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Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday | GOOD MORNING; HAVE A BLESSED AND WONDERFUL HOLY THURSDAY | image tagged in thursday | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
22,178 views 122 upvotes Made by MercedesNarace 7 years ago in fun
8 ups, 7y,
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Too Damn High Meme | OUR LORD IS THE MOST HIGH, JESUS CHRIST! | image tagged in memes,too damn high | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
8 ups, 7y
Amen!!! Have a blessed, peaceful, joyous and wonderful Good Friday :-)
8 ups, 7y,
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AMEN! | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 7y
ren and stimpy | I PREDICT THIS TO GET OUT OF HAND YEP! | image tagged in ren and stimpy | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
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Perception of time does not alter outcome.
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If scientists say, "that star will nova soon", and in 40 years it hasn't would you expect that it ever will?
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7 ups, 7y
As opposed to the press and complaining about the second.
5 ups, 7y
6 ups, 7y
Try harder to really listen and you'll hear God's voice all around you, all you need is faith, have a blessed, peaceful and wonderful Good Friday.
5 ups, 7y
What did the transvestite do for Easter? Eat, drink and be Mary.
2 ups, 7y
Thank you for this :)
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This is a misunderstood, misconstrued, and vain way to look at this scripture. Jesus IS the bread and wine. He wasn't literally instructing us to re-establish traditions. He fulfilled the law and did away with traditions. Wake up, people. Easter is pagan, and you force yourselves back into captivity when you celebrate it. Christ DOES NOT ENDORSE EASTER. Read the scriptures to know the truth.
2 ups, 7y
Well said darkfunk. Well said.
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When Jesus said, "...this do in remembrance of me," if he wasn't instituting the ordinance of the "Lord's Supper" or communion as Christians have observed it and kept it since that night in the upper room why didn't the Apostle Paul correct that in his writings since Christians had been doing it?

Instead Paul gave rules and regulations for the proper observance of that ordinance. In 1 Corinthians 11 he quotes Jesus' words and adds in verse in 26 "for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come." He was implying that they were doing "often" and not that they should stop doing it.

He didn't say, "stop doing it, that is a ceremony and Jesus doesn't want you following traditions." He gives warnings against eating and drinking at the Lord's table "unworthily." Paul said people were weak and sick and some had died because they took the table unworthily. He did not say to stop.

So what you are doing is denying an ordinance that was instituted and commanded by Jesus Christ and was taught by Paul the Apostle. Do you know more than Paul?

I agree with you concerning the modern celebration of Easter. I don't celebrate it because of all the secular and pagan traditions brought into it. I celebrate/recognize the resurrection of Christ every Lord's day. But I do follow Paul's admonition to examine myself and eat of that bread and drink of that cup in a worthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:28-29) because I believe the entire bible.
1 up, 7y
By the way, I'm not looking for you to agree with me. God is who He says He is, irrespective of us.
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You want scripture, you got it. You're wrong about Paul. Paul didn't give ordinances. You are taking scripture out of context to say something they don't mean. There are 10 commandments, 10 laws that God gave to us. This isn't one of them.

What most observe as "communion" (wafers/crackers & grape juice) today in the churches, is nothing more than a version of the Catholic Eucharist (Mass), which is a perversion of the Jewish Passover adopted by Rome.

The Christ Mass is the teaching of eating human flesh and blood (transubstantiation) True Communion has nothing to do with wafers and grape juice!

Christos (Gr.) - Messiah (Heb.); "anointed"

Maesse - Mass; the transubstantiation or the changing of the bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.

Christ mass is the calling down of god from heaven transforming the wafer into the literal body of the messiah at the communion table. This is a continual "unbloody" sacrifice for sin in contradiction to Heb. 10:10, 12, 14

We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all -- he offered one sacrifice for sins -- by one offering he perfected forever them that are sanctified.

The mass opposes Jesus' words when he said I speak spiritual things. Scripture also forbids drinking blood (Deut. 12:16-, Acts 15:20). Constantine implemented the Christ mass into the Roman church in the 4th century A.D. He desired to conciliate the heathen by amalgamating Christianity with the pagan festival called the Saturnalia (feast of Saturn, the sun god). The mass originated in Babylon, the mother of all idolatry (spiritual harlotry, Rev. 7:5). The priests of the sun god offered their children upon their altars. It was said by the pagans that their messiah (Hercules, Adonis. Tammuz, etc.) was incorporated in their sacrifices. They called themselves god makers. The sun god of Babylon was Baal. the same idolatry that polluted Israel when Jezebel, the daughter of Ethbaal (King of Sidon), married Ahab, King of northern Israel (I Kings 16:31-33). Historians tell us that Ethbaal was a priest of the Astarte, the tree goddess of Babylon (female deity to Baal).
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You are not using Scripture to explain anything I mentioned nor to prove/support your original statement.
You didn't say anything about Christ's statement about eating the bread and drinking the cup and doing it in remembrance of him. Nor did you say anything about Paul's teaching in 1 Cor. 11 about the Lord's Supper (verse 20 and following.)

