
132 Pins
The Philosopher's Stone
This is the Stone of the Wise, the Philo-Sophia Stone, the Stone of the True Care for Wisdom, the Wisdom of Right-Action. It is all about doing Right, living in Truth and Morality. That is the True Self. Unity Consciousness in Unity with Truth and Morality to get to Unity Foundational Living in the Aggregate Co-Creation
244) Consider at all times that you can always create an equalisation through your energy and its power and through the honest will and motivated volition, through which other and positive thought-forms and out of them other and better feelings come to life in your consciousness, which as strong weapons make you capable of fighting victoriously against everything dark in you and of freeing yourselves from the burden and heaviness of the truth-unknowledge. 244) Bedenkt allezeit, dass ihr immer
Kalapa: Physical Descriptions of Shambala
Shams-i-bala and The Historical Shambhala Kingdom: Kalapa ...