- A-Smoking His Cigar (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- Abend-Sterne Walzer, Op.180 (Lanner, Joseph)
- Academic March (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- Ada Clare (Glover, Charles William)
- Ada Ray (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Adah Moline (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Adieu to America Waltzes (Jullien, Louis Antoine)
- The Aeolian March (Dodworth, Allen)
- L'Africaine, Op.1811 (Bellak, James)
- After Sundown (Winner, Septimus)
- Against the Stream (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Again (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- The Agnes May Quickstep (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Agnes May (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Ah! Do Not Forget (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Ah! Fondly I Remember (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Ah! I Remember That Sweet Hour (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway! (Foster, Stephen)
- Ah! Never Deem My Love Can Change (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Ah, My Heart (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Alas! My Love's Away (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Album Leaves (Kleber, Henry)
- All in a Hundred Years (Winner, Joseph Eastburn)
- All in the Mist of the Morning (Tucker, Henry L.)
- All the Year Round (Thomas, John Rogers)
- All Things are Beautiful (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- All's for the Best (Thomas, John Rogers)
- L'Allemande (Lanner, Joseph)
- Almost Persuaded (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Alone by the Sea-Side (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Alone on the Heather (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Alone, All Alone (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Alone, and at Home (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- The Alpine Horn (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Always of Thee (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- Am I Not True to Thee (Winner, Septimus)
- America Shall Aye Be Free, Op.55 (Hewitt, George Washington)
- American Anthems (Loretz, John M.)
- The American Boy (Hewitt, John Hill)
- The American Ensign (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- The American Flag (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- American National Anthems (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- American Quadrille (Jullien, Louis Antoine)
- Amilie Quadrilles (Dodworth, Allen)
- Amilie (Rooke, William Michael)
- Among the Hills of Maryland (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- Amy Robsart to the Earl of Leicester (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- An Elegiac Impromptu Fantasia (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)
- An Evening Prayer (Kleber, Henry)
- An Evening Reflection (Heinrich, Anthony Philip)
- An Hour at the Old Play Ground (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- Anadolia (Foster, Stephen)
- And Has She Then Failed in Her Truth (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- And Ye Shall Walk in Silk Attire! (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- And Yet I Am Not Happy (Winner, Septimus)
- Andy Veto (Work, Henry Clay)
- Angel Friends (Winner, Joseph Eastburn)
- Angel of My Dreams (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Angel Voices (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Angelina Baker (Foster, Stephen)
- The Angels Are Here (Tucker, Henry L.)
- The Angels Are Singing Unto Me (Foster, Stephen)
- Angels Guard My Little One (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Angels, Guide the Little Feet (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Angels, Roll the Rock Away! (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (Gevaert, François-Auguste)
- Anna Maryè (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Annie Law (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Annie Lee (Webster, Joseph Philbrick)
- Annie May (Kleber, Henry)
- Annie My Own Love (Foster, Stephen)
- Annie o' the Banks o' Dee (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- Annie of the Vale (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Apart! (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Apollo Waltz (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Apothicaire et perruquier (Offenbach, Jacques)
- Are You Angry Mother (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Arise and Shine! (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- The Arlington Waltzes (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Arrows of Cupid Waltz (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- As Dear to Day as Ever! (Winner, Septimus)
- As It Fell Upon a Day (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- As We Gathered in the Hay (Winner, Septimus)
- Atalanta Waltz (Kleber, Henry)
- Atlantic City Polka (Bellak, James)
- The Atlantic Galop (Jullien, Louis Antoine)
- The Atlantic Telegraph Schottisch (Kleber, Henry)
- The Attaché (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Aunt Harriet Becha Stowe (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Aurora Gallop (Hewitt, George Washington)
- Autumn Waltz (Foster, Stephen)
| A cont.
