about to burn my mouth but it's just really good. Hope y'all try it. It's a good one. We'll see y'all next time, okay? I love y'all. And god does too, okay?
Come on in and let’s cook Uncle... - Farm Cooking with Nan
Cream Cheese Alfredo Sauce
Step by step photos of how to make alfredo sauce.