3 Tips for Intuitive Eating on Thanksgiving • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
This Christmas I want to encourage you to approach food differently. It's time to stop dieting, ditch diet culture all together, and reset your heart on the true reason we celebrate Christmas. Jesus! Intuitive Eating and & Christian faith work together to help you focus on who you are in Christ and to live with food freedom and mindfulness!
5 Truths About Intuitive Eating During The Holidays
5 Truths About Intuitive Eating During The Holidays
Intuitive Eating Resources for the holidays • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
Are you stressed out about the Holidays? STOP right now take a look at these Intuitive Eating Resources for the Holiday season!
Tips for Navigating the Honeymoon Phase of Intuitive Eating • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
What is the Honeymoon Phase of Intuitive Eating and 4 tips to help you work through it.
Intuitive Eating: 10 Things Every Christian Woman Needs to Know • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
Looking to learn more about Intuitive Eating for Christian Women? Check out these 10 Things that Every Christian Women Needs to know about Intuitive Eating!
Intuitive Eating: 10 Principles for Christian Women • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
Let’s examine the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating, specifically for Christian women, so you can see for yourself how the principles align with scripture.
10 Principles of Intuitive Eating
Learn the basics and the benefits of Intuitive Eating by walking through the 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating!
How to Get Started with Intuitive Eating as a Christian • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
How to Get Started with Intuitive Eating as a Christian • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
Is Intuitive Eating a Diet? - Sprinkling of Health
Have you ever heard of intuitive eating? What makes it different than a diet, or is it a diet? Let's talk about how intutive eating is being confused for a diet, but it's anything but! We're learning how to marry our internal hunger and fullness cues with external factors. Allowing the mind and body to make decisions together that feel right is what intuitive eating is. #intuitiveeating #bodyimage #HAES #bodyconfidence #bodylove #healthyrecipes #healthyliving #healthylifestyle
Before starting another diet, know this • Erin L. Todd | Ginger In Progress
5 things you need to know before starting another diet. Save this pin as a reminder!
FREE COURSE: Body Image, Intuitive Eating and Emotional Eating — Beyond The Bathroom Scale®
Do you feel out of control around food? Struggle with your body image? Tired of being stuck in the diet/binge loop? On the free 6 day online course, you'll learn how to make peace with food and your body, including body acceptance, intuitive eating, health at every size, and the CBT approach to emotional eating. #intuitiveeating #bodyimage #HAES #emotionaleating #bodyacceptance #foodpeace
Reject the Diet Mentality
In Episode 5 of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast we are going to chat about Principle 1 of Intuitive Eating-Reject the Diet Mentality! #intuitiveeating #ditchdiets
20 of the best, most effective intuitive eating affirmations to help you actually succeed at intuiti
20 of the best, most effective intuitive eating affirmations to help you actually succeed at intuitive eating! #nofoodrules #mindset #affirmations #positivity #healthylifestyle #intuitiveeating #edrecovery
Daily Affirmation for Following Jesus Not Diets
A daily affirmation for finding freedom from the bondage of diet culture and finding your identity in Christ. Story behind the quote ---> Erin Todd’s interview on The Love Offering Podcast shares her story of finding freedom from being a slave to skinny through God’s grace and intuitive eating. You will be inspired the transformation possible when you find your identity in Christ instead of trying to earn your worth through dieting. #bodyimage #antidiet #faith #healthjourney #selfworth
Finding freedom from being a slave to skinny
Erin Todd's interview on The Love Offering Podcast shares her story of finding freedom from being a slave to skinny through God's grace and intuitive eating. You will be inspired the transformation possible when you find your identity in Christ instead of trying to earn your worth through dieting. #intuitiveeating #identity #faith #freedom #healthjourney