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🇹🇼我鍛鍊身體一向很積極,你怎麼一直很積極呢?不管有小或大的計劃,你就可以達到這個motivation! 🇬🇧How do you keep motivated? I realized I need to have some exciting projects or…
Loved this outfit 😍 瑜伽衣超舒服的,只有穿過才會知道! Those leggings were so comfy, stretchy and light, nothing like the ones you find in fast fashion…
這一句話很可愛喔!「深呼吸的時候跟寫給自己的一封信一模一樣」 Love this cute quote about self love 💕 “Deep breaths are like little love notes to your body” Kelly Rae - Do…
特別是對於整天坐在書桌前的人而言,本姿勢可謂是最好的選擇。☺️👍🏻 “Back-bending is what is needed to counter-act the impact of continuous forward bending,” or sitting at a…
不是變容易了,只有你的力量提高了。 It never gets easier, you just get stronger.💪🏻☺️ . . . Outfit @easyoga MUA @vivienne_yang_ Photographer @neilshenn
🤩我超開心分享昨天瑜伽拍攝的一張照!攝影師很厲害拍照,然後因為我練習了4個小時,我今天屁股很酸喔~可是很值得做。🙌🏻 So excited to have had my first Yogi photoshoot with @neilshenn , I’m super…
🇹🇼鍛鍊身體的時候我們都會很殷切的期待有變瘦或者有減肥了。可是不會怎麼顯見喔!為了達到好的效果一定要努力,一致性,有耐心。 🇬🇧Results happen over time, not over night. Work hard, stay consistent, be…
🧘‍♀️ Outfit @easyoga MUA @vivienne_yang_ 📷 Photographer @neilshenn
這張照片在倫敦晚上的時候拍的。我的意見是,如果你要外面拍照的話,一定要好好得想一想幾點拍,因為時間很重要。不要隨便這樣拍照喔~ Late afternoon photoshoot in London 🇬🇧 Pictures taken during golden hours…
不管你現在過的是什麼樣的生活,重要的是你的意念,只要你常發正念,總是往好的想「think positive」! “Train your mind to see the good in everything.” When ever we feel anger or…
2018年俄羅斯世界盃足球賽開始了!一邊看一邊上網購物喔~ Watching the FIFA World Cup opening game like 👀👩🏻‍💻 . . . MUA @vivienne_yang_ Photographer @neilshenn
只要做自己喜歡得事,就可以很容易堅持下去。 I’m exploring the person that I am today. I’ve had my hard times this year, like we all have. I’m usually very hard…
MG Collection® Synthetic Silk Black & White Houndstooth Beach Swimsuit Cover-Up
:::::: SOGO taichung :: welcome! :: 歡迎蒞臨廣三SOGO百貨 ::::::
MG collection's Hoodie cover up 2016 in Black on