Bioidentical Hormones

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Go From Hormone Misery to Hormone Heaven!
Hormone Heaven - Bioidentocal Hormones.
All Natural Bioidentical Creams You Can Trust Made Just For Women
Progesterone is the first sex hormone to decline a decade or more before hot flashes start occurring! And it is Progesterone that is our most critical Estrogen balancing hormone, keeping it in check. Though Estrogen is an amazing hormone for women, and the key hormone to keeping our bones, brain, heart, skin, hair, and metabolism strong, it also must be balanced with its counter-hormone, Progesterone, or Estrogen Dominance takes over.
DHEA and Aging
Our DHEA peaks in our 20’s, and begins the ongoing decline thereafter.
Young Hormones Products – Women's Midlife Specialist
Happy Hoo Hoo - Bioidentical DHEA & Progesterone Vaginal Suppository – Women's Midlife Specialist
Restoring Hormones after Menopause or Ovary Removal
Build Vitality
Here are a few exercises designed to build vitality! These may seem basic and simple and you are RIGHT they are. But these foundational items can make a difference in your health and well being!
Women's Midlife Specialist - Are You Facing Midlife Challenges? Let Me Help You! Disturbed Sleep? Weight Gain? Hot Flashes? Bloating? FATIGUE? UGH! If so... I have the solution for you! Know the Facts and Get Help right from my website for FREE! First, You can use my Free Hormone Library of Videos and discover all about your Hormones and how they play the Primary Role in the challenges we face as Midlife Women. Second, You can decide if you want to test your hormones or not. Testing is always a great first option... And you can do it in the privacy of your home! As much as I wish everyone could test... I know it isn't easy to do all the time - especially when you are a Midlife Woman - putting everyone else ahead of You!!!! Our website offers the BEST Pricing on ZRT testing kits on the entire internet - at the lowest prices the company will allow me to sell them! This is very important to me! You won't find the testing kits with ZRT less expensive anywhere! It's time to TREAT Yourself! Give Yourself a Present! You can either decide to Test Your Hormones First - OR Use the chart on our website to determine the right Young Hormones Bioidentical Hormone Cream for You without testing!…/hormone-library-videos-choosing Young Hormones is the highest quality Bioidentical Hormone Creams Available anywhere on the Internet - Now Without Prescription - at Doses I have been prescribing to 95% of all women for the last 17 years. There is even a Vaginal suppository, (the Happy Hoo Hoo!), to restore Vaginal Health that is wonderful for both You and Your Partner (unlike Estrogen Creams that we don't want our partners to be exposed to!) And as always - hang out here with me on Facebook where I share many Hormone Hacks and try to Help You as frequently as I can. Thank you for being here!. #lookgreat #bioidenticalhormonecreams #prescriptionstrength #overthecounter #ZRTtesting #feelgreat #energy #vaginalhealth #midlifechallenges #hormonehealth #YoungHormones #womensmidlifespecialist #drkaren #sexhormones #restoredontignore | Facebook
Are You Facing Midlife Challenges? Let Me Help You! Disturbed Sleep? Weight Gain? Hot Flashes? Bloating? FATIGUE? UGH! If so... I have the solution for you! Know the Facts and Get Help right from my website for FREE!
Bioidentical Hormone Treatment Guide
Fix Your Hormones Naturally in 3 Easy Steps - Free Guide