
13 Pins
12 Minute Tabata Workout
12 Minute Tabata Workout that works your legs, arms and core! Tried this...about died but great workout!
Your Four Week Faster 10k Training Plan
Yes you can get faster in just a month with this 4 week Faster 10k Training Program!
Full-Body Battle Rope Cardio Workout
Skip traditional cardio and try this HIIT full body battle rope cardio workout. You'll have fun while burning crazy calories and working on your upper body.
Discover the Body-Transforming Power of Battle Ropes
Those big ropes at the gym aren't as scary as you might think. Try these exercise tips to include ropes in your workout repertoire, and see the difference.
12 Week Fat Destroyer: Complete Fat Loss Workout & Diet Program
This is a complete 12 week program to help you get ripped. Feature includes detailed diet plan and cardio schedule, along with a 4 day upper/lower muscle building split.
Breaking Fat Formula - The Best Weight Loss Program For Women
The Best Weight Loss Program for women
Top Fitness Games and Activities
Fitness Monopoly-Each fitness game lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.. The creator also included a number of bodyweight exercise workouts which can be used anywhere when you do not have equipment. Six very neat ideas can be found on this website. Check it out!
Strawberry Wine Cake Truffles + Create Your Own Bootcamp Workout (Part Deux)
This might be a good idea if Some directions were given for each exercise.
7 Fun & Creative Workout Ideas
#4. The Popsicle Stick Workout -- This fun exercise idea makes everyday a new challenge!
UNO workout #FitnessFriday
UNO workout. It's like playing a game! Fun to do and perfect to do with the kids! #FitnessFriday
Top Fitness Games and Activities
Fitness Monopoly-Each fitness game lasts for 30 to 45 minutes.. The creator also included a number of bodyweight exercise workouts which can be used anywhere when you do not have equipment. Six very neat ideas can be found on this website. Check it out!