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🍂 Fallen Leaf Emoji
The emoji 🍂 Fallen Leaf depicts a single leaf that has fallen from a tree. The leaf is brownish-orange in color, with a slightly curved shape and pointed tips. The edges of the leaf are jagged and uneven, as if it has been torn from the tree. The veins of the leaf are visible, running from the stem to the tips of the leaf. Overall, the emoji conveys a sense of autumn and the changing of seasons.
🍈 Melon Emoji
The emoji 🍈 depicts a round, green melon with a light green stripe running down the middle. The melon has a stem and a leaf attached to the top. The overall appearance of the emoji is that of a ripe, juicy melon ready to be eaten.
🍏 Green Apple Emoji
The emoji 🍏 depicts a round, green apple with a stem and a leaf on top. The apple has a shiny, smooth surface and a slightly curved shape. The green color is bright and vibrant, resembling the color of a freshly picked apple. The stem is brown and curved, while the leaf is a lighter shade of green and has a pointed shape. Overall, the emoji conveys the image of a delicious and healthy green apple.
🍃 Leaf Fluttering in Wind Emoji
The emoji 🍃 depicts a green leaf with a stem, fluttering or swaying in the wind. The leaf has a slightly curved shape and is shown with a few veins running through it. The movement of the leaf is conveyed by a series of diagonal lines behind it, which represent the wind blowing it back and forth. Overall, the emoji gives the impression of a fresh, natural, and breezy atmosphere.
🍀 Four Leaf Clover Emoji