Litha/Summer Solstice June 21

(Midsummer, Summer Solstice, June 20-23, dependent on actual astronomical event) Held on the longest day of the year, the Solstice is the celebration of light's triumph over darkness and that of the bountiful beauty that light brings into life. Flowers are common in the circle, roses and bright cheerful wildflowers are upon the altar and usually worn by all. It is the changing point of the year, and the celebration of the spiral dance of the year is common among Wiccans.
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Residents of some areas of Ireland say that if you have something you wish to happen, you "give it to the pebble." Carry a stone in your hand as you circle the Litha bonfire, and whisper your request to the stone -- "heal my mother" or "help me be more courageous", for example. After your third turn around the fire, toss the stone into the flames.
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Litha Pentacle Sun Wheel. Sunflower & Wheat Pagan Wiccan Celebration Wreath
Robin and the Sage
wildflowers for a midsummer. The fairies abound during Litha, it is customary to leave gifts of food, flowers and herbs.
Blessings of the Summer Solstice!
Blessings of the Summer Solstice and Litha! Tonight we celebrate the longest day and shortest night of the year and another turn that our Wheel of the Year is taking. The Summer Solstice can occur anywhere between the 20th through the 22nd of June, though it is happening for us on the 21st this year. Litha is the name of our Sabbat that corresponds to the Summer Solstice. Our Sun God is bringing us all his energy now and assisting our Goddess with all the beautiful abundance that we see around
The Folklore of the Witch's Broom and How to Make Your Own
Make a Litha Blessing Broom: Litha Blessing Broom
Make a Sunflower Candle Ring for Litha
Make a Sunflower Candle Ring for Litha: Sunflower Candle Ring
Summer Solstice Sale!
I hope everyone had a Blessed Full Moon and Summer Solstice!!! The Summer Solstice Sale on my shop is this weekend! It's ending soon! Every item in the shop is on sale!
Summer Solstice Blessings!
Blessings of the Summer Solstice and Litha! Tomorrow we celebrate the longest day and shortest night of the year and another turn that our Wheel of the Year is taking. The Summer Solstice can occur anywhere between the 20th through the 22nd of June. This year we are celebrating it today, on the 20th. Then on Friday we celebrate our June Full Moon! We have some wonderful energy over the next couple of days! Litha is the name of our Sabbat that corresponds to the
Blessings of the Summer Solstice!!! I'm unable to be here tomorrow as I have a celebration of my own planned. If you would like to get in on all the Summer Solstice goodies tomorrow I invite you to sign up for Moonsong Daily Magick. Tomorrow morning it will be packed with a special spell and an article to make the day just a bit more special for you! Sending you all so much love and warm blessings for the Summer Solstice! Much Love and Many Blessings, Jasmeine Moonsong