
200 Pins
Gelli Arts® Gel Printing | 💘💝Try this Artist Tip 💡 out for Valentine’s Day… Gelli Arts® Artist Birgit Koopsen 👩🏻‍🎨: Did you know that you can create beautiful... | Instagram
How To Use a Gelli Plate
Create Stunning Collage Papers with Gelli Prints! 🎨 Learn 3 easy techniques— Textured Prints, Botanical Impressions, and Image Transfers— that will elevate your collage-making skills. Perfect for beginners and seasoned artists alike! Click the link to read the full article!
My Secrets to Complex Gel Prints–Tutorial Tidbits
My Secrets to Complex Gel Prints–Tutorial Tidbits - YouTube
Posca Pens on the Gel Plate Ideas–Tutorial Tidbits
Posca Pens on the Gel Plate Ideas–Tutorial Tidbits - YouTube
Week 15 - More gelli-plate fun with greeting cards
Week 15 - More gelli-plate fun with greeting cards - YouTube
Posca Pens on the Gel Plate–Tutorial Tidbits
4Layer Print 1
4Layer Print 1
Gel Plate Drawing Transfer Monoprint with Acrylic Paint and Colored Pencils
Gel Plate Drawing Transfer Monoprint with Acrylic Paint and Colored Pencils - Belinda Del Pesco
Jane Faase on Instagram: "This morning I watched @rebeccachapmanart ‘s fabulous lesson in #fodderchallenge2024 and admired the incredible print of @ceramink_ for #flicktober2024 Both great artists! The convergence of that inspiration has resulted in this print. A combination of laser image transfer and deboss. I’ve been thinking through this idea for a while but today was the day it got executed…while my grandson (and hubby😂) sleep. Definitely more of this to come! #botanicalprinting #deboss #markmaking #gelprinting #gelliprinting #gelplate #gelpress #gelliplate #gelplateprinting #gelliplateprinting #gelplateart #gelliplateart #gelplateartist #gelplateimagetransfer #gelprintimagetransfer #gelliplateimagetransfer #laserimagetransfer #imagetransfer #monotype #monoprint #blackandwhitephotog
Create Stencil Prints inspired by H.N. Werkman with Gelli Arts® by Marsha Valk - Printing Projects
Transform Your Gelli Prints With Resin
✨ Learn how to apply ArtResin to make your colors pop and give your prints a professional look— perfect for collages or framing! Click the link to learn more!
Gelli Plate: Intaglio-Inspired Printing - Create Mixed Media