Muscle and Strength

143 Pins
7 Compound Exercise Workouts to Promote Greater Muscle Growth
If you've got a lagging muscle group or a weak link, try out one of these 7 compound exercise workouts that will help you maximize muscle size and strength!
Lean Mass: 6 Week Workout Program to Build Lean Muscle
The most common goal in the gym is to build lean muscle. Give this 6 week workout program to build lean muscle a try and absolutely crush that goal! #workout #lean #muscle #mass #gym #routine #fitness
3 Day Full Body Planet Fitness Workout (Machines & Dumbbells Only)
In this edition of a series of Planet Fitness appropriate workouts, we provide a 3 day full body workout one could do with the equipment at Planet Fitness.
4 Day Upper/Lower Planet Fitness Workout (Machine & Dumbbell Only)
In this edition of a series of Planet Fitness appropriate workouts, we provide a upper/lower workout one could do with the equipment at Planet Fitness. #PlanetFitness #Workout #Bodybuilding #Fit