primary 2017

13 Pins
Your 9-Week Plan to Organizing a 5K Charity Run
Your 9 Week Plan to Organizing a 5K Charity Run | Classy
Lesson 21: The Ten Commandments — Chicken Scratch N Sniff
Love the treasure chest and commandments for teaching LDS Primary 6 Lesson 21: The Ten Commandments
LESSON 17: Joseph Forgives His Brothers
LDS Primary Lessons Helps and Ideas LESSON 17: Joseph Forgives His Brothers
Year 03 / Lesson 06: Abraham and Isaac
A Year of FHE // a free Family Home Evening lesson about Abraham and Isaac and that the Lord blesses us when we are obedient and trust in him. Includes song, scripture, lesson and activites for small children and older children. #lds #fhe #bible
LESSON 11: Abraham and Isaac
LDS Primary Lesson Helps LESSON 11: Abraham and Isaac
The Fall Was Part of God's Plan Sharing time
We are going to better discover the role Adam and Eve’s fall had in the “great plan of happiness” through a game. We are going to remove these Jenga blocks and try to keep the structure standing. But if it does fall remember, "Adam fell that men might be; and men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:24-25.) The fall was part of the plan! (Keep a note of which color and block you are discussing so the game can continue quickly) If it does fall, repeat, “Adam fell that men might be” and we
Family Home Evening made easy! | Family Home Evening made easy!
Family Home Evening made easy! | Family Home Evening made easy!|Hatch Patch Creations
Reading, Listening and Looking at Things that are Pleasing to Heavenly Father Sharing Time
Pergler's Primary Place: Reading, Listening and Looking at Things that are Pleasing to Heavenly Father Sharing Time
2017 LDS Primary Program Outlines
2017 LDS Primary Program Outlines - Little LDS IdeasLittle LDS Ideas