- B. P. & C. Polka (Kleber, Henry)
- The Babies on Our Block (Braham, David)
- Baby's Sweet Sleep (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Babylon Is Fallen! (Work, Henry Clay)
- The Bachelor's Button (Dodworth, Allen)
- Baisez-moi vite (Ilsley, E. Clarke)
- Ballad March (Bellak, James)
- The Balmoral Polka (Lanner, Joseph)
- The Baltimore Clipper Valse (Jullien, Louis Antoine)
- The Banjo (Winner, Septimus)
- Barbe-bleue (Offenbach, Jacques)
- The Barber of Seville (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Barkis Is Willin (Towne, T. Martin)
- Barney Machree (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Baron Fritz (Glover, Charles William)
- The Bashful Young Gentleman (Glover, Charles William)
- The Battle Cry of Freedom (Root, George Frederick)
- Battle Monument Waltz (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- The Battle of Sebastopol (Glover, Charles William)
- The Battle-Cry of Freedom (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Battle-Flag Polka (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Les bavards (Offenbach, Jacques)
- La Bayadere (Bellak, James)
- Be My Mother Till I Die (Coates, Elmer Ruan)
- Be Near to Me (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Be Neat and Tidy (Loretz, John M.)
- Be Quiet Do, I'll Call My Mother (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Be Still, Poor Heart! (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Be Watchful and Beware (Glover, Charles William)
- Beauregard's Charleston Quickstep (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Beauties of the South (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Beautiful Child of Song (Foster, Stephen)
- Beautiful Child (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Beautiful Dreamer (Foster, Stephen)
- Beautiful Dreams Linger Near Me (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Beautiful Highlands! (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Beautiful Isle of the Sea (Thomas, John Rogers)
- The Beautiful Maiden Just Over the Way (Root, George Frederick)
- Beautiful Moonlight (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- Beautiful Rose (Work, Henry Clay)
- Beautiful Snowdrops (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Beautiful Sunbeam (Glover, Charles William)
- Beautiful Venice! (Knight, Joseph Philip)
- Beautiful Wales (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Because You Told Me So (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- The Beckoning Hand (Root, Frederic Woodman)
- Belisario Waltz (Bellak, James)
- La belle Hélène (Offenbach, Jacques)
- Les Belles du Sud (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- La Bellona Polka de Concert (Kleber, Henry)
- Bells of Sabbath Morning (Root, Frederic Woodman)
- Ben Bolt's Waltz (Bellak, James)
- Beside the Sweet Shannon (Tucker, Henry L.)
- Bessie Lee (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Bessie, The Star of the Vale (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Bessie, Will You Love Me? (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- The Betrothed (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Better Days (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Better Luck To-morrow (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Better Times Are Coming (Foster, Stephen)
- Beyond (Root, Frederic Woodman)
- Bid me discourse (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Le Bijou (Kleber, Henry)
- The Billow of Fire! (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Bime Bome Bell Gallop (Bellak, James)
- The Bird and Mate (Winner, Septimus)
- Bird of the Angel Wing (Thomas, John Rogers)
- The Birdies' Ball (Winner, Septimus)
- The Birds and the Brook (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- The Birds Ball (Stults, Robert Morrison)
- The Birds Will Come Again (Thomas, John Rogers)
- The Birth of Green Erin (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Black Swan Set (Winner, Septimus)
- Blanche & Lisette (Glover, Charles William)
- Blessed Be the Lord (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Blest Christmas Morn (Root, Frederic Woodman)
- The Blind Girl to Her Harp (Glover, Stephen Ralph)
- The Blind Minstrel (Bishop, Henry Rowley)
- Blow the Horn for Supper Kate (Winner, Septimus)
- Blue-Eyed Bell (Thomas, John Rogers)
- Blue-Eyed Jeannie (Thomas, John Rogers)
- The Boarding School (Hewitt, John Hill)
- Bohemian Girl Quadrilles (Dodworth, Allen)
- Bohemian Girl Waltz, Op.180 (Bellak, James)
- Bohemian Girl (Bellak, James)
- Bohemian Polka (Dodworth, Allen)
- Le Boifeuillet (Schreiner, Hermann L.)
- Bolero (Dodworth, Allen)
- Bon Ton Polka, Op.65 (Bellak, James)
- Bonapo (Bliss, Philip Paul)
- Bonne Nouvelle (Loretz, John M.)
- Bonnie Bessie Gray (Glover, Charles William)
- Bonnie Jean O'Dair (Hays, William Shakespeare)
- Bonny Eloise (Thomas, John Rogers)
- The Borgia Valse (Jullien, Louis Antoine)
- Born at Sea, and a Sailor (Graham, Charles)