You didn't mention or counter how Paul quoted Jesus' words when Jesus gave the ordinance, and how did not tell the believers to stop "eating this bread and drinking this cup" but told them to do it worthily.

Instead you went on a tangent about Roman Catholic heresies and mystery religions. This is what Jesus Christ would say about you, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures."
1 up, 7y
Paul's reference to our bodies being the temples of God addresses the fact that now Truth resides in us, as it rested in the Ark of the Covenant in the natural temple. Abstaining from sexual sin was a direct rebuke to the way the heathen were accustomed to worshipping false gods. They tried this same thing with worshipping the true God. Paul rebukes them for the same thing I teach now, trying to use something natural to achieve a spiritual result. If you really study, sexual immorality, spiritually, has more to do with worshipping false gods (spiritual adultery).

The bread and wine are Spiritually symbolic of the true Bread from heaven and the Blood of Christ. Jesus said His body and blood was Truth. We partake of the Truth when we take the true communion. We examine ourselves by the Word/Truth. When the Truth is not rightfully discerned, we can become spiritually sick and some have died spiritually from error.

The Law was spiritual, Romans 7:14.
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Eating human flesh originated with the priests of Baal, as they imitated the priests of Jehovah God - when they ate of the sacrifices of their altars (bulls, goats, sheep - Numbers 18:8-11). The word priest in Hebrew - chaldee is the word kahan. A priest of Baal was a Kahan Baal developing into the later translation Cahna Baal and is the established word in our tongue/language for a devourer of human flesh, hence "cannibal" (kahanbaal). The priests of Baal ate of the human sacrifices of their altars where upon it was said they called their gods down to incorporate himself in this sacrifice. Constantine compromised into the Roman church the Mass of the Messiah (Christmass) which was eating of human flesh. Nimrod was called Bol Kahn (Baal or sun priest) which evolved into Vulcan, the Roman/Greek god of the underworld (hell). In mythology, Vulcan devoured his sons as soon as they were born. Communion is not eating human flesh and blood, it is not eating crackers and grape juice, or any other natural things.

Our communion is Spiritual, and that is the "Explicit Truth".
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Right. And it's not at all common for people with an agenda to erase and replace things of the past? ;-)
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The wisdom of man is foolishness to the wisdom of God. Truth comes from one place and one place only, God's mind.
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Can one human being know all there is to know in the entirety of the universe?
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1 up, 7y
Where does that light come from?
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I am. You're too wrapped up in the wisdom of men to understand that, though.
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I answered it numerous times. You're looking for an answer to satisfy you flesh.
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I am answering it. You haven't been given the eyes to see.

Good day.
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1 up, 7y
By what way do you know that when you turn on a light it drives out darkness?
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OM, this guy is way far out there around the peripheral and the edges of Christianity. He knows more about conspiracy theories concerning mystery religions than he does about actual Scripture.

I am not knocking "conspiracy theorists" because I am one. But when the conspiracies start over riding actual biblical teaching and make you accept false doctrine and lies about history that is when you have gone too far. I can tell these guys right away because I used to behave the same way.

My thing was the King James Bible back in the day. I started listening to some people on the internet and after a while I was "wild eyed" and no one could tell me anything. Engaging in intelligent conversation was out of the question. I was believing such flagrant lies and misrepresentations of history in order to uphold my "pet doctrines" or preconceived ideas of what biblical Christianity was supposed to be. It took a year of full time bible college to get me on an "even keel" then two more years to really straighten me out. So don't think less of all believers on his account and don't think less of his pastor (if he even has one) or parents because they might not be the reason he thinks this way. Like I said, I got turned into something similar from listening to strangers on the internet.
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So the moral of the story is: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Which I am an advocate of. Don't believe me. I'm not looking for people to believe me. Nor am I looking for people to agree with me. Christ's sheep will know and seek after Him.
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My friend you are assuming that I have never done research into these mystery religion conspiracies that you have been talking about. I have.

They do not line up with sound interpretation of the bible. That is what I am most interested in now. You still haven't given a proper Scriptural explanation of Jesus' own words in Matthew 26, Mark 14, and Luke 22 and reconciled them with 1 Corinthians 11. Christ's sheep will listen to his voice, we will not listen to a stranger and you and the sources you have gotten information from sound like strangers.

Jesus did say in John 6 that whoso eats his flesh and drinks his blood shall have eternal life and he will raise them up on the last day. Are we supposed to interpret that as hyper literalistic? No! That is where the Roman Catholic heresy comes from.

He does go on to say that the Spirit gives life and the flesh profits nothing so he is not talking about literally eating his flesh and drinking his blood. He says that his words are spirit and life.

