
38 Pins
Sewing for Dogs - and Craft Projects too!
Lots of ideas of things to sew for dogs, gifts to make dog lovers with dog svg Cricut files, dog bandana tutorial and more. Let's show our love for dogs with a round up of dog themed projects for both dogs and humans alike!
How to Get Rid of Fleas Naturally Forever - Well-Groomed Home
GET RID OF FLEAS NATURALLY IN YOUR YARD...from a professional home organizer. pretty sweet job!
11 Foolproof Pet Hair Removal Tricks
11 Foolproof Pet Hair Removal Tricks You Need to Know
How To Remove Pet Hair From Every Surface
How To Remove Pet Hair From Every Surface
3 Ultra-Affordable Tools To Get Rid Of Pet Hair - Organized-ish
3 Ultra-Affordable Tools To Get Rid Of Pet Hair - Organized-ish by Lela Burris
How to Get Rid of Fleas on Clothes and Bedding
In the summer or the spring, fleas come to your house by the pet animals you have or by the clothes you wear. And after coming along, they build up their territory mostly in your clothes, in the bedding, in house carpets and on dogs and cats. Here are some of the DIY natural ways for how to get rid of fleas on clothes and bedding fast. #homehacks #DIY #pestcontrol #housekeeping
13 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Fleas on Your Pets and in Your House
13 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Fleas on Your Pets and in Your House
How To Kill Fleas With Lemon Juice
If you find fleas in your home the cause is most likely from your pet bring them in from outside. The first reaction when finding fleas in your pet's fur may be to give your pet a flea bath using special flea shampoo. However, you can also use a home remedy that includes lemon juice. Lemon juice when mixed with water is a natural deterrent for...