Delightful Designs

Beautiful and delightful packaging that I would use for one of my brands. Heavily inspired by Japanese paper packaging. #design #branding #packaging #paper #japanese #art #tea #coffee #petitjoys
45 Pins
Chinese packaging design - A wisp of tea – CreativeRoots... - a grouped images picture
Chinese packaging design - A wisp of tea – CreativeRoots - created via
I realised that whenever I take my sample size teas with me (especially to looooong uni lectures) I always have a tea strainer. So I decided that all sample packs sold at will now come with a clamp tea strainer to make your tea drinking as easy as mine xx
Tea Forté | The Exceptional Tea Experience
Amazing tea packaging from Tea Forte (Link goes to their website).
Wing & Wire coffee roastery
PACKAGING: One of the best designs I've seen so far. 1. It's clean BUT still homemade looking. 2. Love the sticker & matching tag. 3. It's simple, yet still informative. Wing & Wire coffee roastery by Sarah Bennett, via Behance
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Unique Packaging Design, Keep It Real Food Co. #Packaging #Design (
#Repost @tiagompereira86 with @repostapp ・・・ Encomendas por MP ou email Granola de cacau banana e amêndoas Granola de laranja e Coco Granola de limão e gengibre Mais informações no blogue na bio ________________________________ #aminhagranola #granoladecacaubananaeamendoa #granoladelimaoegengibre #granoladelaranjaecoco #Granola #eat #eatclean #eatgreen #healthy #papasdacate #nutrition #lifestyle
[パッケージ通販] 菓子パッケージ チャック付き幅広クラフト袋【簡単自作パッケージのパッケージデザインnet】
チャック付き幅広クラフト袋【ラベルテンプレート】 More
Coffee Beans's Label Design / Onibus Coffee / Photo by Katsuhiro Aoki
[パッケージ通販] ハーブティー個包装パッケージ【簡単自作パッケージのパッケージデザインnet】
Chubby Hubby - Pantry Basics: Homemade Granola Master Recipe
Pantry Basics: Homemade Granola Master Recipe