ch: Hermione Granger

Aesthetic based on Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
47 Pins
"I mark the hours, every one, Nor have I yet outrun the Sun. My use and value, unto you, Are gauged by what you have to do."
Heyyyy, you yes you! I need more books to read so comment some of your current faves. Come on everyone I need more books to read!
casting circles
casting circles; Sometimes a circle is marked with candles, stones, cord, or some other marker. Usually, a circle is imagined as a sphere or dome of energy. Keep in mind that the stronger your visualizations are, the better your circle will be cast. Take your time and focus.
📷 book reviewer / amateur photographer 💡 goodreads: seelieknight ✉️ contact:
"that way I know how to make the smallest infractions on the rules without being noticed. It's a guilty pleasure of mine."
There is a life unknown to me within the words of this page...
Bossy Pin + Post | The Good Twin
Bossy Pin - $12.00
We Heart It
"I'm writing down everything I know about the Seelie and Unseelie Courts," Kara said, scribbling furiously. "Here, take this, Theo. Good luck."