
160 Pins
7 Watt 2SC1971 FM PA amplifier
7 Watt 2SC1971 FM PA amplifier
1 Watt AM/CW Transmitter Circuit
The purpose of this 1 watt am/cw transmitter circuit is to develop a 3 stage broadcast pattern circuit. The primary components you need to build this simple tool are: a) Collector modulated AM oscillator with an amplifier and b) Crystal oscillator integrated circuit.
1 Watt AM/CW Transmitter Circuit
The purpose of this 1 watt am/cw transmitter circuit is to develop a 3 stage broadcast pattern circuit. The primary components you need to build this simple tool are: a) Collector modulated AM oscillator with an amplifier and b) Crystal oscillator integrated circuit.
Amplifier 10mWatt - 5watt (mrf237)
88 108 MHz 40W Wideband RF Amplifier MRF171A - ElectroSchematics.com
7 Watt 2SC1971 FM PA amplifier