17 Pins
What Is The First Step Of Protein Synthesis - Protein Synthesis
What Is The First Step Of Protein Synthesis - http://www.proteinsynthesis.org/what-is-the-first-step-of-protein-synthesis/
Books, teaching resources, interactive software and VLE content for primary and secondary schools
Free DNA worksheet - discovery of DNA. I like this because it explores more scientists than just Watson and Crick!
RNA and Protein Synthesis Simulation | ExploreLearing Gizmos
Protein Synthesis Gizmo #proteinsysnthesis #biology #biologylab
The structure of DNA - Understanding Science
the story of DNA...more common core articles
Protein Synthesis Animation Video
▶ Protein Synthesis Animation Video - 2:25 tRNA is joined to the mRNA by a peptide bond. A tRNA moved into the Asite where the codons match the mRNA the Ribosome shifts down by one codon at a time and new amino acids are added one at a time. It cuts off when a stop codon moves into the A site on the mRNA. The mRNA & the amino acid/protein are both released by the ribosome. p-site, A (acceptor) site & E site =Exit
Protein synthesis (DNA transcription, translation and folding)
Protein synthesis (DNA transcription, translation and folding)
Introduction to Protein Synthesis
Introduction to Protein Synthesis by Frank Gregorio. This HD dramatic video choreographed to powerful music introduces the viewer/student to protein synthesis in cells. It is designed as a motivational "trailer" to be shown by teachers in Biology classrooms in middle school, high school and college as a visual Introduction to this incredible biochemical process.
Alternative Non Fiction - Image Collection
Feb 28, 2013 - By wearing different colored hats, over 2,600 employees at Genentech (in San Francisco) celebrated the 60th anniversary of the discovery of DNA, which (according to some) occurred in England on Feb 28, 1953, but knowledge of a hypercomplex macromolecule in the nucleus dates back to the 1800s, and perhaps even earlier.