So use Jesus' words and explain to me from the bible how Jesus did not give us a symbol of his body and his blood in Matthew, Mark, and Luke when *he* instituted the Lord's Supper. I do not care what you have found outside of the bible. If you can't answer me with sound interpretation from the bible, I'm done interacting with you.
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Show me where Christ specifically said he was instituting a tradition, knowing that being nailed to the cross was going to end the traditions of men. That would be extremely hypocritical and contradictory of Him to do, don't ya think?

"For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed." ~John 6:55~

The word "indeed" means "of truth". What is Truth? The Bible says that the Word of God is Truth..John 17:17 and that the Spirit (Holy Ghost) is Truth..1 John 5:6..Mark 10:38... "But Jesus said unto them, Ye know not what ye ask: can ye drink of the CUP (The Cross/Death) that I drink of? and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with(Holy Ghost, NOT water)?"...Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this CUP (The Cross/Death) pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt." Our communion with Christ comes when we are baptized in Truth and become "witnesses" of that Truth. The word "WITNESSES" is #3144 Strong's in the Greek, and it means "MARTYR"...which is to be BLOOD baptized or put to death. When we are made partakers of Truth, we will drink from that cup, and we will know Christ in the power of His resurrection and in the fellowship of His sufferings.

The word "indeed" again is alethes and it means "of truth"; We eat and drink of Truth. This is the TRUE Communion the Bible speaks of. Communion is NOT crackers and juice, as most try to teach today. We partake of Communion when we partake of the Word/Truth. Jesus said I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Holy Ghost is also called the Spirit of Truth. The Bible says that God's Word is Truth. Eat flesh and drink blood was an old ancient term that meant to undergo a death.
Matthew 26:26-28-- Jesus took bread and brake it and said. Take, eat, this is my body -- and he took the cup and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the new testament--

break bread - a Jewish term that meant to fellowship together
drink of a cup - an old testament idiom meaning to undergo a difficult ordeal (in particular, a violent death)

John 6:53 -- Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

"eat flesh and drink blood" - an ancient Jewish saying meaning to be satiated with a slaughter or participate in death; the blade of a sword was called the mouth and was said, "to eat flesh and drink blood" in battle.
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John 6:60, 63 -- (The disciples speaking) This is a hard saying; who can hear it? -- It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.

We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all -- he offered one sacrifice for sins -- by one offering he perfected forever them that are sanctified.
1 up, 7y
Paul the Apostle sc***ed up the whole teaching of Yeshua. He was brain washed - unfortunately. We have to go back to the original teaching and throw out all the patriarchal rubbish added later, including the terribly wrong translations from Greek into Latin and other languages .
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Easter is celebrated to remind us all to love each other as we would be loved, give to each other as we would receive and treat each other as we would like to be treated, it comes after that period of fasting, and true to His it's done, He's given us new life so that we can continue to show unconditional love to all and pass that love unto the generations yet to come, do have a blessed, safe and wonderful day :-)
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Easter is not communion, which we do to remind ourselves of His blood He shed for us. Easter is to celebrate that fact and the fact that He rose again.
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Wrong. Easter was created by man, Constantine who brought paganism, put a glossy coat on it, and called it Christian, with the justification that it was celebrating Christ. Christ Himself has a problem with a tradition in His name. Don't ya think it's rather contradictory, rather ironic, that the Man who came to do away with the tradition of men, is being celebrated, traditionally, for having done so. Easter is heresy, it's blasphemous and anyone who celebrates it, yes, I am shaming you.

Btw, the meme has the bread and wine on it, I was making it clear that Christ IS the bread and wine. Not those foolish things you see on the meme. Truth: Get with it.
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Soooooo do we have to celebrate Easter in the way it was created? Can't we in the way where we celebrate Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection for us?
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We live it every day by taking up our daily cross, daily dying to self. It's not some ceremonial bs. It's living every day knowing and understanding that God is absolutely sovereign and He wants all or none of us. God has chosen those whom He wills to follow His Son, Jesus Christ. Stop making Christ into a thing we do. Kill the flesh, kill the self. To die is gain, to live is Christ. God does the work of regeneration; we do not.

You do not celebrate easter at all. It's a disgrace to our Lord Jesus. Stop putting fleshly (man) spin on it. That's how this tradition started.
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It's not ceremonial the way I celebrate it. I don't suppose you think Christmas and Thanksgiving are fleshly? And I don't see a problem with praising God for the gift He gave...
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ALL those are pagan. Of course you don't see a problem with it. You are still very filled with self. Probably a nominal Christian who will get upset I said that because you also don't know that to be rebuked for error is actually a Godly thing, and that receiving said rebuke is also a Godly thing. What you worship is an American perversion of Christianity which makes it no Christianity at all.
1 up, 7y
Yes I so agree. Giving thanks to God, celebrating His birthday, and praising Him for saving us is so very selfish.
Oh by the way you're being very fleshly and selfish because you're using the internet and it was created by atheists.
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